rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53738#1288372, @ebevhan wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53738#1288333, @rjmccall wrote:
> > In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53738#1287123, @ebevhan wrote:
> >
> > > In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53738#1284213, @rjmccall wrote:
> > >
> > > > Not out of line with other features that significantly break with 
> > > > what's expressible.  But the easy alternative to storing the 
> > > > intermediate "type" in the AST is to just provide a global function 
> > > > that can compute it on demand.
> > >
> > >
> > > Yeah, it might just be simpler to go the route of not storing the 
> > > computation semantic in the AST, at least for now. That's fairly similar 
> > > to the solution in the patch, so I feel a bit silly for just going around 
> > > in a circle.
> > >
> > > To make that work I think the patch needs some changes, though. There 
> > > should be a function in FixedPointSemantics to find the common 
> > > full-precision semantic between two semantics, and the 
> > > `getFixedPointSemantics` in ASTContext should be amended to take integer 
> > > types (or another method should be provided for this, but that one 
> > > already exists). I think that the `FixedPointConversions` method should 
> > > also be embedded into the rest of `UsualArithmeticConversions` as there 
> > > shouldn't be any need to have it separate. You still want to do the 
> > > rvalue conversion and other promotions, and the rules for fixed-point 
> > > still fit into the arithmetic conversions, even in the spec.
> > >
> > > `EmitFixedPointConversion` should be changed to take FixedPointSemantics 
> > > rather than QualType. This has a couple of downsides:
> > >
> > > - It can no longer handle floating point conversions. They would have to 
> > > be handled in EmitScalarConversion.
> > > - Conversion from integer is fine, but conversion to integer cannot be 
> > > generalized away with the fixed-point semantics as they are currently, as 
> > > that kind of conversion must round towards zero. This requires a rounding 
> > > step for negative numbers before downscaling, which the current code does 
> > > not do. Is there a better way of generalizing this?
> >
> >
> > `FixedPointSemantics` is free to do whatever is convenient for the 
> > representation; if it helps to make it able to explicitly represent an 
> > integral type — and then just assert that it's never in that form when it's 
> > used in certain places, I think that works.  Although you might consider 
> > making a `FixedPointOrIntegralSemantics` class and then making 
> > `FixedPointSemantics` a subclass which adds nothing to the representation 
> > but semantically asserts that it's representing a fixed-point type.
> It might just be simpler and a bit more general to add a 
> `DownscalingRoundsTowardZero` field to `FixedPointSemantics`, which specifies 
> that the source value should be rounded toward zero before downscaling. Then 
> conversion routines could handle the integer case explicitly. I'm not sure if 
> the field would be useful for anything else, though; it has a pretty specific 
> meaning.
> I think it's a bit odd to have `FixedPointSemantics` as a specialization of 
> something else, since technically integers are a specialization of 
> fixed-point values and not the other way around.

Well, it's not a specialization of "integer", it's a specialization of 
"fixed-point or integer".  It depends on how useful it ends up being to know 
that something statically isn't integral.

  rC Clang


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