ebevhan added a comment.

> The only thing I didn't include in this patch were the suggested changes to 
> FixedPointSemantics which would indicate if the semantics were original from 
> an integer type. I'm not sure how necessary this is because AFAIK the only 
> time we would need to care if the semantics came from an int is during 
> conversion from a fixed point type to an int, which should only occur during 
> casting and not binary operations. In that sense, I don't think this info 
> needs to be something bound to the semantics, but more to the conversion 
> operation. I also don't think that would be relevant for this patch since all 
> integers get converted to fixed point types anyway and not the other way 
> around.

> For the integer conversion though, I was going to add that in a separate 
> fixed-point-to-int and int-to-fixed-point patch.

Okay, that's fine! You're right in that the semantics commoning will never 
produce an integer semantic like that.

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/FixedPoint.cpp:129
+      std::max(NonFractBits, OtherNonFractBits) + CommonScale;
+  bool ResultIsSigned = isSigned() || Other.isSigned();
Does this properly compensate for types of equal width but different signedness?

If you have a signed 8-bit 7-scale fixed point number, and operate with an 
unsigned 8-bit integer, you'll get CommonWidth=15 and CommonScale=7, leaving 8 
bits of integral. But the MSB in that cannot both be sign bit and unsigned MSB 
at the same time. I think you need an extra bit.

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/FixedPoint.cpp:135
+    ResultHasUnsignedPadding =
+        hasUnsignedPadding() || Other.hasUnsignedPadding();
If one has padding but the other doesn't, then the padding must be significant, 
so the full precision semantic cannot have padding.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp:3385
+  if (IsCommonSaturated)
+    CommonFixedSema.setSaturated(false);
Can EmitFixedPointConversion not determine this on its own?

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp:3387
+  // Convert and align the operands.
+  Value *LHSAligned = EmitFixedPointConversion(
'align' usually means something else. Maybe 'Convert the operands to the full 
precision type' and 'FullLHS'?

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp:1306
+    OtherTy = ResultTy;
+  }
Does this handle compound assignment? The other functions handle this specially.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp:1403
+  else if (RHSType->isFixedPointType())
+    return handleFixedPointConversion(*this, RHS, LHS, RHSType, LHSType);
Can this commutation be folded into the function to align it with the rest?

  rC Clang


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