rnk added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D54187#1289607, @aprantl wrote:

> It would be nice if instead of having a set of windows-only tests, we could 
> wrap cdb similar to llgdb.py wraps LLDB, so these tests run on all platforms. 
> If the Windows debugger is just too different for this to make sense, let me 
> know.

In the long run, I want to have both cross-debugger integration tests and 
debugger specific ones.

We're already having issues writing CHECK lines that match with both gdb and 
lldb. Take a look at asan.c, for example:

  // DEBUGGER: r
  // DEBUGGER: p s
  // CHECK: a =
  // DEBUGGER: p s.a[0]
  // CHECK: = 0
  // DEBUGGER: p s.a[1]
  // CHECK: = 1
  // DEBUGGER: p s.a[7]

It's written that way to avoid relying on format differences, and it's pretty 
limiting. See also the way that cdb prints decimal integers as "0n42". The 
wrapper would have to reformat cdb output or do... something, it's not clear 
what yet. Even simple commands like "break 13" would need a lot of work to 
translate into cdb commands. At least, I can never set breakpoints by line 
number manually in windbg. =P I always give up and do it by symbol name or by 
jamming __debugbreak() into the source as I've done here.

We've been talking about setting up debugger integration tests for years, and 
we have never done it, so I really just wanted to float the idea and do the 
absolute minimum amount of work to get it set up and running.


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