klimek added a comment.

In D28462#1405360 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D28462#1405360>, @MyDeveloperDay 

> I'm not a code owner here but we seem to be lacking people who are either 
> available, able, willing or allowed to approve code reviews for some of the 
> code in the clang-tooling (not just clang format).  The code owners do an 
> extremely good job at doing a deep review way beyond what many of the rest of 
> us are able to do..  They've been doing this for years having written may of 
> these tools in the first place, but I suspect other external pressures and 
> their phabricator activity suggests they have limited time to contribute at 
> present.
> As such code reviews for new features seem to sit unreviewed  and unaccepted 
> and yet the subscribers list and tokens, the pings and "whats blocking this" 
> comments would suggest that revisions such as these are wanted but sit for 
> weeks and months with no movement.
> It feels like we need more people reviewing code and approving code changes 
> otherwise these revisions bit rot or simply do not get into the tool. It 
> definitely will disenfranchise new developers from contributing, if it takes 
> months/years to get anything committed. But a shallow review by someone with 
> at least a little experience of this code is surely better than no review at 
> all. As such I'd like to volunteer to help review some of these items.

I don't think shallow reviews before having the architectural questions tied 
down would help a lot, as they in my experience create more opposition of 
change later on.

I fully agree that the state we're in is bad, and I'm truly sorry for us to 
have arrived here.

> Not all areas of clang have this same problem, I see areas of code which 
> sometimes don't even get a review, where buddies review each others code very 
> quickly, or where the time from creation to commit can be measured in hours 
> or days, not weeks or months. I'm unclear what makes commits here take so 
> long and good improvements lost. As such I don't think we get people 
> contributing to fixing bugs either because the time taken to get even a bug 
> landed seems quite great.

One of the differences is whether there is ahead-of-code-review-time agreement 
on the direction, and whether the code fits in well from an architectural point 
of view.
In clang-format we specifically do not want to support all possible features, 
but carefully weigh the upside of features against maintenance cost. Given that 
formatting is a prototypical bikeshed situation, I know that this is often 
subjective and thus really frustrating, and again, I'm truly sorry for it, but 
I don't have a good solution :(

> From what I understand as long as changes meet the guidelines set out about 
> adding new options, changes have tests and have proper documentation then we 
> should be free to approve and land those changes, The code owners have been 
> given time like the rest of us to review and in the event they don't like the 
> commit after the fact are free to submit a revision later or ask for further 
> modifications. (make sure you check the done message on each of their review 
> comments as you address them and ensure you leave a comment if you are not 
> going to do the suggested change and why)

I think there's consensus between folks responsible for clang-format that we do 
specifically not want all features. The question is not only whether the code 
follows guidelines and is documented and tested. All code incurs cost and that 
has to be weighted carefully against the benefits.

> As developers if we submit a revision we need to be prepared to look after 
> that change and address and defects that come in, we don't want people 
> driving by and dropping a patch that the code owners have to maintain, so 
> with committing come responsibility.
> I've personally been running with this patch in my clang format since 
> @VelocityRa  took it over, and from what I can tell it works well, I too 
> would like to see this landed.
> With that said @VelocityRa and this comment, I would ask that you add 
> something to the docs/ReleaseNotes.rst to show the addition of the new option 
> to clang-format, and if you make that change, rebase (I doubt anything else 
> was accepted in the meantime!) and send an updated revision I will add a LGTM 
> and accept the review (for what that is worth), this will give @djasper  and 
> @klimek  time to object to my proposal here.
> Assuming others are in agreement, lets do something to move at least this 
> forward.



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