klimek added a comment.

In D55170#1423941 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D55170#1423941>, @MyDeveloperDay 

> In D55170#1423798 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D55170#1423798>, @reuk wrote:
> > Thanks for the review, and for approving this PR. It's very much 
> > appreciated!
> >
> > I don't have merge rights - could someone commit this for me please?
> I'd actively encourage you to go get commit access, I think its much better 
> when the commit comes from the author.
> There just isn't enough people actively involved in clang-format (and other 
> tools) for us to get reviews even looked at (even for defects), we need more 
> people involved fixing defects and doing reviews, getting commit access shows 
> an intent to fix anything in that comes from your own review which is one of 
> the things the code owners push as being an objection to adding more code.

I'm sorry for not having a positive answer here, but I'm not in favor of this 
change. The style rule looks like it introduces arbitrary complexity at a point 
where I don't understand at all  how it matters. We cannot possibly support all 
style guides that come up with random variance. I do not think this option 
pulls its weight.



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