klimek added a comment.

In D55170#1431854 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D55170#1431854>, @MyDeveloperDay 

> > I'm sorry for not having a positive answer here, but I'm not in favor of 
> > this change. The style rule looks like it introduces arbitrary complexity 
> > at a point where I don't understand at all  how it matters. We cannot 
> > possibly support all style guides that come up with random variance. I do 
> > not think this option pulls its weight.
> So is this a personal opinion or based on a technical reason (other than the 
> normal mantra about risk & cost),

I don't think risk is what matters - in the end it's about cost, and cost is a 
very technical reason.

>   Could we give @reuk some positive feedback about what he needs to change in 
> this review to get this accepted? He has the other boxes checked about public 
> style etc..
> It may not be your preference but its not without some merit for those of us 
> who like to fine tune our style, if that can be done with minimal impact to 
> other styles and is well covered by tests, then can we at least have some 
> discussion first

I'm fine having a discussion - my main question is why this matters. This seems 
a lot more arbitrary than other things we have.

> @reuk please lets continue to fix this revision so it builds as I want to 
> pull it into
> https://github.com/mydeveloperday/clang-experimental
> As an aside, Wouldn't it be great if JUCE was a public style so you could 
> just say
> BasedOnStyle: JUCE
> Where that style defines what JUCE uses? I've always found this odd, I've 
> never understood why we only have Google,WebKit,Mozilla,LLVM, I would have 
> thought it would have been nice to have other big guns Microsoft,Qt generally 
> its only going to be a single function setting the defaults.
> I actually think a change like that would really help people so they don't 
> have to work out all the individual styles, it would help keep .clang-format 
> files small and neat and not full of a bunch of different options.
> Even if JUCE was based on another style say "Google" the code should really 
> be saying
> if (Style.isGoogleDerivedStyle())
>   ......
> and not
> Style == FormatStyle::Google
> When its specific to JUCE it would say
> if (Style.isJUCEDerivedStyle())
>   ......
> I know when using LLVM, that being able to have a .clang-format file that 
> just says
> BasedOnStyle: LLVM
> is really nice, I don't have to go work out what the LLVM style is, I just 
> get what the project defines, I think it would be great that anything that 
> passes the public style test for submissions should really be able to add 
> that kind of configuration.



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