hintonda marked an inline comment as done.
hintonda added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/llvm/AvoidCastInConditionalCheck.cpp:18
+AST_MATCHER(Expr, isMacroID) { return Node.getExprLoc().isMacroID(); }
+} // namespace ast_matchers
aaron.ballman wrote:
> hintonda wrote:
> > @aaron.ballman:  This matcher seems genuinely useful.  What do you think 
> > about moving it to ASTMatchers.h? 
> I think that adding something like this might be a good idea. We don't have 
> any notion of source locations in the AST matching syntax currently, and I'm 
> not certain whether that's a good thing or not here. I'm mildly uncomfortable 
> that this matcher operates on an `Expr` but then internally uses a source 
> location from that expression and I wonder if we would rather introduce 
> source location matching. For instance, what if the user cares about the 
> difference between `getExprLoc()` and `getBeginLoc()` for some reason?
Well, you can attach it to whatever you want, so I'm not sure that's a problem. 
 Alternatively, you have to check each location yourself.  In my case, that was 
multiple places, so putting it in the matcher cleaned up the code.

I need to verify it, but it seems that it triggered when any macros were in the 
range, but I need to look closer into that to understand the behavior.   I'll 
check it out and get back to you.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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