liutianle updated this revision to Diff 196195.



Index: test/CodeGen/avx512vlbf16-builtins.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGen/avx512vlbf16-builtins.c
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+//  RUN: %clang_cc1 -ffreestanding %s -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin \
+//  RUN:            -target-feature +avx512bf16 -target-feature \
+//  RUN:            +avx512vl -emit-llvm -o - -Wall -Werror | FileCheck %s
+#include <immintrin.h>
+__m128bh test_mm_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m128 A, __m128 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.128
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_cvtne2ps_pbh(A, B);
+__m128bh test_mm_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m128 A, __m128 B, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.128
+  // CHECK: select <8 x i1> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(U, A, B);
+__m128bh test_mm_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m128bh C, __mmask8 U, __m128 A, __m128 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.128
+  // CHECK: select <8 x i1> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(C, U, A, B);
+__m256bh test_mm256_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m256 A, __m256 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.256
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_cvtne2ps_pbh(A, B);
+__m256bh test_mm256_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m256 A, __m256 B, __mmask16 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.256
+  // CHECK: select <16 x i1> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(U, A, B);
+__m256bh test_mm256_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m256bh C, __mmask16 U, __m256 A, __m256 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.256
+  // CHECK: select <16 x i1> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(C, U, A, B);
+__m512bh test_mm512_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m512 A, __m512 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: ret <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_cvtne2ps_pbh(A, B);
+__m512bh test_mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m512 A, __m512 B, __mmask32 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: select <32 x i1> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(U, A, B);
+__m512bh test_mm512_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m512bh C, __mmask32 U, __m512 A, __m512 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: select <32 x i1> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(C, U, A, B);
+__m128bh test_mm_cvtneps2bf16(__m128 A) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.mask.cvtneps2bf16.128
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_cvtneps_pbh(A);
+__m128bh test_mm_mask_cvtneps2bf16(__m128bh C, __mmask8 U, __m128 A) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_mask_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.mask.cvtneps2bf16.
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_mask_cvtneps_pbh(C, U, A);
+__m128bh test_mm_maskz_cvtneps2bf16(__m128 A, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_maskz_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.mask.cvtneps2bf16.128
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_maskz_cvtneps_pbh(U, A);
+__m128bh test_mm256_cvtneps2bf16(__m256 A) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtneps2bf16.256
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_cvtneps_pbh(A);
+__m128bh test_mm256_mask_cvtneps2bf16(__m128bh C, __mmask8 U, __m256 A) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_mask_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtneps2bf16.256
+  // CHECK: select <8 x i1> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_mask_cvtneps_pbh(C, U, A);
+__m128bh test_mm256_maskz_cvtneps2bf16(__m256 A, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_maskz_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtneps2bf16.256
+  // CHECK: select <8 x i1> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}, <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_maskz_cvtneps_pbh(U, A);
+__m128 test_mm_dpbf16_ps(__m128 D, __m128bh A, __m128bh B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.128
+  // CHECK: ret <4 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_dpbf16_ps(D, A, B);
+__m128 test_mm_maskz_dpbf16_ps(__m128 D, __m128bh A, __m128bh B, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_maskz_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.128
+  // CHECK: select <4 x i1> %{{.*}}, <4 x float> %{{.*}}, <4 x float> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <4 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_maskz_dpbf16_ps(U, D, A, B);
+__m128 test_mm_mask_dpbf16_ps(__m128 D, __m128bh A, __m128bh B, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm_mask_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.128
+  // CHECK: select <4 x i1> %{{.*}}, <4 x float> %{{.*}}, <4 x float> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <4 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm_mask_dpbf16_ps(D, U, A, B);
+__m256 test_mm256_dpbf16_ps(__m256 D, __m256bh A, __m256bh B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.256
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_dpbf16_ps(D, A, B);
+__m256 test_mm256_maskz_dpbf16_ps(__m256 D, __m256bh A, __m256bh B, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_maskz_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.256
+  // CHECK: select <8 x i1> %{{.*}}, <8 x float> %{{.*}}, <8 x float> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_maskz_dpbf16_ps(U, D, A, B);
+__m256 test_mm256_mask_dpbf16_ps(__m256 D, __m256bh A, __m256bh B, __mmask8 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm256_mask_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.256
+  // CHECK: select <8 x i1> %{{.*}}, <8 x float> %{{.*}}, <8 x float> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <8 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm256_mask_dpbf16_ps(D, U, A, B);
Index: test/CodeGen/avx512bf16-builtins.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGen/avx512bf16-builtins.c
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+//  RUN: %clang_cc1 -ffreestanding %s -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin \
+//  RUN:            -target-feature +avx512bf16 -emit-llvm -o - -Wall -Werror \
+//  RUN:            | FileCheck %s
+#include <immintrin.h>
+__m512bh test_mm512_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m512 A, __m512 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: ret <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_cvtne2ps_pbh(A, B);
+__m512bh test_mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m512 A, __m512 B, __mmask32 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: select <32 x i1> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(U, A, B);
+__m512bh test_mm512_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16(__m512bh C, __mmask32 U, __m512 A, __m512 B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_mask_cvtne2ps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtne2ps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: select <32 x i1> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}, <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <32 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(C, U, A, B);
+__m256bh test_mm512_cvtneps2bf16(__m512 A) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtneps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_cvtneps_pbh(A);
+__m256bh test_mm512_mask_cvtneps2bf16(__m256bh C, __mmask16 U, __m512 A) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_mask_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtneps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: select <16 x i1> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_mask_cvtneps_pbh(C, U, A);
+__m256bh test_mm512_maskz_cvtneps2bf16(__m512 A, __mmask16 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_maskz_cvtneps2bf16
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.cvtneps2bf16.512
+  // CHECK: select <16 x i1> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}, <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x i16> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_maskz_cvtneps_pbh(U, A);
+__m512 test_mm512_dpbf16_ps(__m512 D, __m512bh A, __m512bh B) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.512
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_dpbf16_ps(D, A, B);
+__m512 test_mm512_maskz_dpbf16_ps(__m512 D, __m512bh A, __m512bh B, __mmask16 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_maskz_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.512
+  // CHECK: select <16 x i1> %{{.*}}, <16 x float> %{{.*}}, <16 x float> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_maskz_dpbf16_ps(U, D, A, B);
+__m512 test_mm512_mask_dpbf16_ps(__m512 D, __m512bh A, __m512bh B, __mmask16 U) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @test_mm512_mask_dpbf16_ps
+  // CHECK: @llvm.x86.avx512bf16.dpbf16ps.512
+  // CHECK: select <16 x i1> %{{.*}}, <16 x float> %{{.*}}, <16 x float> %{{.*}}
+  // CHECK: ret <16 x float> %{{.*}}
+  return _mm512_mask_dpbf16_ps(D, U, A, B);
Index: test/CodeGen/attr-target-x86.c
--- test/CodeGen/attr-target-x86.c
+++ test/CodeGen/attr-target-x86.c
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
 // CHECK: use_before_def{{.*}} #7
 // CHECK: #0 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+x87"
 // CHECK: #1 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="ivybridge" "target-features"="+avx,+cx16,+cx8,+f16c,+fsgsbase,+fxsr,+mmx,+pclmul,+popcnt,+rdrnd,+sahf,+sse,+sse2,+sse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+ssse3,+x87,+xsave,+xsaveopt"
-// CHECK: #2 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+x87,-aes,-avx,-avx2,-avx512bitalg,-avx512bw,-avx512cd,-avx512dq,-avx512er,-avx512f,-avx512ifma,-avx512pf,-avx512vbmi,-avx512vbmi2,-avx512vl,-avx512vnni,-avx512vpopcntdq,-f16c,-fma,-fma4,-gfni,-pclmul,-sha,-sse2,-sse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-sse4a,-ssse3,-vaes,-vpclmulqdq,-xop,-xsave,-xsaveopt"
+// CHECK: #2 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+x87,-aes,-avx,-avx2,-avx512bf16,-avx512bitalg,-avx512bw,-avx512cd,-avx512dq,-avx512er,-avx512f,-avx512ifma,-avx512pf,-avx512vbmi,-avx512vbmi2,-avx512vl,-avx512vnni,-avx512vpopcntdq,-f16c,-fma,-fma4,-gfni,-pclmul,-sha,-sse2,-sse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-sse4a,-ssse3,-vaes,-vpclmulqdq,-xop,-xsave,-xsaveopt"
 // CHECK: #3 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+mmx,+popcnt,+sse,+sse2,+sse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+ssse3,+x87"
-// CHECK: #4 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+x87,-avx,-avx2,-avx512bitalg,-avx512bw,-avx512cd,-avx512dq,-avx512er,-avx512f,-avx512ifma,-avx512pf,-avx512vbmi,-avx512vbmi2,-avx512vl,-avx512vnni,-avx512vpopcntdq,-f16c,-fma,-fma4,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-vaes,-vpclmulqdq,-xop,-xsave,-xsaveopt"
+// CHECK: #4 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+x87,-avx,-avx2,-avx512bf16,-avx512bitalg,-avx512bw,-avx512cd,-avx512dq,-avx512er,-avx512f,-avx512ifma,-avx512pf,-avx512vbmi,-avx512vbmi2,-avx512vl,-avx512vnni,-avx512vpopcntdq,-f16c,-fma,-fma4,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-vaes,-vpclmulqdq,-xop,-xsave,-xsaveopt"
 // CHECK: #5 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="ivybridge" "target-features"="+avx,+cx16,+cx8,+f16c,+fsgsbase,+fxsr,+mmx,+pclmul,+popcnt,+rdrnd,+sahf,+sse,+sse2,+sse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+ssse3,+x87,+xsave,+xsaveopt,-aes,-vaes"
 // CHECK: #6 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="i686" "target-features"="+cx8,+x87,-3dnow,-3dnowa,-mmx"
 // CHECK: #7 = {{.*}}"target-cpu"="lakemont" "target-features"="+cx8,+mmx"
Index: lib/Headers/immintrin.h
--- lib/Headers/immintrin.h
+++ lib/Headers/immintrin.h
@@ -181,6 +181,15 @@
 #include <avx512pfintrin.h>
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__AVX512BF16__)
+#include <avx512bf16intrin.h>
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || \
+    (defined(__AVX512VL__) && defined(__AVX512BF16__))
+#include <avx512vlbf16intrin.h>
 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__PKU__)
 #include <pkuintrin.h>
Index: lib/Headers/cpuid.h
--- lib/Headers/cpuid.h
+++ lib/Headers/cpuid.h
@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@
 #define bit_PCONFIG       0x00040000
 #define bit_IBT           0x00100000
+/* Features in %eax for leaf 7 sub-leaf 1 */
+#define bit_AVX512BF16    0x00000020
 /* Features in %eax for leaf 13 sub-leaf 1 */
 #define bit_XSAVEOPT    0x00000001
 #define bit_XSAVEC      0x00000002
Index: lib/Headers/avx512vlbf16intrin.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Headers/avx512vlbf16intrin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+/*===--------- avx512vlbf16intrin.h - AVX512_BF16 intrinsics ---------------===
+ *
+ * Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+ * See for license information.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+ *
+ *===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
+ */
+#ifndef __IMMINTRIN_H
+#error "Never use <avx512vlbf16intrin.h> directly; include <immintrin.h> instead."
+#ifndef __AVX512VLBF16INTRIN_H
+#define __AVX512VLBF16INTRIN_H
+typedef short __m128bh __attribute__((__vector_size__(16), __aligned__(16)));
+#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 \
+  __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, \
+                 __target__("avx512vl, avx512bf16"), __min_vector_width__(128)))
+#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256 \
+  __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, \
+                 __target__("avx512vl, avx512bf16"), __min_vector_width__(256)))
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] whose lower 64 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 64 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_cvtne2ps_pbh(__m128 __A, __m128 __B) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtne2ps2bf16_128((__v4sf) __A,
+                                                    (__v4sf) __B);
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __W
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A or __B, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] whose lower 64 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 64 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(__m128bh __W, __mmask8 __U, __m128 __A, __m128 __B) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_128((__mmask8)__U,
+                                             (__v8hi)_mm_cvtne2ps_pbh(__A, __B),
+                                             (__v8hi)__W);
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A or __B, 0 means zero.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] whose lower 64 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 64 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(__mmask8 __U, __m128 __A, __m128 __B) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_128((__mmask8)__U,
+                                             (__v8hi)_mm_cvtne2ps_pbh(__A, __B),
+                                             (__v8hi)_mm_setzero_si128());
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat] whose lower 128 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 128 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m256bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_cvtne2ps_pbh(__m256 __A, __m256 __B) {
+  return (__m256bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtne2ps2bf16_256((__v8sf) __A,
+                                                    (__v8sf) __B);
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __W
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 16-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A or __B, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat] whose lower 128 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 128 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m256bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(__m256bh __W, __mmask16 __U, __m256 __A, __m256 __B) {
+  return (__m256bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_256((__mmask16)__U,
+                                         (__v16hi)_mm256_cvtne2ps_pbh(__A, __B),
+                                         (__v16hi)__W);
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 16-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A or __B, 0 means zero.
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat] whose lower 128 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 128 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m256bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(__mmask16 __U, __m256 __A, __m256 __B) {
+  return (__m256bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_256((__mmask16)__U,
+                                         (__v16hi)_mm256_cvtne2ps_pbh(__A, __B),
+                                         (__v16hi)_mm256_setzero_si256());
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] whose lower 64 bits come from
+///    convertion of src, and higher 64 bits are 0.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_cvtneps_pbh(__m128 __A) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_128_mask((__v4sf) __A,
+                                                  (__v8hi)_mm_undefined_si128(),
+                                                  (__mmask8)-1);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __W
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] whose lower 64 bits come from
+///    convertion of src, and higher 64 bits are 0.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_mask_cvtneps_pbh(__m128bh __W, __mmask8 __U, __m128 __A) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_128_mask((__v4sf) __A,
+                                                        (__v8hi)__W,
+                                                        (__mmask8)__U);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A, 0 means 0.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] whose lower 64 bits come from
+///    convertion of src, and higher 64 bits are 0.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_maskz_cvtneps_pbh(__mmask8 __U, __m128 __A) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_128_mask((__v4sf) __A,
+                                                    (__v8hi)_mm_setzero_si128(),
+                                                    (__mmask8)__U);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] comes from convertion of src.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_cvtneps_pbh(__m256 __A) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_256((__v8sf)__A);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __W
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] comes from convertion of src.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_mask_cvtneps_pbh(__m128bh __W, __mmask8 __U, __m256 __A) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_128((__mmask8)__U,
+                                              (__v8hi)_mm256_cvtneps_pbh(__A),
+                                              (__v8hi)__W);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat] comes from convertion of src.
+static __inline__ __m128bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_maskz_cvtneps_pbh(__mmask8 __U, __m256 __A) {
+  return (__m128bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_128((__mmask8)__U,
+                                              (__v8hi)_mm256_cvtneps_pbh(__A),
+                                              (__v8hi)_mm_setzero_si128());
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_dpbf16_ps(__m128 __D, __m128bh __A, __m128bh __B) {
+  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_dpbf16ps_128((__v4sf)__D,
+                                             (__v4si)__A,
+                                             (__v4si)__B);
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A and __B's dot product, 0 means __D.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_mask_dpbf16_ps(__m128 __D, __mmask8 __U, __m128bh __A, __m128bh __B) {
+  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_selectps_128((__mmask8)__U,
+                                           (__v4sf)_mm_dpbf16_ps(__D, __A, __B),
+                                           (__v4sf)__D);
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 128-bit vector of [8 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A and __B's dot product, 0 means 0.
+/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+_mm_maskz_dpbf16_ps(__mmask8 __U, __m128 __D, __m128bh __A, __m128bh __B) {
+  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_selectps_128((__mmask8)__U,
+                                           (__v4sf)_mm_dpbf16_ps(__D, __A, __B),
+                                           (__v4sf)_mm_setzero_si128());
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [8 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m256 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_dpbf16_ps(__m256 __D, __m256bh __A, __m256bh __B) {
+  return (__m256)__builtin_ia32_dpbf16ps_256((__v8sf)__D,
+                                             (__v8si)__A,
+                                             (__v8si)__B);
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A and __B's dot product, 0 means __D.
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [8 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m256 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_mask_dpbf16_ps(__m256 __D, __mmask8 __U, __m256bh __A, __m256bh __B) {
+  return (__m256)__builtin_ia32_selectps_256((__mmask8)__U,
+                                        (__v8sf)_mm256_dpbf16_ps(__D, __A, __B),
+                                        (__v8sf)__D);
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 256-bit vector of [8 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A and __B's dot product, 0 means 0.
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [8 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m256 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
+_mm256_maskz_dpbf16_ps(__mmask8 __U, __m256 __D, __m256bh __A, __m256bh __B) {
+  return (__m256)__builtin_ia32_selectps_256((__mmask8)__U,
+                                        (__v8sf)_mm256_dpbf16_ps(__D, __A, __B),
+                                        (__v8sf)_mm256_setzero_si256());
+#undef __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
+#undef __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS256
Index: lib/Headers/avx512bf16intrin.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Headers/avx512bf16intrin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+/*===------------ avx512bf16intrin.h - AVX512_BF16 intrinsics --------------===
+ *
+ * Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+ * See for license information.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+ *
+ *===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
+ */
+#ifndef __IMMINTRIN_H
+#error "Never use <avx512bf16intrin.h> directly; include <immintrin.h> instead."
+#ifndef __AVX512BF16INTRIN_H
+#define __AVX512BF16INTRIN_H
+typedef short __m512bh __attribute__((__vector_size__(64), __aligned__(64)));
+typedef short __m256bh __attribute__((__vector_size__(32), __aligned__(32)));
+#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512 \
+  __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("avx512bf16"), \
+                 __min_vector_width__(512)))
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \returns A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat] whose lower 256 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 256 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m512bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_cvtne2ps_pbh(__m512 __A, __m512 __B) {
+  return (__m512bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtne2ps2bf16_512((__v16sf) __A,
+                                                    (__v16sf) __B);
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __W
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 32-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A or __B, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat] whose lower 256 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 256 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m512bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_mask_cvtne2ps_pbh(__m512bh __W, __mmask32 __U, __m512 __A, __m512 __B) {
+  return (__m512bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_512((__mmask32)__U,
+                                        (__v32hi)_mm512_cvtne2ps_pbh(__A, __B),
+                                        (__v32hi)__W);
+/// Convert Two Packed Single Data to One Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNE2PS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 32-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A or __B, 0 means zero.
+/// \returns A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat] whose lower 256 bits come from
+///    convertion of src2, and higher 256 bits come from conversion of src1.
+static __inline__ __m512bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_maskz_cvtne2ps_pbh(__mmask32 __U, __m512 __A, __m512 __B) {
+  return (__m512bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_512((__mmask32)__U,
+                                        (__v32hi)_mm512_cvtne2ps_pbh(__A, __B),
+                                        (__v32hi)_mm512_setzero_si512());
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat] come from convertion of src
+static __inline__ __m256bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_cvtneps_pbh(__m512 __A) {
+  return (__m256bh)__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_512((__v16sf) __A);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __W
+///    A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 16-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A, 0 means __W.
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat] come from convertion of src
+static __inline__ __m256bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_mask_cvtneps_pbh(__m256bh __W, __mmask16 __U, __m512 __A) {
+  return (__m256bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_256((__mmask16)__U,
+                                              (__v16hi)_mm512_cvtneps_pbh(__A),
+                                              (__v16hi)__W);
+/// Convert Packed Single Data to Packed BF16 Data.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTNEPS2BF16 </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 16-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A, 0 means zero.
+/// \returns A 256-bit vector of [16 x bfloat] come from convertion of src
+static __inline__ __m256bh __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_maskz_cvtneps_pbh(__mmask16 __U, __m512 __A) {
+  return (__m256bh)__builtin_ia32_selectw_256((__mmask16)__U,
+                                              (__v16hi)_mm512_cvtneps_pbh(__A),
+                                              (__v16hi)_mm256_setzero_si256());
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \returns A 512-bit vector of [16 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m512 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_dpbf16_ps(__m512 __D, __m512bh __A, __m512bh __B) {
+  return (__m512)__builtin_ia32_dpbf16ps_512((__v16sf) __D,
+                                             (__v16si) __A,
+                                             (__v16si) __B);
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 16-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A and __B's dot product, 0 means __D.
+/// \returns A 512-bit vector of [16 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m512 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_mask_dpbf16_ps(__m512 __D, __mmask16 __U, __m512bh __A, __m512bh __B) {
+  return (__m512)__builtin_ia32_selectps_512((__mmask16)__U,
+                                       (__v16sf)_mm512_dpbf16_ps(__D, __A, __B),
+                                       (__v16sf)__D);
+/// Dot Product of BF16 Pairs Accumulated into Packed Single Precision.
+/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
+/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPBF16PS </c> instructions.
+/// \param __A
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __B
+///    A 512-bit vector of [32 x bfloat].
+/// \param __D
+///    A 512-bit vector of [16 x float].
+/// \param __U
+///    An immediate value containing an 16-bit value specifying which element
+///    is choosed. 1 means __A and __B's dot product, 0 means 0.
+/// \returns A 512-bit vector of [16 x float] comes from  Dot Product of
+///  __A, __B and __D
+static __inline__ __m512 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
+_mm512_maskz_dpbf16_ps(__mmask16 __U, __m512 __D, __m512bh __A, __m512bh __B) {
+  return (__m512)__builtin_ia32_selectps_512((__mmask16)__U,
+                                       (__v16sf)_mm512_dpbf16_ps(__D, __A, __B),
+                                       (__v16sf)_mm512_setzero_si512());
+#undef __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS512
Index: lib/Headers/CMakeLists.txt
--- lib/Headers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lib/Headers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+  avx512bf16intrin.h
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
+  avx512vlbf16intrin.h
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
@@ -11764,6 +11764,14 @@
   case X86::BI__builtin_ia32_cmpordsd:
     return getCmpIntrinsicCall(Intrinsic::x86_sse2_cmp_sd, 7);
+// AVX512 bf16 intrinsics
+  case X86::BI__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_128_mask: {
+    Ops[2] = getMaskVecValue(*this, Ops[2],
+                             Ops[0]->getType()->getVectorNumElements());
+    Intrinsic::ID IID = Intrinsic::x86_avx512bf16_mask_cvtneps2bf16_128;
+    return Builder.CreateCall(CGM.getIntrinsic(IID), Ops);
+  }
   case X86::BI__emul:
   case X86::BI__emulu: {
     llvm::Type *Int64Ty = llvm::IntegerType::get(getLLVMContext(), 64);
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/X86.h
--- lib/Basic/Targets/X86.h
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/X86.h
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
   bool HasAVX512CD = false;
   bool HasAVX512VPOPCNTDQ = false;
   bool HasAVX512VNNI = false;
+  bool HasAVX512BF16 = false;
   bool HasAVX512ER = false;
   bool HasAVX512PF = false;
   bool HasAVX512DQ = false;
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp
--- lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp
@@ -521,6 +521,7 @@
                 Features["avx512ifma"] = Features["avx512vpopcntdq"] =
                     Features["avx512bitalg"] = Features["avx512vnni"] =
                         Features["avx512vbmi2"] = false;
+                        Features["avx512bf16"] = false;
@@ -652,12 +653,15 @@
              Name == "avx512dq" || Name == "avx512bw" || Name == "avx512vl" ||
              Name == "avx512vbmi" || Name == "avx512ifma" ||
              Name == "avx512vpopcntdq" || Name == "avx512bitalg" ||
+             Name == "avx512bf16" ||
              Name == "avx512vnni" || Name == "avx512vbmi2") {
     if (Enabled)
       setSSELevel(Features, AVX512F, Enabled);
     // Enable BWI instruction if VBMI/VBMI2/BITALG is being enabled.
     if ((Name.startswith("avx512vbmi") || Name == "avx512bitalg") && Enabled)
       Features["avx512bw"] = true;
+    if (Name == "avx512bf16" && Enabled)
+      Features["avx512bw"] = Features["avx512vl"] = true;
     // Also disable VBMI/VBMI2/BITALG if BWI is being disabled.
     if (Name == "avx512bw" && !Enabled)
       Features["avx512vbmi"] = Features["avx512vbmi2"] =
@@ -751,6 +755,8 @@
       HasAVX512VPOPCNTDQ = true;
     } else if (Feature == "+avx512vnni") {
       HasAVX512VNNI = true;
+    } else if (Feature == "+avx512bf16") {
+      HasAVX512BF16 = true;
     } else if (Feature == "+avx512er") {
       HasAVX512ER = true;
     } else if (Feature == "+avx512pf") {
@@ -1141,6 +1147,8 @@
   if (HasAVX512VNNI)
+  if (HasAVX512BF16)
+    Builder.defineMacro("__AVX512BF16__");
   if (HasAVX512ER)
   if (HasAVX512PF)
@@ -1305,6 +1313,7 @@
       .Case("avx512cd", true)
       .Case("avx512vpopcntdq", true)
       .Case("avx512vnni", true)
+      .Case("avx512bf16", true)
       .Case("avx512er", true)
       .Case("avx512pf", true)
       .Case("avx512dq", true)
@@ -1383,6 +1392,7 @@
       .Case("avx512cd", HasAVX512CD)
       .Case("avx512vpopcntdq", HasAVX512VPOPCNTDQ)
       .Case("avx512vnni", HasAVX512VNNI)
+      .Case("avx512bf16", HasAVX512BF16)
       .Case("avx512er", HasAVX512ER)
       .Case("avx512pf", HasAVX512PF)
       .Case("avx512dq", HasAVX512DQ)
Index: include/clang/Driver/
--- include/clang/Driver/
+++ include/clang/Driver/
@@ -2854,6 +2854,8 @@
 def mno_avx2 : Flag<["-"], "mno-avx2">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
 def mavx512f : Flag<["-"], "mavx512f">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
 def mno_avx512f : Flag<["-"], "mno-avx512f">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
+def mavx512bf16 : Flag<["-"], "mavx512bf16">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
+def mno_avx512bf16 : Flag<["-"], "mno-avx512bf16">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
 def mavx512bitalg : Flag<["-"], "mavx512bitalg">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
 def mno_avx512bitalg : Flag<["-"], "mno-avx512bitalg">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
 def mavx512bw : Flag<["-"], "mavx512bw">, Group<m_x86_Features_Group>;
Index: include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsX86.def
--- include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsX86.def
+++ include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsX86.def
@@ -1831,6 +1831,24 @@
 TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_vpmultishiftqb512, "V64cV64cV64c", "ncV:512:", "avx512vbmi")
 TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_vpmultishiftqb128, "V16cV16cV16c", "ncV:128:", "avx512vbmi,avx512vl")
 TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_vpmultishiftqb256, "V32cV32cV32c", "ncV:256:", "avx512vbmi,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_cvtne2ps2bf16_128, "V8sV4fV4f", "ncV:128:",
+                                                 "avx512bf16,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_cvtne2ps2bf16_256, "V16sV8fV8f", "ncV:256:",
+                                                 "avx512bf16,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_cvtne2ps2bf16_512, "V32sV16fV16f", "ncV:512:",
+                                                 "avx512bf16")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_128_mask, "V8sV4fV8sUc", "ncV:128:",
+                                                "avx512bf16,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_256, "V8sV8f", "ncV:256:",
+                                                "avx512bf16,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_cvtneps2bf16_512, "V16sV16f", "ncV:512:",
+                                                "avx512bf16")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_dpbf16ps_128, "V4fV4fV4iV4i", "ncV:128:",
+                                            "avx512bf16,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_dpbf16ps_256, "V8fV8fV8iV8i", "ncV:256:",
+                                            "avx512bf16,avx512vl")
+TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_dpbf16ps_512, "V16fV16fV16iV16i", "ncV:512:",
+                                            "avx512bf16")
 // generic select intrinsics
 TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_ia32_selectb_128, "V16cUsV16cV16c", "ncV:128:", "avx512bw,avx512vl")
Index: docs/ClangCommandLineReference.rst
--- docs/ClangCommandLineReference.rst
+++ docs/ClangCommandLineReference.rst
@@ -2610,6 +2610,8 @@
 .. option:: -mavx512bitalg, -mno-avx512bitalg
+.. option:: -mavx512bf16, -mno-avx512bf16
 .. option:: -mavx512bw, -mno-avx512bw
 .. option:: -mavx512cd, -mno-avx512cd
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