rsmith added a comment.

In D36357#1500949 <>, @Rakete1111 wrote:

> How should I do this? Do I just skip to the next `}`, or also take into 
> account  any additional scopes? Also does this mean that I skip and then 
> revert, because that seems pretty expensive?

It would be a little expensive, yes, but we'd only be doing it on codepaths 
where we're producing an error -- for an ill-formed program, it's OK to take 
more time in order to produce a better diagnostic. Skipping to the next `}` 
won't work, because `SkipUntil` will skip over pairs of brace-balanced tokens 
(so you'll skip past the `}` you're looking for), but skipping until the next 
`{` and then skipping to the `}` after it should work.

Comment at: clang/lib/Parse/ParseExprCXX.cpp:2996
+           GetLookAheadToken(4).is(tok::identifier))))) {
+      SourceLocation RightBracketLock = NextToken().getLocation();
+      // Warn if the non-capturing lambda isn't surrounded by parenthesis
rsmith wrote:
> `RightBracketLock` -> `RSquareLoc`
> (Our convention is to use `Loc` for "location" and to avoid the word 
> "bracket" because it means different things in different English dialects -- 
> usually `[]` in US English and usually `()` in UK English.)
`Lock` -> `Loc`. There's no `k` in "location" =)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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