rsmith added a comment.

In D36357#1501999 <>, @Rakete1111 wrote:

> In D36357#1501961 <>, @rsmith wrote:
> > In D36357#1500949 <>, @Rakete1111 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > How should I do this? Do I just skip to the next `}`, or also take into 
> > > account  any additional scopes? Also does this mean that I skip and then 
> > > revert, because that seems pretty expensive?
> >
> >
> > It would be a little expensive, yes, but we'd only be doing it on codepaths 
> > where we're producing an error -- for an ill-formed program, it's OK to 
> > take more time in order to produce a better diagnostic. Skipping to the 
> > next `}` won't work, because `SkipUntil` will skip over pairs of 
> > brace-balanced tokens (so you'll skip past the `}` you're looking for), but 
> > skipping until the next `{` and then skipping to the `}` after it should 
> > work.
> Hmm wouldn't this interact badly with `{}` in initializers?
>   []<int = {0}> {};
>   [](int = {0}) {};

Ouch. The first of these two seems like it won't work, since `SkipUntil` has no 
idea the angles are brackets. =( Getting this right is ... really hairy. Eg:

  []<bool = a<b>{} // end of lambda here?
                  >(){} // or here?

(The answer depends on whether `a` is a template.) And the same problem shows 
up in the //trailing-return-type// and the //requires-clause//.

How about this: `SkipUntil` an `{` or `<`. If you find a `<` first, don't 
attach a `FixItHint` to the diagnostic since we can't easily tell where to 
suggest putting the `)`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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