xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 205692.
xbolva00 added a comment.

Improved code, added const.




Index: test/SemaCXX/warn-xor-as-pow.cpp
--- test/SemaCXX/warn-xor-as-pow.cpp
+++ test/SemaCXX/warn-xor-as-pow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c -fsyntax-only -verify -Wxor-used-as-pow %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c -fsyntax-only -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++ -DKW_XOR -fsyntax-only -verify -Wxor-used-as-pow %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++ -DKW_XOR -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++ -DKW_XOR -fsyntax-only -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+#define FOOBAR(x, y) (x * y)
+#define XOR(x, y) (x ^ y)
+#define TWO 2
+#define TEN 10
+#define TWO_ULL 2ULL
+#define EPSILON 10 ^ -300
+void test(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
+  unsigned res;
+  res = a ^ 5;
+  res = 2 ^ b;
+  res = a ^ b;
+  res = 2 ^ -1;
+  res = 2 ^ 0; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 0' is 2; did you mean '1<<0' (1)?}}
+               // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:14}:"1"
+               // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 0' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 2 ^ 1; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 1' is 3; did you mean '1<<1' (2)?}}
+               // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:14}:"1<<1"
+               // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 1' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 2 ^ 2; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 2' is 0; did you mean '1<<2' (4)?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:14}:"1<<2"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 2' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 2 ^ 8; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 8' is 10; did you mean '1<<8' (256)?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:14}:"1<<8"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 8' to silence this warning}}
+  res = TWO ^ 8; // expected-warning {{result of 'TWO ^ 8' is 10; did you mean '1<<8' (256)?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:16}:"1<<8"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 8' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 2 ^ 16; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 16' is 18; did you mean '1<<16' (65536)?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:15}:"1<<16"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 16' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 2 ^ TEN; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ TEN' is 8; did you mean '1<<TEN' (1024)?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:16}:"1<<TEN"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ TEN' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 0x2 ^ 16;
+#if defined(KW_XOR)
+  res = 2 xor 16;
+  res = 2 ^ 0x4;
+  res = 2 ^ 04;
+  res = 0x2 ^ 10;
+  res = 02 ^ 10;
+  res = FOOBAR(2, 16);
+  res = 0b10 ^ 16;
+  res = 2 ^ 0b100;
+  res = XOR(2, 16);
+  unsigned char two = 2;
+  res = two ^ 16;
+  res = TWO_ULL ^ 16;
+  res = 2 ^ 32; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 32' is 34; did you mean '1<<32', but shift count >= width of type}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:15}:"1LL<<32"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 32' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 2 ^ 64; // expected-warning {{result of '2 ^ 64' is 66; did you mean '1<<64', but shift count >= width of type}}
+                // expected-note@-1 {{replace expression with '0x2 ^ 64' to silence this warning}}
+  res = EPSILON;
+  res = 10 ^ 0; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ 0' is 10; did you mean '1e0'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:15}:"1e0"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 0' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ 1; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ 1' is 11; did you mean '1e1'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:15}:"1e1"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 1' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ 2; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ 2' is 8; did you mean '1e2'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:15}:"1e2"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 2' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ 4; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ 4' is 14; did you mean '1e4'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:15}:"1e4"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 4' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ 10; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ 10' is 0; did you mean '1e10'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:16}:"1e10"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 10' to silence this warning}}
+  res = TEN ^ 10; // expected-warning {{result of 'TEN ^ 10' is 0; did you mean '1e10'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:17}:"1e10"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 10' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ 100; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ 100' is 110; did you mean '1e100'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:17}:"1e100"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ 100' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 0xA ^ 10;
+#if defined(KW_XOR)
+  res = 10 xor 10;
+  res = XOR(10, 10);
+  res = 10 ^ -1; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ -1' is 11; did you mean '1e-1'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:16}:"1e-1"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ -1' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ -7; // expected-warning {{result of '10 ^ -7' is 13; did you mean '1e-7'?}}
+  // CHECK: fix-it:"{{.*}}":{[[@LINE-1]]:9-[[@LINE-1]]:16}:"1e-7"
+  // expected-note@-2 {{replace expression with '0xA ^ -7' to silence this warning}}
+  res = 10 ^ (-7);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -10890,6 +10890,106 @@
   return GetSignedVectorType(vType);
+static void diagnoseXorMisusedAsPow(Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS,
+                                    SourceLocation Loc) {
+  // Do not diagnose macros.
+  if (Loc.isMacroID())
+    return;
+  bool Negative = false;
+  const auto *LHSInt = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(LHS.get());
+  const auto *RHSInt = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(RHS.get());
+  if (!LHSInt)
+    return;
+  if (!RHSInt) {
+    // Check negative literals.
+    if (!isa<UnaryOperator>(RHS.get()))
+      return;
+    const auto *UO = cast<UnaryOperator>(RHS.get());
+    if (UO->getOpcode() != UO_Minus)
+      return;
+    RHSInt = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(UO->getSubExpr());
+    if (!RHSInt)
+      return;
+    Negative = true;
+  }
+  if (LHSInt->getValue().getBitWidth() != RHSInt->getValue().getBitWidth())
+    return;
+  CharSourceRange OpRange = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(
+      LHSInt->getBeginLoc(), S.getLocForEndOfToken(RHSInt->getLocation()));
+  llvm::StringRef ExprStr =
+      Lexer::getSourceText(OpRange, S.getSourceManager(), S.getLangOpts());
+  if (S.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
+    // Do not diagnose if xor keyword is used.
+    if (ExprStr.find("xor") != llvm::StringRef::npos)
+      return;
+  }
+  const llvm::APInt &LeftSideValue = LHSInt->getValue();
+  const llvm::APInt &RightSideValue = RHSInt->getValue();
+  const llvm::APInt XorValue = LeftSideValue ^ RightSideValue;
+  std::string LHSStr = Lexer::getSourceText(
+      CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(LHSInt->getSourceRange()),
+      S.getSourceManager(), S.getLangOpts());
+  std::string RHSStr = Lexer::getSourceText(
+      CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(RHSInt->getSourceRange()),
+      S.getSourceManager(), S.getLangOpts());
+  int64_t RightSideIntValue = RightSideValue.getSExtValue();
+  if (Negative) {
+    RightSideIntValue = -RightSideIntValue;
+    RHSStr = "-" + RHSStr;
+  }
+  // Do not diagnose binary literals.
+  if (ExprStr.find("0b") != llvm::StringRef::npos)
+    return;
+  // Do not diagnose hexadecimal literals.
+  if (ExprStr.find("0x") != llvm::StringRef::npos)
+    return;
+  // Do not diagnose octal literals.
+  if ((LHSStr.size() > 1 && (LHSStr.find("0") == 0)) ||
+      (RHSStr.size() > 1 && (RHSStr.find("0") == 0)))
+    return;
+  if (LeftSideValue == 2 && RightSideIntValue >= 0) {
+    std::string SuggestedExpr = "1<<" + RHSStr;
+    bool Overflow = false;
+    llvm::APInt One = (LeftSideValue - 1);
+    llvm::APInt PowValue = One.sshl_ov(RightSideValue, Overflow);
+    if (Overflow) {
+      if (RightSideIntValue < 64)
+        S.Diag(Loc, diag::warn_xor_used_as_pow_shift_count_overflow)
+            << ExprStr << XorValue.toString(10, true) << SuggestedExpr
+            << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(OpRange, "1LL<<" + RHSStr);
+      else
+        S.Diag(Loc, diag::warn_xor_used_as_pow_shift_count_overflow)
+            << ExprStr << XorValue.toString(10, true) << SuggestedExpr;
+    } else {
+      S.Diag(Loc, diag::warn_xor_used_as_pow_base_two)
+          << ExprStr << XorValue.toString(10, true) << SuggestedExpr
+          << PowValue.toString(10, true)
+          << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(
+                 OpRange, (RightSideIntValue == 0) ? "1" : SuggestedExpr);
+    }
+    S.Diag(Loc, diag::note_xor_used_as_pow_silence) << ("0x2 ^ " + RHSStr);
+  } else if (LeftSideValue == 10) {
+    std::string SuggestedValue = "1e" + std::to_string(RightSideIntValue);
+    S.Diag(Loc, diag::warn_xor_used_as_pow_base_ten)
+        << ExprStr << XorValue.toString(10, true) << SuggestedValue
+        << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(OpRange, SuggestedValue);
+    S.Diag(Loc, diag::note_xor_used_as_pow_silence) << ("0xA ^ " + RHSStr);
+  }
 QualType Sema::CheckVectorLogicalOperands(ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS,
                                           SourceLocation Loc) {
   // Ensure that either both operands are of the same vector type, or
@@ -10933,6 +11033,9 @@
   if (Opc == BO_And)
     diagnoseLogicalNotOnLHSofCheck(*this, LHS, RHS, Loc, Opc);
+  if (Opc == BO_Xor)
+    diagnoseXorMisusedAsPow(*this, LHS, RHS, Loc);
   ExprResult LHSResult = LHS, RHSResult = RHS;
   QualType compType = UsualArithmeticConversions(LHSResult, RHSResult,
@@ -17123,4 +17226,4 @@
   return new (Context)
       ObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr(Version, AtLoc, RParen, Context.BoolTy);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -3302,6 +3302,18 @@
   "code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true">,
+def warn_xor_used_as_pow_base_two : Warning<
+  "result of '%0' is %1; did you mean '%2' (%3)?">,
+  InGroup<XorUsedAsPow>;
+def warn_xor_used_as_pow_shift_count_overflow : Warning<
+  "result of '%0' is %1; did you mean '%2', but shift count >= width of type">,
+  InGroup<XorUsedAsPow>;
+def warn_xor_used_as_pow_base_ten : Warning<
+  "result of '%0' is %1; did you mean '%2'?">,
+  InGroup<XorUsedAsPow>;
+def note_xor_used_as_pow_silence : Note<
+  "replace expression with '%0' to silence this warning">;
 def warn_null_pointer_compare : Warning<
     "comparison of %select{address of|function|array}0 '%1' %select{not |}2"
     "equal to a null pointer is always %select{true|false}2">,
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@
 def GNUUnionCast : DiagGroup<"gnu-union-cast">;
 def GNUVariableSizedTypeNotAtEnd : DiagGroup<"gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end">;
 def Varargs : DiagGroup<"varargs">;
+def XorUsedAsPow : DiagGroup<"xor-used-as-pow">;
 def Unsequenced : DiagGroup<"unsequenced">;
 // GCC name for -Wunsequenced
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