george.burgess.iv updated this revision to Diff 48111.
george.burgess.iv added a comment.

- Reworded docs update
- Added support for `reinterpret_cast`s of overloaded functions in both C and 
- Added general facility in `Sema` to query if an overloaded expression can 
resolve to being not-overloaded on its own (e.g. if it's an address-of function 
expression *and* it's the only addressable overload with the given name)

I made it generally available because there's a problem that this patch doesn't 
fix (will submit as separate phabricator review), and I suspect that this new 
functionality will be useful for solving that problem. Namely, the problem is 
template argument deduction (joy):

  template <typename Fn> int foo(Fn);
  void bar();
  void bar(int) __attribute__((enable_if(0, "")));
  int a = foo(bar); // cannot deduce `Fn` because `bar` is an overload.


Index: test/SemaCXX/enable_if.cpp
--- test/SemaCXX/enable_if.cpp
+++ test/SemaCXX/enable_if.cpp
@@ -253,3 +253,96 @@
     a = &noOvlNoCandidate; // expected-error{{cannot take address of function 'noOvlNoCandidate' becuase it has one or more non-tautological enable_if conditions}}
+namespace casting {
+using VoidFnTy = void (*)();
+void foo(void *c) __attribute__((enable_if(0, "")));
+void foo(int *c) __attribute__((enable_if(c, "")));
+void foo(char *c) __attribute__((enable_if(1, "")));
+void testIt() {
+  auto A = reinterpret_cast<VoidFnTy>(foo);
+  auto AAmp = reinterpret_cast<VoidFnTy>(&foo);
+  using VoidFooTy = void (*)(void *);
+  auto B = reinterpret_cast<VoidFooTy>(foo);
+  auto BAmp = reinterpret_cast<VoidFooTy>(&foo);
+  using IntFooTy = void (*)(int *);
+  auto C = reinterpret_cast<IntFooTy>(foo);
+  auto CAmp = reinterpret_cast<IntFooTy>(&foo);
+  using CharFooTy = void (*)(void *);
+  auto D = reinterpret_cast<CharFooTy>(foo);
+  auto DAmp = reinterpret_cast<CharFooTy>(&foo);
+void testItCStyle() {
+  auto A = (VoidFnTy)foo;
+  auto AAmp = (VoidFnTy)&foo;
+  using VoidFooTy = void (*)(void *);
+  auto B = (VoidFooTy)foo;
+  auto BAmp = (VoidFooTy)&foo;
+  using IntFooTy = void (*)(int *);
+  auto C = (IntFooTy)foo;
+  auto CAmp = (IntFooTy)&foo;
+  using CharFooTy = void (*)(void *);
+  auto D = (CharFooTy)foo;
+  auto DAmp = (CharFooTy)&foo;
+namespace casting_templates {
+template <typename T> void foo(T) {} // expected-note 4 {{candidate function}}
+void foo(int *c) __attribute__((enable_if(c, ""))); //expected-note 4 {{candidate function}}
+void foo(char *c) __attribute__((enable_if(c, ""))); //expected-note 4 {{candidate function}}
+void testIt() {
+  using IntFooTy = void (*)(int *);
+  auto A = reinterpret_cast<IntFooTy>(foo); // expected-error{{reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function 'foo' to type}}
+  auto ARef = reinterpret_cast<IntFooTy>(&foo); // expected-error{{reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function 'foo' to type}}
+  auto AExplicit = reinterpret_cast<IntFooTy>(foo<int*>);
+  using CharFooTy = void (*)(char *);
+  auto B = reinterpret_cast<CharFooTy>(foo); // expected-error{{reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function 'foo' to type}}
+  auto BRef = reinterpret_cast<CharFooTy>(&foo); // expected-error{{reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function 'foo' to type}}
+  auto BExplicit = reinterpret_cast<CharFooTy>(foo<char*>);
+void testItCStyle() {
+  // constexpr is usable here because all of these should become static_casts.
+  using IntFooTy = void (*)(int *);
+  constexpr auto A = (IntFooTy)foo;
+  constexpr auto ARef = (IntFooTy)&foo;
+  constexpr auto AExplicit = (IntFooTy)foo<int*>;
+  using CharFooTy = void (*)(char *);
+  constexpr auto B = (CharFooTy)foo;
+  constexpr auto BRef = (CharFooTy)&foo;
+  constexpr auto BExplicit = (CharFooTy)foo<char*>;
+  static_assert(A == ARef && ARef == AExplicit, "");
+  static_assert(B == BRef && BRef == BExplicit, "");
+namespace multiple_matches {
+using NoMatchTy = void (*)();
+void foo(float *c); //expected-note 4 {{candidate function}}
+void foo(int *c) __attribute__((enable_if(1, ""))); //expected-note 4 {{candidate function}}
+void foo(char *c) __attribute__((enable_if(1, ""))); //expected-note 4 {{candidate function}}
+void testIt() {
+  auto A = reinterpret_cast<NoMatchTy>(foo); // expected-error{{reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function 'foo' to type}}
+  auto ARef = reinterpret_cast<NoMatchTy>(&foo); // expected-error{{reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function 'foo' to type}}
+  auto C = (NoMatchTy)foo; // expected-error{{address of overloaded function 'foo' does not match required type 'void ()'}}
+  auto CRef = (NoMatchTy)&foo; // expected-error{{address of overloaded function 'foo' does not match required type 'void ()'}}
Index: test/Sema/pass-object-size.c
--- test/Sema/pass-object-size.c
+++ test/Sema/pass-object-size.c
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
   void (*p)(void *) = NotOverloaded; //expected-error{{cannot take address of function 'NotOverloaded' because parameter 1 has pass_object_size attribute}}
   void (*p2)(void *) = &NotOverloaded; //expected-error{{cannot take address of function 'NotOverloaded' because parameter 1 has pass_object_size attribute}}
-  void (*p3)(void *) = IsOverloaded; //expected-error{{initializing 'void (*)(void *)' with an expression of incompatible type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@-6{{candidate address cannot be taken because parameter 1 has pass_object_size attribute}} expected-note@-5{{type mismatch}}
-  void (*p4)(void *) = &IsOverloaded; //expected-error{{initializing 'void (*)(void *)' with an expression of incompatible type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@-7{{candidate address cannot be taken because parameter 1 has pass_object_size attribute}} expected-note@-6{{type mismatch}}
+  void (*p3)(void *) = IsOverloaded; //expected-warning{{incompatible pointer types initializing 'void (*)(void *)' with an expression of type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@-6{{candidate address cannot be taken because parameter 1 has pass_object_size attribute}} expected-note@-5{{type mismatch}}
+  void (*p4)(void *) = &IsOverloaded; //expected-warning{{incompatible pointer types initializing 'void (*)(void *)' with an expression of type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@-7{{candidate address cannot be taken because parameter 1 has pass_object_size attribute}} expected-note@-6{{type mismatch}}
   void (*p5)(char *) = IsOverloaded;
   void (*p6)(char *) = &IsOverloaded;
Index: test/Sema/overloadable.c
--- test/Sema/overloadable.c
+++ test/Sema/overloadable.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s -Wincompatible-pointer-types
 int var __attribute__((overloadable)); // expected-error{{'overloadable' attribute only applies to functions}}
 void params(void) __attribute__((overloadable(12))); // expected-error {{'overloadable' attribute takes no arguments}}
@@ -99,3 +99,26 @@
   unsigned char *c;
+// Ensure that we allow C-specific type conversions in C
+void fn_type_conversions() {
+  void foo(void *c) __attribute__((overloadable));
+  void foo(char *c) __attribute__((overloadable));
+  void (*ptr1)(void *) = &foo;
+  void (*ptr2)(char *) = &foo;
+  void (*ambiguous)(int *) = &foo; // expected-error{{initializing 'void (*)(int *)' with an expression of incompatible type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@105{{candidate function}} expected-note@106{{candidate function}}
+  void *vp_ambiguous = &foo; // expected-error{{initializing 'void *' with an expression of incompatible type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@105{{candidate function}} expected-note@106{{candidate function}}
+  void (*specific1)(int *) = (void (*)(void *))&foo; // expected-warning{{incompatible pointer types initializing 'void (*)(int *)' with an expression of type 'void (*)(void *)'}}
+  void *specific2 = (void (*)(void *))&foo;
+  void disabled(void *c) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(0, "")));
+  void disabled(int *c) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(c, "")));
+  void disabled(char *c) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(1, "The function name lies.")));
+  // To be clear, these should all point to the last overload of 'disabled'
+  void (*dptr1)(char *c) = &disabled;
+  void (*dptr2)(void *c) = &disabled; // expected-warning{{incompatible pointer types initializing 'void (*)(void *)' with an expression of type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@115{{candidate function made ineligible by enable_if}} expected-note@116{{candidate function made ineligible by enable_if}} expected-note@117{{candidate function has type mismatch at 1st parameter (expected 'void *' but has 'char *')}}
+  void (*dptr3)(int *c) = &disabled; // expected-warning{{incompatible pointer types initializing 'void (*)(int *)' with an expression of type '<overloaded function type>'}} expected-note@115{{candidate function made ineligible by enable_if}} expected-note@116{{candidate function made ineligible by enable_if}} expected-note@117{{candidate function has type mismatch at 1st parameter (expected 'int *' but has 'char *')}}
+  void *specific_disabled = &disabled;
Index: test/CodeGen/overloadable.c
--- test/CodeGen/overloadable.c
+++ test/CodeGen/overloadable.c
@@ -29,3 +29,33 @@
   cdv = f(cdv);
   vv = f(vv);
+// Ensuring that we pick the correct function for taking the address of an
+// overload when conversions are involved.
+void addrof_many(int *a) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(0, "")));
+void addrof_many(void *a) __attribute__((overloadable));
+void addrof_many(char *a) __attribute__((overloadable));
+void addrof_single(int *a) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(0, "")));
+void addrof_single(char *a) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(0, "")));
+void addrof_single(char *a) __attribute__((overloadable));
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @foo
+void foo() {
+  // CHECK: store void (i8*)* @_Z11addrof_manyPc
+  void (*p1)(char *) = &addrof_many;
+  // CHECK: store void (i8*)* @_Z11addrof_manyPv
+  void (*p2)(void *) = &addrof_many;
+  // CHECK: void (i8*)* @_Z11addrof_manyPc
+  void *vp1 = (void (*)(char *)) & addrof_many;
+  // CHECK: void (i8*)* @_Z11addrof_manyPv
+  void *vp2 = (void (*)(void *)) & addrof_many;
+  // CHECK: store void (i8*)* @_Z13addrof_singlePc
+  void (*p3)(char *) = &addrof_single;
+  // CHECK: @_Z13addrof_singlePc
+  void (*p4)(int *) = &addrof_single;
+  // CHECK: @_Z13addrof_singlePc
+  void *vp3 = &addrof_single;
Index: lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -8484,7 +8484,7 @@
 // Cand1's first N enable_if attributes have precisely the same conditions as
 // Cand2's first N enable_if attributes (where N = the number of enable_if
 // attributes on Cand2), and Cand1 has more than N enable_if attributes.
-static bool hasBetterEnableIfAttrs(Sema &S, const FunctionDecl *Cand1,
+static bool hasBetterEnableIfAttrs(const Sema &S, const FunctionDecl *Cand1,
                                    const FunctionDecl *Cand2) {
   // FIXME: The next several lines are just
@@ -10211,14 +10211,15 @@
   const QualType& TargetType; 
   QualType TargetFunctionType; // Extracted function type from target type 
-  bool Complain;
   //DeclAccessPair& ResultFunctionAccessPair;
   ASTContext& Context;
+  bool Complain;
   bool TargetTypeIsNonStaticMemberFunction;
   bool FoundNonTemplateFunction;
   bool StaticMemberFunctionFromBoundPointer;
   bool HasComplained;
+  bool RequireExactType;
   OverloadExpr::FindResult OvlExprInfo; 
   OverloadExpr *OvlExpr;
@@ -10228,14 +10229,16 @@
   AddressOfFunctionResolver(Sema &S, Expr *SourceExpr,
-                            const QualType &TargetType, bool Complain)
+                            const QualType &TargetType, bool Complain,
+                            bool NeedExactMatch)
       : S(S), SourceExpr(SourceExpr), TargetType(TargetType),
-        Complain(Complain), Context(S.getASTContext()),
+        Context(S.getASTContext()), Complain(Complain),
+        RequireExactType(NeedExactMatch),
         FailedCandidates(OvlExpr->getNameLoc(), /*ForTakingAddress=*/true) {
@@ -10290,13 +10293,25 @@
   bool hasComplained() const { return HasComplained; }
-  // Is A considered a better overload candidate for the desired type than B?
+  bool candidateHasExactlyCorrectType(const FunctionDecl *FD) {
+    QualType Discard;
+    return Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(TargetFunctionType, FD->getType()) ||
+           S.IsNoReturnConversion(FD->getType(), TargetFunctionType, Discard);
+  }
+  /// \return true if A is considered a better overload candidate for the
+  /// desired type than B.
   bool isBetterCandidate(const FunctionDecl *A, const FunctionDecl *B) {
-    return hasBetterEnableIfAttrs(S, A, B);
+    // If A doesn't have exactly the correct type, we don't want to classify it
+    // as "better" than anything else. This way, the user is required to
+    // disambiguate for us if there are multiple candidates and no exact match.
+    return candidateHasExactlyCorrectType(A) &&
+           (!candidateHasExactlyCorrectType(B) ||
+            hasBetterEnableIfAttrs(S, A, B));
-  // Returns true if we've eliminated any (read: all but one) candidates, false
-  // otherwise.
+  /// \return true if we were able to eliminate all but one overload candidate,
+  /// false otherwise.
   bool eliminiateSuboptimalOverloadCandidates() {
     // Same algorithm as overload resolution -- one pass to pick the "best",
     // another pass to be sure that nothing is better than the best.
@@ -10409,12 +10424,7 @@
       if (!S.checkAddressOfFunctionIsAvailable(FunDecl))
         return false;
-      QualType ResultTy;
-      if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(TargetFunctionType, 
-                                         FunDecl->getType()) ||
-          S.IsNoReturnConversion(FunDecl->getType(), TargetFunctionType,
-                                 ResultTy) ||
-          (!S.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && TargetType->isVoidPointerType())) {
+      if (!RequireExactType || candidateHasExactlyCorrectType(FunDecl)) {
             CurAccessFunPair, cast<FunctionDecl>(FunDecl->getCanonicalDecl())));
         FoundNonTemplateFunction = true;
@@ -10589,41 +10599,22 @@
-/// ResolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction - Try to resolve the address of
-/// an overloaded function (C++ [over.over]), where @p From is an
-/// expression with overloaded function type and @p ToType is the type
-/// we're trying to resolve to. For example:
-/// @code
-/// int f(double);
-/// int f(int);
-/// int (*pfd)(double) = f; // selects f(double)
-/// @endcode
-/// This routine returns the resulting FunctionDecl if it could be
-/// resolved, and NULL otherwise. When @p Complain is true, this
-/// routine will emit diagnostics if there is an error.
-FunctionDecl *
-Sema::ResolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction(Expr *AddressOfExpr,
-                                         QualType TargetType,
-                                         bool Complain,
-                                         DeclAccessPair &FoundResult,
-                                         bool *pHadMultipleCandidates) {
-  assert(AddressOfExpr->getType() == Context.OverloadTy);
+static FunctionDecl *resolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction(
+    Sema &S, Expr *AddressOfExpr, QualType TargetType, bool NeedExactMatch,
+    bool Complain, DeclAccessPair &FoundResult, bool *pHadMultipleCandidates) {
+  assert(AddressOfExpr->getType() == S.Context.OverloadTy);
-  AddressOfFunctionResolver Resolver(*this, AddressOfExpr, TargetType,
-                                     Complain);
+  AddressOfFunctionResolver Resolver(S, AddressOfExpr, TargetType, Complain,
+                                     NeedExactMatch);
   int NumMatches = Resolver.getNumMatches();
   FunctionDecl *Fn = nullptr;
   bool ShouldComplain = Complain && !Resolver.hasComplained();
   if (NumMatches == 0 && ShouldComplain) {
     if (Resolver.IsInvalidFormOfPointerToMemberFunction())
-  }
-  else if (NumMatches > 1 && ShouldComplain)
+  } else if (NumMatches > 1 && ShouldComplain)
   else if (NumMatches == 1) {
     Fn = Resolver.getMatchingFunctionDecl();
@@ -10633,15 +10624,69 @@
       if (Resolver.IsStaticMemberFunctionFromBoundPointer())
-        CheckAddressOfMemberAccess(AddressOfExpr, FoundResult);
+        S.CheckAddressOfMemberAccess(AddressOfExpr, FoundResult);
   if (pHadMultipleCandidates)
     *pHadMultipleCandidates = Resolver.hadMultipleCandidates();
   return Fn;
+/// ResolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction - Try to resolve the address of
+/// an overloaded function (C++ [over.over]), where @p From is an
+/// expression with overloaded function type and @p ToType is the type
+/// we're trying to resolve to. For example:
+/// @code
+/// int f(double);
+/// int f(int);
+/// int (*pfd)(double) = f; // selects f(double)
+/// @endcode
+/// This routine returns the resulting FunctionDecl if it could be
+/// resolved, and NULL otherwise. When @p Complain is true, this
+/// routine will emit diagnostics if there is an error.
+FunctionDecl *
+Sema::ResolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction(Expr *AddressOfExpr,
+                                         QualType TargetType,
+                                         bool Complain,
+                                         DeclAccessPair &FoundResult,
+                                         bool *pHadMultipleCandidates) {
+  return ::resolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction(
+      *this, AddressOfExpr, TargetType,
+      /*NeedExactMatch=*/getLangOpts().CPlusPlus, Complain, FoundResult,
+      pHadMultipleCandidates);
+/// \brief Given an expression that refers to an overloaded function, try to
+/// resolve that function to a single function that can have its address taken.
+/// This routine can only realistically succeed if all but one candidates in the
+/// overload set for SrcExpr cannot have their addresses taken.
+bool Sema::resolveAndFixAddressOfOnlyViableOverloadCandidate(
+    ExprResult &SrcExpr, bool Complain, bool *pHadMultipleCandidates) {
+  DeclAccessPair FoundResult;
+  FunctionDecl *Result = ::resolveAddressOfOverloadedFunction(
+      *this, SrcExpr.get(), Context.VoidPtrTy, /*NeedExactMatch=*/false,
+      Complain, FoundResult, pHadMultipleCandidates);
+  if (!Result)
+    return false;
+  Expr *E = FixOverloadedFunctionReference(SrcExpr.get(), FoundResult, Result);
+  if (E->getType()->isFunctionType()) {
+    ExprResult Conv = DefaultFunctionArrayConversion(E, /*Diagnose=*/false);
+    if (Conv.isInvalid())
+      return false;
+    E = Conv.get();
+  }
+  SrcExpr = E;
+  return true;
 /// \brief Given an expression that refers to an overloaded function, try to
 /// resolve that overloaded function expression down to a single function.
Index: lib/Sema/SemaCast.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaCast.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaCast.cpp
@@ -1750,6 +1750,30 @@
+static bool fixOverloadedReinterpretCastExpr(Sema &Self, QualType DestType,
+                                             ExprResult &Result) {
+  // We can only fix an overloaded reinterpret_cast if
+  // - it is a template with explicit arguments that resolves to an lvalue
+  //   unambiguously, or
+  // - it is the only function in an overload set that may have its address
+  //   taken.
+  ExprResult Saved = Result;
+  // TODO: what if this fails because of DiagnoseUseOfDecl or something
+  // like it?
+  if (Self.ResolveAndFixSingleFunctionTemplateSpecialization(
+          Result,
+          Expr::getValueKindForType(DestType) == VK_RValue // Convert Fun to Ptr
+          ) &&
+      Result.isUsable())
+    return true;
+  // No guarantees that Result is sane if the above call fails.
+  Result = Saved;
+  return Self.resolveAndFixAddressOfOnlyViableOverloadCandidate(
+      Result, /*Complain=*/false);
 static TryCastResult TryReinterpretCast(Sema &Self, ExprResult &SrcExpr,
                                         QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
                                         SourceRange OpRange,
@@ -1761,21 +1785,17 @@
   QualType SrcType = SrcExpr.get()->getType();
   // Is the source an overloaded name? (i.e. &foo)
-  // If so, reinterpret_cast can not help us here (13.4, p1, bullet 5) ...
+  // If so, reinterpret_cast generally can not help us here (13.4, p1, bullet 5)
   if (SrcType == Self.Context.OverloadTy) {
-    // ... unless foo<int> resolves to an lvalue unambiguously.
-    // TODO: what if this fails because of DiagnoseUseOfDecl or something
-    // like it?
-    ExprResult SingleFunctionExpr = SrcExpr;
-    if (Self.ResolveAndFixSingleFunctionTemplateSpecialization(
-          SingleFunctionExpr,
-          Expr::getValueKindForType(DestType) == VK_RValue // Convert Fun to Ptr 
-        ) && SingleFunctionExpr.isUsable()) {
-      SrcExpr = SingleFunctionExpr;
-      SrcType = SrcExpr.get()->getType();
-    } else {
+    ExprResult FixedExpr = SrcExpr;
+    if (!fixOverloadedReinterpretCastExpr(Self, DestType, FixedExpr))
       return TC_NotApplicable;
-    }
+    assert(FixedExpr.isUsable() && "Invalid result fixing overloaded expr");
+    assert(FixedExpr.get()->getType() != Self.Context.OverloadTy &&
+           "Fixing overloaded expr didn't resolve the overload");
+    SrcExpr = FixedExpr;
+    SrcType = SrcExpr.get()->getType();
   if (const ReferenceType *DestTypeTmp = DestType->getAs<ReferenceType>()) {
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -2503,6 +2503,10 @@
                                      DeclAccessPair &Found,
                                      bool *pHadMultipleCandidates = nullptr);
+  bool resolveAndFixAddressOfOnlyViableOverloadCandidate(
+      ExprResult &SrcExpr, bool Complain = false,
+      bool *pHadMultipleCandidates = nullptr);
   FunctionDecl *
   ResolveSingleFunctionTemplateSpecialization(OverloadExpr *ovl,
                                               bool Complain = false,
Index: include/clang/Basic/
--- include/clang/Basic/
+++ include/clang/Basic/
@@ -260,6 +260,29 @@
 not ODR-equivalent.
 Query for this feature with ``__has_attribute(enable_if)``.
+Note that functions with one or more ``enable_if`` attributes may not have
+their address taken, unless all of the conditions specified by said
+``enable_if`` are constants that evaluate to ``true``. For example:
+.. code-block:: c
+  const int TrueConstant = 1;
+  const int FalseConstant = 0;
+  int f(int a) __attribute__((enable_if(a > 0, "")));
+  int g(int a) __attribute__((enable_if(a == 0 || a != 0, "")));
+  int h(int a) __attribute__((enable_if(1, "")));
+  int i(int a) __attribute__((enable_if(TrueConstant, "")));
+  int j(int a) __attribute__((enable_if(FalseConstant, "")));
+  void fn() {
+    int (*ptr)(int);
+    ptr = &f; // error: 'a > 0' is not always true
+    ptr = &g; // error: 'a == 0 || a != 0' is not a truthy constant
+    ptr = &h; // OK -- 1 is a truthy constant
+    ptr = &i; // OK -- 'TrueConstant' is a truthy constant
+    ptr = &j; // error: 'FalseConstant' is a constant, but not truthy
+  }
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