hokein updated this revision to Diff 226414.
hokein marked 5 inline comments as done.
hokein added a comment.

- simplify the code, addressing comments;
- add unittests;

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SyncAPI.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SyncAPI.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SyncAPI.h
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 runFindDocumentHighlights(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos);
-runRename(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos, StringRef NewName);
+llvm::Expected<FileEdits> runRename(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File,
+                                    Position Pos, StringRef NewName);
 std::string runDumpAST(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File);
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SyncAPI.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SyncAPI.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SyncAPI.cpp
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
   return std::move(*Result);
-llvm::Expected<std::vector<TextEdit>> runRename(ClangdServer &Server,
-                                                PathRef File, Position Pos,
-                                                llvm::StringRef NewName) {
-  llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<std::vector<TextEdit>>> Result;
-  Server.rename(File, Pos, NewName, /*WantFormat=*/true, capture(Result));
+llvm::Expected<FileEdits> runRename(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File,
+                                    Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName) {
+  llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<FileEdits>> Result;
+  Server.rename(File, Pos, NewName, /*WantFormat=*/true,
+                /*DirtyBuffaer*/ nullptr, capture(Result));
   return std::move(*Result);
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
 #include "Annotations.h"
 #include "TestFS.h"
 #include "TestTU.h"
+#include "index/Ref.h"
 #include "refactor/Rename.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -18,9 +20,61 @@
 namespace clangd {
 namespace {
+using testing::Eq;
+using testing::Matches;
+MATCHER_P2(PairMatcher, KeyMatcher, ValueMatcher, "") {
+  return Matches(KeyMatcher)(arg.first()) && Matches(ValueMatcher)(arg.second);
 MATCHER_P2(RenameRange, Code, Range, "") {
   return replacementToEdit(Code, arg).range == Range;
+MATCHER_P2(EqualFileEdit, Code, Ranges, "") {
+  using ReplacementMatcher = testing::Matcher<tooling::Replacement>;
+  std::vector<ReplacementMatcher> Expected;
+  for (const auto &R : Ranges)
+    Expected.push_back(RenameRange(Code, R));
+  auto Matcher =
+      testing::internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<ReplacementMatcher>(
+          Expected.begin(), Expected.end());
+  return arg.InitialCode == Code && Matches(Matcher)(arg.Replacements);
+std::unique_ptr<RefSlab> buildRefSlab(const Annotations &Code,
+                                      llvm::StringRef SymbolName,
+                                      llvm::StringRef Path) {
+  RefSlab::Builder Builder;
+  TestTU TU;
+  TU.HeaderCode = Code.code();
+  auto Symbols = TU.headerSymbols();
+  const auto &SymbolID = findSymbol(Symbols, SymbolName).ID;
+  for (const auto &Range : Code.ranges()) {
+    Ref R;
+    R.Kind = RefKind::Reference;
+    R.Location.Start.setLine(Range.start.line);
+    R.Location.Start.setColumn(Range.start.character);
+    R.Location.End.setLine(Range.end.line);
+    R.Location.End.setColumn(Range.end.character);
+    auto U = URI::create(Path).toString();
+    R.Location.FileURI = U.c_str();
+    Builder.insert(SymbolID, R);
+  }
+  return std::make_unique<RefSlab>(std::move(Builder).build());
+RenameInputs renameInputs(const Annotations &Code, llvm::StringRef NewName,
+                          llvm::StringRef Path,
+                          const SymbolIndex *Index = nullptr,
+                          bool CrossFile = false) {
+  RenameInputs Inputs;
+  Inputs.Pos = Code.point();
+  Inputs.MainFileCode = Code.code();
+  Inputs.MainFilePath = Path;
+  Inputs.NewName = NewName;
+  Inputs.Index = Index;
+  Inputs.AllowCrossFile = CrossFile;
+  return Inputs;
 TEST(RenameTest, SingleFile) {
   struct Test {
@@ -80,10 +134,13 @@
     auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Code.code());
     auto AST = TU.build();
     auto RenameResult =
-        renameWithinFile(AST, testPath(TU.Filename), Code.point(), "abcde");
+        rename(AST, renameInputs(Code, "abcde", testPath(TU.Filename)));
     ASSERT_TRUE(bool(RenameResult)) << RenameResult.takeError();
-    auto ApplyResult =
-        tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code.code(), *RenameResult);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(RenameResult->size() == 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(Code.code(), RenameResult->begin()->second.InitialCode);
+    auto ApplyResult = tooling::applyAllReplacements(
+        Code.code(), RenameResult->begin()->second.Replacements);
     ASSERT_TRUE(bool(ApplyResult)) << ApplyResult.takeError();
     EXPECT_EQ(T.After, *ApplyResult) << T.Before;
@@ -177,28 +234,108 @@
     auto AST = TU.build();
-    auto Results = renameWithinFile(AST, testPath(TU.Filename), T.point(),
-                                    "dummyNewName", Case.Index);
+    auto Results = rename(AST, renameInputs(T, "dummyNewName",
+                                            testPath(TU.Filename), Case.Index));
     bool WantRename = true;
     if (T.ranges().empty())
       WantRename = false;
     if (!WantRename) {
       assert(Case.ErrorMessage && "Error message must be set!");
-      EXPECT_FALSE(Results) << "expected renameWithinFile returned an error: "
-                            << T.code();
+      EXPECT_FALSE(Results)
+          << "expected rename returned an error: " << T.code();
       auto ActualMessage = llvm::toString(Results.takeError());
       EXPECT_THAT(ActualMessage, testing::HasSubstr(Case.ErrorMessage));
     } else {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(bool(Results)) << "renameWithinFile returned an error: "
+      EXPECT_TRUE(bool(Results)) << "rename returned an error: "
                                  << llvm::toString(Results.takeError());
-      std::vector<testing::Matcher<tooling::Replacement>> Expected;
-      for (const auto &R : T.ranges())
-        Expected.push_back(RenameRange(TU.Code, R));
-      EXPECT_THAT(*Results, UnorderedElementsAreArray(Expected));
+      EXPECT_THAT(*Results,
+                  testing::UnorderedElementsAre(PairMatcher(
+                      testing::_, EqualFileEdit(T.code(), T.ranges()))));
+TEST(RenameTests, CrossFile) {
+  Annotations FooCode("class [[Foo]] {};");
+  std::string FooPath = testPath("foo.cc");
+  std::string FooDirtyBuffer =
+      (FooCode.code() + "\n// this is dirty buffer").str();
+  Annotations BarCode("void [[Bar]]() {}");
+  std::string BarPath = testPath("bar.cc");
+  // Build the index, the index has "Foo" references in foo.cc and "Bar"
+  // references from bar.cc.
+  FileSymbols FSymbols;
+  FSymbols.update(FooPath, nullptr, buildRefSlab(FooCode, "Foo", FooPath),
+                  nullptr, false);
+  FSymbols.update(BarPath, nullptr, buildRefSlab(BarCode, "Bar", BarPath),
+                  nullptr, false);
+  auto Index = FSymbols.buildIndex(IndexType::Light);
+  // Prepare the rename environment:
+  //   - dirty buffer for foo.cc;
+  //   - file on VFS for bar.cc;
+  Annotations MainCode("class  [[Fo^o]] {};");
+  auto MainFilePath = testPath("main.cc");
+  RenameInputs Input =
+      renameInputs(MainCode, "newName", MainFilePath, Index.get(),
+                   /*CrossFile*/ true);
+  Input.GetDirtyBuffer = [&](PathRef Path) -> llvm::Optional<std::string> {
+    if (Path == FooPath)
+      return FooDirtyBuffer;
+    return llvm::None;
+  };
+  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> MemFS(
+      new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
+  MemFS->addFile(testPath("bar.cc"), 0,
+                 llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(BarCode.code()));
+  Input.VFS = MemFS;
+  // Run rename on Foo, there is a dirty buffer for foo.cc, rename should
+  // respect the dirty buffer.
+  TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(MainCode.code());
+  auto AST = TU.build();
+  auto Results = rename(AST, Input);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(bool(Results)) << Results.takeError();
+      *Results,
+      testing::UnorderedElementsAre(
+          PairMatcher(Eq(FooPath),
+                      EqualFileEdit(FooDirtyBuffer, FooCode.ranges())),
+          PairMatcher(Eq(MainFilePath),
+                      EqualFileEdit(MainCode.code(), MainCode.ranges()))));
+  // Run rename on Bar, there is no dirty buffer for the affected file bar.cc,
+  // so we should read file content from VFS.
+  MainCode = Annotations("void [[Bar]]() { [[B^ar]](); }");
+  Input.MainFileCode = MainCode.code();
+  Input.Pos = MainCode.point();
+  TU = TestTU::withCode(MainCode.code());
+  AST = TU.build();
+  Results = rename(AST, Input);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(bool(Results)) << Results.takeError();
+      *Results,
+      testing::UnorderedElementsAre(
+          PairMatcher(Eq(BarPath),
+                      EqualFileEdit(BarCode.code(), BarCode.ranges())),
+          PairMatcher(Eq(MainFilePath),
+                      EqualFileEdit(MainCode.code(), MainCode.ranges()))));
+TEST(CrossFileRenameTests, CrossFileOnLocalSymbol) {
+  // cross-file rename should work for function-local symbols, even there is no
+  // index provided.
+  Annotations Code("void f(int [[abc]]) { [[a^bc]] = 3; }");
+  auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Code.code());
+  auto Path = testPath(TU.Filename);
+  auto AST = TU.build();
+  auto Results = rename(AST, renameInputs(Code, "abcde", Path));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(bool(Results)) << Results.takeError();
+  EXPECT_THAT(*Results,
+              testing::UnorderedElementsAre(PairMatcher(
+                  Eq(Path), EqualFileEdit(Code.code(), Code.ranges()))));
 } // namespace
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp
@@ -263,6 +263,13 @@
+opt<bool> CrossFileRename{
+    "cross-file-rename",
+    cat(Features),
+    desc("Enable cross-file rename feature."),
+    init(false),
 opt<unsigned> WorkerThreadsCount{
@@ -594,6 +601,7 @@
   Opts.StaticIndex = StaticIdx.get();
   Opts.AsyncThreadsCount = WorkerThreadsCount;
+  Opts.CrossFileRename = CrossFileRename;
   clangd::CodeCompleteOptions CCOpts;
   CCOpts.IncludeIneligibleResults = IncludeIneligibleResults;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Tweak.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Tweak.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Tweak.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     llvm::Optional<std::string> ShowMessage;
     /// A mapping from file path(the one used for accessing the underlying VFS)
     /// to edits.
-    llvm::StringMap<Edit> ApplyEdits;
+    FileEdits ApplyEdits;
     static Effect showMessage(StringRef S) {
       Effect E;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.h
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
+#include "Path.h"
 #include "Protocol.h"
+#include "SourceCode.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
@@ -18,13 +20,27 @@
 class ParsedAST;
 class SymbolIndex;
+using DirtyBufferGetter =
+    std::function<llvm::Optional<std::string>(PathRef Path)>;
+struct RenameInputs {
+  Position Pos; // the position triggering the rename
+  llvm::StringRef NewName;
+  llvm::StringRef MainFilePath;
+  llvm::StringRef MainFileCode;
+  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> VFS;
+  const SymbolIndex *Index = nullptr;
+  bool AllowCrossFile = false;
+  DirtyBufferGetter GetDirtyBuffer;
 /// Renames all occurrences of the symbol at \p Pos to \p NewName.
-/// Occurrences outside the current file are not modified.
-/// Returns an error if rename a symbol that's used in another file (per the
-/// index).
-renameWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef File, Position Pos,
-                 llvm::StringRef NewName, const SymbolIndex *Index = nullptr);
+/// If AllowCrossFile is false, returns an error if rename a symbol that's used
+/// in another file (per the index).
+llvm::Expected<FileEdits> rename(ParsedAST &AST, const RenameInputs &RInputs);
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
@@ -64,56 +64,83 @@
-  UsedOutsideFile,
+  UsedOutsideFile, // for within-file rename only.
-// Check the symbol Decl is renameable (per the index) within the file.
-llvm::Optional<ReasonToReject> renamableWithinFile(const Decl &RenameDecl,
-                                                   StringRef MainFile,
-                                                   const SymbolIndex *Index) {
+llvm::Optional<ReasonToReject> renameable(const Decl &RenameDecl,
+                                          StringRef MainFilePath,
+                                          const SymbolIndex *Index,
+                                          bool CrossFile) {
+  // Filter out symbols that are unsupported in both rename mode.
   if (llvm::isa<NamespaceDecl>(&RenameDecl))
     return ReasonToReject::UnsupportedSymbol;
   if (const auto *FD = llvm::dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(&RenameDecl)) {
     if (FD->isOverloadedOperator())
       return ReasonToReject::UnsupportedSymbol;
-  auto &ASTCtx = RenameDecl.getASTContext();
-  const auto &SM = ASTCtx.getSourceManager();
-  bool MainFileIsHeader = ASTCtx.getLangOpts().IsHeaderFile;
-  bool DeclaredInMainFile = isInsideMainFile(RenameDecl.getBeginLoc(), SM);
-  if (!DeclaredInMainFile)
-    // We are sure the symbol is used externally, bail out early.
-    return UsedOutsideFile;
-  // If the symbol is declared in the main file (which is not a header), we
-  // rename it.
-  if (!MainFileIsHeader)
-    return None;
-  // Below are cases where the symbol is declared in the header.
-  // If the symbol is function-local, we rename it.
+  // function-local symbols is safe to rename.
   if (RenameDecl.getParentFunctionOrMethod())
     return None;
+  bool IsIndexable =
+      isa<NamedDecl>(RenameDecl) &&
+      SymbolCollector::shouldCollectSymbol(
+          cast<NamedDecl>(RenameDecl), RenameDecl.getASTContext(),
+          SymbolCollector::Options(), CrossFile);
+  if (!IsIndexable) // If the symbol is not indexable, we disallow rename.
+    return ReasonToReject::NonIndexable;
+  if (!CrossFile) {
+    // Within-file rename.
+    auto &ASTCtx = RenameDecl.getASTContext();
+    const auto &SM = ASTCtx.getSourceManager();
+    bool MainFileIsHeader = ASTCtx.getLangOpts().IsHeaderFile;
+    bool DeclaredInMainFile = isInsideMainFile(RenameDecl.getBeginLoc(), SM);
+    if (!DeclaredInMainFile)
+      // We are sure the symbol is used externally, bail out early.
+      return UsedOutsideFile;
+    // If the symbol is declared in the main file (which is not a header), we
+    // rename it.
+    if (!MainFileIsHeader)
+      return None;
+    if (!Index)
+      return NoIndexProvided;
+    auto OtherFile = getOtherRefFile(RenameDecl, MainFilePath, *Index);
+    // If the symbol is indexable and has no refs from other files in the index,
+    // we rename it.
+    if (!OtherFile)
+      return None;
+    // If the symbol is indexable and has refs from other files in the index,
+    // we disallow rename.
+    return ReasonToReject::UsedOutsideFile;
+  }
+  assert(CrossFile);
   if (!Index)
-    return ReasonToReject::NoIndexProvided;
+    return NoIndexProvided;
-  bool IsIndexable = isa<NamedDecl>(RenameDecl) &&
-                     SymbolCollector::shouldCollectSymbol(
-                         cast<NamedDecl>(RenameDecl), ASTCtx, {}, false);
-  // If the symbol is not indexable, we disallow rename.
-  if (!IsIndexable)
-    return ReasonToReject::NonIndexable;
-  auto OtherFile = getOtherRefFile(RenameDecl, MainFile, *Index);
-  // If the symbol is indexable and has no refs from other files in the index,
-  // we rename it.
-  if (!OtherFile)
+  // FIXME: renaming templates requries to rename all related specializations,
+  // which is not supported in our index.
+  if (RenameDecl.getDescribedTemplate())
+    return ReasonToReject::UnsupportedSymbol;
+  // A whitelist of renamable symbols.
+  if (llvm::isa<CXXRecordDecl>(RenameDecl))
     return None;
-  // If the symbol is indexable and has refs from other files in the index,
-  // we disallow rename.
-  return ReasonToReject::UsedOutsideFile;
+  if (const auto *S = llvm::dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(&RenameDecl)) {
+    // FIXME: renaming virtual methods requires to rename all overridens in
+    // subclasses, which our index doesn't support yet.
+    if (!S->isVirtual())
+      return None;
+  } else if (isa<FunctionDecl>(&RenameDecl)) {
+    return None;
+  }
+  return UnsupportedSymbol;
 llvm::Error makeError(ReasonToReject Reason) {
@@ -137,7 +164,7 @@
-// Return all rename occurrences in the main file.
+// Find all rename occurrences in the main file based on the MainAST.
 findOccurrencesWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, const NamedDecl *RenameDecl) {
   const NamedDecl *CanonicalRenameDecl =
@@ -156,28 +183,10 @@
   return Result;
-} // namespace
+// AST-based rename, it renames all occurrences in the main file.
-renameWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef File, Position Pos,
-                 llvm::StringRef NewName, const SymbolIndex *Index) {
-  const SourceManager &SM = AST.getSourceManager();
-  SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg = SM.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(
-      getBeginningOfIdentifier(Pos, SM, AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts()));
-  // FIXME: renaming macros is not supported yet, the macro-handling code should
-  // be moved to rename tooling library.
-  if (locateMacroAt(SourceLocationBeg, AST.getPreprocessor()))
-    return makeError(UnsupportedSymbol);
-  const auto *RenameDecl =
-      tooling::getNamedDeclAt(AST.getASTContext(), SourceLocationBeg);
-  if (!RenameDecl)
-    return makeError(NoSymbolFound);
-  if (auto Reject =
-          renamableWithinFile(*RenameDecl->getCanonicalDecl(), File, Index))
-    return makeError(*Reject);
+renameWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, const NamedDecl *RenameDecl,
+                 llvm::StringRef NewName) {
   // Rename sometimes returns duplicate edits (which is a bug). A side-effect of
   // adding them to a single Replacements object is these are deduplicated.
   tooling::Replacements FilteredChanges;
@@ -198,5 +207,184 @@
   return FilteredChanges;
+// Return all rename occurrences (per the index) outside of the main file.
+findOccurrencesOutsideFile(const NamedDecl *RenameDecl,
+                           llvm::StringRef MainFile, const SymbolIndex *Index) {
+  if (!Index)
+    return {};
+  RefsRequest RQuest;
+  // FIXME: revisit the limit, and our index should have a way to inform
+  // us whether the ref results is completed.
+  RQuest.Limit = 100;
+  if (auto ID = getSymbolID(RenameDecl))
+    RQuest.IDs.insert(*ID);
+  // Helper.
+  auto ToRange = [](const SymbolLocation &L) {
+    Range R;
+    R.start.line = L.Start.line();
+    R.start.character = L.Start.column();
+    R.end.line = L.End.line();
+    R.end.character = L.End.column();
+    return R;
+  };
+  llvm::StringMap<std::vector<Range>>
+      AffectedFiles; // absolute file path => rename ocurrences in that file.
+  Index->refs(RQuest, [&](const Ref &R) {
+    if (auto RefFilePath = filePath(R.Location, /*HintFilePath=*/MainFile)) {
+      if (*RefFilePath != MainFile)
+        AffectedFiles[*RefFilePath].push_back(ToRange(R.Location));
+    }
+  });
+  return AffectedFiles;
+llvm::Expected<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> toRangeOffset(const clangd::Range &R,
+                                                        llvm::StringRef Code) {
+  auto StartOffset = positionToOffset(Code, R.start);
+  if (!StartOffset)
+    return StartOffset.takeError();
+  auto EndOffset = positionToOffset(Code, R.end);
+  if (!EndOffset)
+    return EndOffset.takeError();
+  return std::make_pair<>(*StartOffset, *EndOffset);
+llvm::Expected<Edit> buildRenameEdit(llvm::StringRef InitialCode,
+                                     const std::vector<Range> &Occurrences,
+                                     llvm::StringRef NewName) {
+  tooling::Replacements RenameEdit;
+  for (const Range &Occurrence : Occurrences) {
+    // !positionToOffset is O(N), it is okay at the moment since we only
+    // process at most 100 references.
+    auto RangeOffset = toRangeOffset(Occurrence, InitialCode);
+    if (!RangeOffset)
+      return RangeOffset.takeError();
+    auto ByteLength = RangeOffset->second - RangeOffset->first;
+    if (auto Err = RenameEdit.add(tooling::Replacement(
+            InitialCode, RangeOffset->first, ByteLength, NewName)))
+      return std::move(Err);
+  }
+  return Edit(InitialCode, std::move(RenameEdit));
+// Index-based rename, it renames all occurrences outside of the main file.
+renameOutsideFile(const NamedDecl *RenameDecl, llvm::StringRef MainFilePath,
+                  llvm::StringRef NewName, const SymbolIndex *Index,
+                  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> VFS,
+                  const DirtyBufferGetter &GetDirtyBuffer) {
+  auto AffectedFiles =
+      findOccurrencesOutsideFile(RenameDecl, MainFilePath, Index);
+  // FIXME: make the limit customizable.
+  static constexpr size_t MaxLimitFiles = 50;
+  if (AffectedFiles.size() >= MaxLimitFiles)
+    return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+        llvm::formatv(
+            "The number of affected files exceeds the max limit {0}: {1}",
+            MaxLimitFiles, AffectedFiles.size()),
+        llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+  // The cross-file rename is purely based on the index, as we don't want to
+  // build all ASTs for affected files, which may cause a performance hit.
+  // We choose to trade off some correctness for performance and scalability.
+  //
+  // Clangd builds a dynamic index for all opened files on top of the static
+  // index of the whole codebase. Dynamic index is up-to-date (respects dirty
+  // buffers) as long as clangd finishes processing opened files, while static
+  // index (background index) is relatively stale. We choose the dirty buffers
+  // as the file content we rename on, and fallback to file content on disk if
+  // there is no dirty buffer.
+  //
+  // FIXME: add range patching heuristics to detect staleness of the index, and
+  // report to users.
+  // FIXME: our index may return implicit references, which are non-eligitble
+  // for rename, we should filter out these references.
+  FileEdits Results;
+  std::string OldName = RenameDecl->getNameAsString();
+  for (const auto &FileAndOccurrences : AffectedFiles) {
+    llvm::StringRef FilePath = FileAndOccurrences.first();
+    std::string AffectedFileCode;
+    llvm::Optional<std::string> DirtyBuffer;
+    if (GetDirtyBuffer && (DirtyBuffer = GetDirtyBuffer(FilePath))) {
+      AffectedFileCode = std::move(*DirtyBuffer);
+    } else {
+      auto Content = VFS->getBufferForFile(FilePath);
+      if (!Content) {
+        elog("Fail to read file {0}: {1}", FilePath,
+             Content.getError().message());
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!*Content)
+        continue;
+      AffectedFileCode = (*Content)->getBuffer().str();
+    }
+    auto RenameEdit = buildRenameEdit(AffectedFileCode,
+                                      FileAndOccurrences.getValue(), NewName);
+    if (!RenameEdit)
+      return RenameEdit.takeError();
+    if (!RenameEdit->Replacements.empty())
+      Results.insert({FilePath, std::move(*RenameEdit)});
+  }
+  return Results;
+} // namespace
+llvm::Expected<FileEdits> rename(ParsedAST &AST, const RenameInputs &RInputs) {
+  const SourceManager &SM = AST.getSourceManager();
+  SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg =
+      SM.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(getBeginningOfIdentifier(
+          RInputs.Pos, SM, AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts()));
+  // FIXME: renaming macros is not supported yet, the macro-handling code should
+  // be moved to rename tooling library.
+  if (locateMacroAt(SourceLocationBeg, AST.getPreprocessor()))
+    return makeError(UnsupportedSymbol);
+  const NamedDecl *RenameDecl = tooling::getCanonicalSymbolDeclaration(
+      tooling::getNamedDeclAt(AST.getASTContext(), SourceLocationBeg));
+  if (!RenameDecl)
+    return makeError(NoSymbolFound);
+  auto Reject =
+      renameable(*RenameDecl->getCanonicalDecl(), RInputs.MainFilePath,
+                 RInputs.Index, RInputs.AllowCrossFile);
+  if (Reject)
+    return makeError(*Reject);
+  // We have two implemenations of the rename:
+  //   - AST-based rename: used for renaming local symbols, e.g. variables
+  //     defined in a function body;
+  //   - index-based rename: used for renaming non-local symbols, and not
+  //     feasible for local symbols (as by design our index don't index these
+  //     symbols by design;
+  // To make cross-file rename work for local symbol, we use a hybrid solution:
+  //   - run AST-based rename on the main file;
+  //   - run index-based rename on other affected files;
+  auto MainFileRenameEdit = renameWithinFile(AST, RenameDecl, RInputs.NewName);
+  if (!MainFileRenameEdit)
+    return MainFileRenameEdit.takeError();
+  if (!RInputs.AllowCrossFile) {
+    // within-file rename, just return the main file results.
+    return FileEdits({std::make_pair<>(
+        RInputs.MainFilePath,
+        Edit{RInputs.MainFileCode, std::move(*MainFileRenameEdit)})});
+  }
+  // Cross-file rename.
+  auto Results =
+      renameOutsideFile(RenameDecl, RInputs.MainFilePath, RInputs.NewName,
+                        RInputs.Index, RInputs.VFS, RInputs.GetDirtyBuffer);
+  if (!Results)
+    return Results.takeError();
+  // Attach the rename edits for the main file.
+  Results->try_emplace(RInputs.MainFilePath, RInputs.MainFileCode,
+                       std::move(*MainFileRenameEdit));
+  return Results;
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/SymbolCollector.cpp
@@ -263,10 +263,6 @@
        Decl::FriendObjectKind::FOK_None) &&
       !(Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::Definition)))
     return true;
-  // Skip non-semantic references, we should start processing these when we
-  // decide to implement renaming with index support.
-  if ((Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::NameReference)))
-    return true;
   // A declaration created for a friend declaration should not be used as the
   // canonical declaration in the index. Use OrigD instead, unless we've already
   // picked a replacement for D
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@
   /// Checks whether the Replacements are applicable to given Code.
   bool canApplyTo(llvm::StringRef Code) const;
+using FileEdits = llvm::StringMap<Edit>;
 /// Formats the edits and code around it according to Style. Changes
 /// Replacements to formatted ones if succeeds.
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "index/Background.h"
 #include "index/FileIndex.h"
 #include "index/Index.h"
+#include "refactor/Rename.h"
 #include "refactor/Tweak.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
@@ -132,6 +133,9 @@
     /// Enable semantic highlighting features.
     bool SemanticHighlighting = false;
+    /// Enable cross-file rename feature.
+    bool CrossFileRename = false;
     /// Returns true if the tweak should be enabled.
     std::function<bool(const Tweak &)> TweakFilter = [](const Tweak &T) {
       return !T.hidden(); // only enable non-hidden tweaks.
@@ -251,7 +255,8 @@
   /// embedders could use this method to get all occurrences of the symbol (e.g.
   /// highlighting them in prepare stage).
   void rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
-              bool WantFormat, Callback<std::vector<TextEdit>> CB);
+              bool WantFormat, DirtyBufferGetter GetDirtyBuffer,
+              Callback<FileEdits> CB);
   struct TweakRef {
     std::string ID;    /// ID to pass for applyTweak.
@@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
   // can be caused by missing includes (e.g. member access in incomplete type).
   bool SuggestMissingIncludes = false;
+  bool CrossFileRename = false;
   std::function<bool(const Tweak &)> TweakFilter;
   // GUARDED_BY(CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestMutex)
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@
                      : nullptr),
-      TweakFilter(Opts.TweakFilter), WorkspaceRoot(Opts.WorkspaceRoot),
+      CrossFileRename(Opts.CrossFileRename), TweakFilter(Opts.TweakFilter),
+      WorkspaceRoot(Opts.WorkspaceRoot),
       // Pass a callback into `WorkScheduler` to extract symbols from a newly
       // parsed file and rebuild the file index synchronously each time an AST
       // is parsed.
@@ -308,16 +309,28 @@
     if (!InpAST)
       return CB(InpAST.takeError());
     auto &AST = InpAST->AST;
-    // Performing the rename isn't substantially more expensive than doing an
-    // AST-based check, so we just rename and throw away the results. We may
-    // have to revisit this when we support cross-file rename.
-    auto Changes = renameWithinFile(AST, File, Pos, "dummy", Index);
-    if (!Changes) {
-      // LSP says to return null on failure, but that will result in a generic
-      // failure message. If we send an LSP error response, clients can surface
-      // the message to users (VSCode does).
-      return CB(Changes.takeError());
+    // FIXME: for cross-file rename, we presume prepareRename always succeeds,
+    // revisit this strategy.
+    if (!CrossFileRename) {
+      // Performing the local rename isn't substantially more expensive than
+      // doing an AST-based check, so we just rename and throw away the results.
+      RenameInputs RInputs;
+      RInputs.MainFileCode = InpAST->Inputs.Contents;
+      RInputs.MainFilePath = File;
+      RInputs.NewName = "dummy";
+      RInputs.Pos = Pos;
+      RInputs.AllowCrossFile = false;
+      RInputs.Index = Index;
+      RInputs.VFS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
+      auto Changes = clangd::rename(AST, RInputs); // within-file rename.
+      if (!Changes) {
+        // LSP says to return null on failure, but that will result in a generic
+        // failure message. If we send an LSP error response, clients can
+        // surface the message to users (VSCode does).
+        return CB(Changes.takeError());
+      }
     SourceLocation Loc = getBeginningOfIdentifier(
         Pos, AST.getSourceManager(), AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts());
     if (auto Range = getTokenRange(AST.getSourceManager(),
@@ -330,32 +343,36 @@
 void ClangdServer::rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
-                          bool WantFormat, Callback<std::vector<TextEdit>> CB) {
+                          bool WantFormat, DirtyBufferGetter GetDirtyBuffer,
+                          Callback<FileEdits> CB) {
   auto Action = [File = File.str(), NewName = NewName.str(), Pos, WantFormat,
-                 CB = std::move(CB),
+                 GetDirtyBuffer = std::move(GetDirtyBuffer), CB = std::move(CB),
                  this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
     if (!InpAST)
       return CB(InpAST.takeError());
-    auto Changes = renameWithinFile(InpAST->AST, File, Pos, NewName, Index);
-    if (!Changes)
-      return CB(Changes.takeError());
+    RenameInputs RInputs;
+    RInputs.MainFileCode = InpAST->Inputs.Contents;
+    RInputs.MainFilePath = File;
+    RInputs.NewName = NewName;
+    RInputs.Pos = Pos;
+    RInputs.AllowCrossFile = CrossFileRename;
+    RInputs.Index = Index;
+    RInputs.VFS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
+    RInputs.GetDirtyBuffer = std::move(GetDirtyBuffer);
+    auto Edits = clangd::rename(InpAST->AST, RInputs);
+    if (!Edits)
+      return CB(Edits.takeError());
     if (WantFormat) {
       auto Style = getFormatStyleForFile(File, InpAST->Inputs.Contents,
-      if (auto Formatted =
-              cleanupAndFormat(InpAST->Inputs.Contents, *Changes, Style))
-        *Changes = std::move(*Formatted);
-      else
-        elog("Failed to format replacements: {0}", Formatted.takeError());
+      for (auto &E : *Edits) {
+        if (auto Err = reformatEdit(E.getValue(), Style))
+          elog("Failed to format replacements: {0}", std::move(Err));
+      }
-    std::vector<TextEdit> Edits;
-    for (const auto &Rep : *Changes)
-      Edits.push_back(replacementToEdit(InpAST->Inputs.Contents, Rep));
-    return CB(std::move(Edits));
+    CB(std::move(*Edits));
   WorkScheduler.runWithAST("Rename", File, std::move(Action));
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@
   return LookupTable;
-// Makes sure edits in \p E are applicable to latest file contents reported by
+// Makes sure edits in \p FE are applicable to latest file contents reported by
 // editor. If not generates an error message containing information about files
 // that needs to be saved.
-llvm::Error validateEdits(const DraftStore &DraftMgr, const Tweak::Effect &E) {
+llvm::Error validateEdits(const DraftStore &DraftMgr, const FileEdits &FE) {
   size_t InvalidFileCount = 0;
   llvm::StringRef LastInvalidFile;
-  for (const auto &It : E.ApplyEdits) {
+  for (const auto &It : FE) {
     if (auto Draft = DraftMgr.getDraft(It.first())) {
       // If the file is open in user's editor, make sure the version we
       // saw and current version are compatible as this is the text that
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@
       if (R->ApplyEdits.empty())
         return Reply("Tweak applied.");
-      if (auto Err = validateEdits(DraftMgr, *R))
+      if (auto Err = validateEdits(DraftMgr, R->ApplyEdits))
         return Reply(std::move(Err));
       WorkspaceEdit WE;
@@ -758,17 +758,24 @@
   if (!Code)
     return Reply(llvm::make_error<LSPError>(
         "onRename called for non-added file", ErrorCode::InvalidParams));
-  Server->rename(File, Params.position, Params.newName, /*WantFormat=*/true,
-                 [File, Code, Params, Reply = std::move(Reply)](
-                     llvm::Expected<std::vector<TextEdit>> Edits) mutable {
-                   if (!Edits)
-                     return Reply(Edits.takeError());
-                   WorkspaceEdit WE;
-                   WE.changes = {{Params.textDocument.uri.uri(), *Edits}};
-                   Reply(WE);
-                 });
+  Server->rename(
+      File, Params.position, Params.newName,
+      /*WantFormat=*/true,
+      [this](PathRef File) { return DraftMgr.getDraft(File); },
+      [File, Code, Params, Reply = std::move(Reply),
+       this](llvm::Expected<FileEdits> Edits) mutable {
+        if (!Edits)
+          return Reply(Edits.takeError());
+        if (auto Err = validateEdits(DraftMgr, *Edits))
+          return Reply(std::move(Err));
+        WorkspaceEdit Result;
+        Result.changes.emplace();
+        for (const auto &Rep : *Edits) {
+          (*Result.changes)[URI::createFile(Rep.first()).toString()] =
+              Rep.second.asTextEdits();
+        }
+        Reply(Result);
+      });
 void ClangdLSPServer::onDocumentDidClose(
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