hokein added a comment.

In D69263#1718525 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69263#1718525>, @ilya-biryukov 

> Not sure that holds. What if the file in question is being rebuilt right now? 
> We do not wait until all ASTs are built (and the dynamic index gets the new 
> results).
>  Open files actually pose an interesting problem: their contents do not 
> correspond to the file contents on disk.
>  We should choose which of those we update on rename: dirty buffers or file 
> contents? (I believe we should do dirty buffers, but I believe @sammccall has 
> the opposite opinion, so we should sync on this)

Based on the offline discussion, we decide to use dirty buffers for opened 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp:121
+renameableOutsideFile(const NamedDecl &RenameDecl, const SymbolIndex *Index) {
+  if (RenameDecl.getParentFunctionOrMethod())
+    return None; // function-local symbols
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> hokein wrote:
> > ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > > This function resembles `renamableWithinFile`.
> > > We should probably share implementation and pass an extra flag. Something 
> > > like `isRenamable(..., bool IsCrossFile)`.
> > > 
> > > WDYT?
> > though they look similar,  the logic is quite different, for example, we 
> > query the index in within-file rename to detect a symbol is used outside of 
> > the file which is not needed for cross-file rename, and cross-file rename 
> > allows fewer symbols (as our index doesn't support them), so I don't think 
> > we can share a lot of implementation.
> Can this be handled with a special flag:
> ```
> bool renameable(NamedDecl &Decl, const SymbolIndex *Index, bool CrossFile) {
>   if (CrossFileRename) {
>     // check something special...
>   }
> }
> ```
> Sharing implementation in the same function makes the differences between 
> cross-file and single-file case obvious and also ensures any things that need 
> to be updated for both are shared.
Done. I tried my best to unify them, please take a look on the new code.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp:317
+  std::string OldName = RenameDecl->getNameAsString();
+  for (const auto &FileAndOccurrences : AffectedFiles) {
+    llvm::StringRef FilePath = FileAndOccurrences.first();
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> hokein wrote:
> > ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > > I feel this code is fundamental to the trade-offs we made for rename.
> > > Could we move this to a separate function and add unit-tests for it?
> > > 
> > > You probably want to have something that handles just a single file 
> > > rather than all edits in all files, to avoid mocking VFS in tests, etc.
> > > 
> > > 
> > Agree, especially when we start implementing complicated stuff, e.g. range 
> > patching heuristics.
> > 
> >  Moved it out, but note that I don't plan to add more stuff in this initial 
> > patch, so the logic is pretty straightforward, just assembling rename 
> > replacement from occurrences.
> > 
> > but note that I don't plan to add more stuff in this initial patch
> Should we also check whether the replaced text matches the expected 
> identifier and add unit-tests for this?
> Or would you prefer to move all changes to this function to a separate patch?
I prefer to do it afterwards as the patch is relatively big now.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp:380
+    auto MainFileRenameEdit =
+        renameWithinFile(AST, RenameDecl, RInputs.NewName);
+    if (!MainFileRenameEdit)
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> hokein wrote:
> > ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > > Can we rely on the fact that dynamic index should not be stale for the 
> > > current file instead?
> > > Or don't we have this invariant?
> > > 
> > > We end up having two implementations now: index-based and AST-based. It'd 
> > > be nice to have just one.
> > > If that's not possible in the first revision, could you explain why?
> > > 
> > > Note that moving the current-file rename to index-based implementation is 
> > > independent of doing cross-file renames. Maybe we should start with it?
> > I think we can't get rid of the AST-based rename -- mainly for renaming 
> > local symbols (e.g. local variable in function body), as we don't index 
> > these symbols...
> Thanks, I believe you're right... We can't unify these implementations, at 
> least not in the short term.
> So `renameOutsideFile` fails on local symbols and `renameWithinFile` should 
> handle that, right?
> Also worth noting that `renameWithinFile` is AST-based and 
> `renameOutsideFile` is index-based.
> Could we document that?
yes, exactly. I have simplified the code in this function, and added 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp:357
+    // Handle within-file rename.
+    auto Reject = renamableWithinFile(*RenameDecl->getCanonicalDecl(),
+                                      RInputs.MainFilePath, RInputs.Index);
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> Can we avoid duplicating calls to `renamebleWithinFile`? It should be 
> possible to only call `renameOutsideFile` when `CrossFileRename` is enabled 
> and always call `renameWithinFile`. Or is there something I'm missing?
I was attempting to keep two branches (within-file rename, cross-file rename) 
as separately as possible, but I agree with your suggestion, it does simplify 
the code.

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