dblaikie added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td:1955
+def fdebug_default_version: Joined<["-"], "fdebug-default-version=">, 
 def fdebug_prefix_map_EQ
probinson wrote:
> If this is specifically the default DWARF version, I think the word "dwarf" 
> ought to be in the option name.
Can we haggle over this a bit?

My thinking behind -fdebug-default-version was consistency with other DWARF 
related flags:

We do have some -fdwarf:

So I'm personally inclined to sticking with -fdebug* as being all DWARF 
related/consistent there.


Comment at: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp:6174
+    DwarfVersion = ParseDebugDefaultVersion(getToolChain(), Args);
   if (DwarfVersion == 0)
cmtice wrote:
> dblaikie wrote:
> > probinson wrote:
> > > I have to say, this sequence is a whole lot easier to follow than what's 
> > > up in RenderDebugOptions.  It would be nice if they were both so easy to 
> > > understand.
> > > 
> > > Although it makes me wonder, does `-fdebug-default-version` go unclaimed 
> > > here if there's a `-gdwarf-2` on the command line?
> > Once the "else if (DefaultDWARFVersion != 0)" clause is removed, and the 
> > ParseDebugDefaultVersion call is sunk down into the "if (EmitDwarf)" case - 
> > hopefully that'll simplify the RenderDebugOptions code enough to be 
> > reasonable?
> > 
> > I think the complication there is that "-g" can imply CodeView if nothing 
> > explicitly requests DWARF & the target is windows, whereas there's no 
> > support for that kind of CV fallback here? So some of that might be 
> > inherent.
> > 
> > & agreed - worth testing that -fdebug-default-version doesn't get a 
> > -Wunused warning if someone says "-fdebug-default-version 4 -gdwarf-2". 
> > @cmtice is that tested? You might be able to add -Werror to the existing 
> > test case's RUN lines to demonstrate that no such warnings are produced?
> The thought is that if the user actually chose a specific dwarf version, e.g. 
> -gdwarf-2, then that value should override the general default, specified 
> with -fdebug-default-version (soon to be 
> -fdwarf-default-version).
That's the desired behavior, yes (-gdwarf-2 overrides this new flag) - what 
@probinson is asking about is the behavior of -Wunused.

Clang's built-in flag handling does some work to warn on unused flags - it does 
this based on which flags are queried by the API.

The risk is that, because ParseDwarfDefaultVersion is only called under the "if 
(DwarfVersion == 0)" condition, which will be false if the user specified 
-gdwarf-2, for instance, then the ParseDwarfDefaultVersion won't be called & 
clang's unused flag handling may see the new flag as "unused" and warn about it.

Basically the question is (could you test this manually & confirm the behavior, 
and check that the automated tests cover this - which I think they can cover 
this with minimal effort by adding -Werror to some RUN lines in the tests), 
does this produce a warning:
clang -gdwarf-2 -fdebug-default-version=5 x.s

(& if it doesn't warn, it might be worth understanding why it doesn't, I guess, 
given the above hypothesis)

Comment at: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp:3231
+  unsigned DWARFVersion = 0;
+  unsigned DefaultDWARFVersion = ParseDwarfDefaultVersion(TC, Args);
   if (EmitDwarf) {
Can you move this down to the narrower scope:

  if (unsigned DefaultDWARFVersion = ParseDefaultVersion(TC, Args))
    DWARFVersion = DefaultDWARFVersion;

(but maybe that runs into the -Wunused warning issues discussed in the other 
thread in this review)



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