aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D71963#1800056 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D71963#1800056>, @sylvestre.ledru 

> > I may have missed this in prior discussions, and if so, I'm sorry -- but 
> > why are we taking CodeChecker as the model for this?
> I went ahead and use it because:
> - it is there and maintained (I contributed to the list a few time)

There are other models that exist and are maintained.

> - it is pretty good from my experience (it is rare that I see the list of 
> checker/severity and disagree with the evaluation)

Other models are also pretty good.

> - it is a good start to trigger some discussions

Definitely agreed! However, I think an RFC would have been a less invasive 
approach to starting those discussions.

> - codechecker upstream is also involved in clang-tidy

As are other tools and coding standards.

For me personally, I like the idea of giving users some idea of the severity 
for any given check. I think it provides valuable information to users and is a 
good thing to document, but only when applied consistently across checks. If we 
can't find a consistent heuristic to use across all the coding standards and 
one-off checks we support, the utility of telling users about the severity is 
pretty hampered (or worse yet, gives a false sense of how bad a problem may 
be). I'd rather see the severity stuff reverted out of trunk until we've got 
some broader community agreement that 1) we want this feature, 2) we enumerate 
concrete steps for how to pick a severity for any given check, and 3) what to 
do when our severity differs from an external severity in the case of checkers 
for coding standards with that concept.

FWIW, I didn't notice this change was even proposed because it happened in a 
review about moving from a long list of checkers to one using tables and from 
what I can tell, it looks like the patch landed without that review being 
accepted (in fact, it seems to have landed with a code owner having marked it 
as requiring changes).

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