sammccall added a comment.

Looks pretty good now, thanks! Test needs to be more precise (doesn't actually 
test the behavior at present, I think).

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Compiler.h:41
   bool SuggestMissingIncludes = false;
+  bool ForceRebuild = false;
Hmm, on thinking further I do think this belongs in ParseInputs next to 
Contents or CompileCommands, as these things are things that affect the parse 
but *don't* invalidate caches.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Compiler.h:41
   bool SuggestMissingIncludes = false;
+  bool ForceRebuild = false;
sammccall wrote:
> Hmm, on thinking further I do think this belongs in ParseInputs next to 
> Contents or CompileCommands, as these things are things that affect the parse 
> but *don't* invalidate caches.
this is a good place for a comment explaining what this does specifically 
(prevents reuse of cached preamble/ast)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:660
+  /// This is a clangd extension.
+  bool forceRebuild;
`= false`, and remove "disabled by default" from comment

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/TUSchedulerTests.cpp:619
+TEST_F(TUSchedulerTests, ForceRebuild) {
+  TUScheduler S(CDB, optsForTest(), captureDiags());
This test doesn't actually verify that the preamble was rebuilt, just that the 
AST was.
Checking the actual diagnostics would do that.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/TUSchedulerTests.cpp:631
+  // Return value indicates if the updated callback was received.
+  auto DoUpdate = [&](std::string Contents, bool ForceRebuild) -> bool {
+    std::atomic<bool> Updated(false);
I don't think this abstraction is useful since you just have 3 calls and two of 
them need the actual diagnostics.

You could have diag callbacks inline easily enough:

vector<vector<Diag>> diags;
update(..., [] { diags.push_back(...) })
update(..., [] { ADD_FAILURE(...) })
update(..., [] { diags.push_back(...) })
EXPECT_THAT(diags, ElementsAre(
  /* First */ElementsAre(...missing header...),
  /* Last */IsEmpty());

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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