vsk added a comment.

Thanks! Some inline comments --

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp:399
@@ -398,1 +398,3 @@
+    auto *SummaryMD = PGOReader->getSummary().getMD(getModule().getContext());
+    // Make sure returned metadata is non-null;
`getModule().getContext()` -> `VMContext`?

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp:401
@@ +400,3 @@
+    // Make sure returned metadata is non-null;
+    assert(SummaryMD);
+    getModule().setProfileSummary(SummaryMD);
I don't think we need this assert. A lot of code depends on `MDTuple::get` just 
working -- it's fine to crash if it doesn't.

Comment at: test/Profile/profile-summary.c:5
@@ +4,3 @@
+// RUN: %clang %s -o - -mllvm -disable-llvm-optzns -emit-llvm -S 
-fprofile-instr-use=%t.profdata | FileCheck %s
+int begin(int i) {
ISTM that a lot of the lines in this file do not contribute additional coverage 
of the changes introduced by your patch.

We already have tests which show that the summary code works 
(`general.proftext`). I think we just need 1 empty function with 1 counter in 
this file. We don't need to check that the entire detailed summary appears in 
the metadata, just one cutoff entry should suffice.


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