vrnithinkumar marked 2 inline comments as done.
vrnithinkumar added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/SmartPtrModeling.cpp:97
+// If a region is removed all of the subregions needs to be removed too.
+static ProgramStateRef removeTrackedRegions(ProgramStateRef State,
vsavchenko wrote:
> nit: *need to be removed

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/SmartPtrModeling.cpp:98
+// If a region is removed all of the subregions needs to be removed too.
+static ProgramStateRef removeTrackedRegions(ProgramStateRef State,
+                                            const MemRegion *Region) {
vsavchenko wrote:
> Maybe `Subregions` would fit better in this name then?
Changed to Subregions

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/SmartPtrModeling.cpp:186
+  for (const auto *Region : Regions)
+    State = removeTrackedRegions(State, Region->getBaseRegion());
+  return State;
vsavchenko wrote:
> It is not critical, but potentially we can allocate/deallocate a whole bunch 
> of states here.  We can do the same sort of operation with the map itself 
> (`State->get<TrackedRegionMap>()`), which still have similar problem but to a 
> lesser degree.  Additionally, this `get<MAP_TYPE>` method is not 
> compile-time, it searches for the corresponding map in runtime (also in a 
> map), so you repeat that as many times as you have `Regions`.
> And super-duper over-optimization note on my part: making the loop over 
> `Regions` to be the inner-most is more cache-friendly.  It is not really 
> critical here, but it is overall good to have an eye for things like that.
Updated `removeTrackedSubregions` for passing `TrackedRegionMap`

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx.h:962
+  operator bool() const;
+  unique_ptr<T> &operator=(unique_ptr<T> &&p);
xazax.hun wrote:
> vrnithinkumar wrote:
> > added this to support  use case like `Q = std::move(P)`
> This operation should be `noexcept`: 
> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/unique_ptr/operator%3D
> While it makes little difference for the analyzer at this point we should try 
> to be as close to the standard as possible. If you have some time feel free 
> to add `noexcept` to other methods that miss it :)
Added `noexcept` for all applicable methods

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/smart-ptr.cpp:190
+// TODO: Enable this test after '=' operator overloading modeling.
+void derefAfterAssignment() {
vsavchenko wrote:
> Usually we simply add the test with expectations matching current state of 
> things, but add a TODO over those particular lines. This way when you fix the 
> issue the test will start failing and you won't forget to uncomment it.
Enabled the test and added the todo.

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