whisperity marked 8 inline comments as done.
whisperity added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+        {true, 40, 50}, // Substring.
+        {true, 50, 66}, // Levenshtein.
+        {true, 75, 85}, // Jaro-Winkler.
aaron.ballman wrote:
> We should probably document where all these numbers come from, but `66` 
> definitely jumps out at me as being a bit strange. :-D
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea. All these values are percentages 
between 0 and 100 (`-1` is just saying that //"This heuristic doesn't accept 
percentages"//), and this is written in the documentation now. However, the 
answer to //"**why** 66%?"//, unless @varjujan can say something, I think is 
lost to history...

I'll read over his thesis once again, maybe I can find anything with regards to 

Either way, I've detailed from both the code and the thesis how the percentages 
are meant. In some cases, the % is calculated as //"% of the longer string's 
length"//. In the Leventhstein's case, it's actually inverted:

Dist = (1 - Dist / LongerLength) * 100;

So what this says is that if the current arg1-param1 arg2-param2 pairing has 
less than the inverse of 50% (which is more than 50%) of the longer string's 
edit distance, but the arg2-param1 and arg1-param2 (the suggested swapped 
order) has more than the inverse of 66% (which is less than 33%), then the swap 
will be suggested.

Originally these values were called `LowerBound` and `UpperBound`, 
respectively, which was saying **even less** about what they mean...

Comment at: 
+// Checks whether ArgType is an array type identical to ParamType`s array type.
+// Enforces array elements` qualifier compatibility as well.
+static bool isCompatibleWithArrayReference(const QualType &ArgType,
aaron.ballman wrote:
Good catch! I believe this is what happens when you write LaTeX and code at the 
same time? I didn't notice this when I was tidying up the code...

Comment at: 
+// Checks whether ArgType converts implicitly to ParamType.
+static bool areTypesCompatible(QualType ArgType, QualType ParamType,
+                               const ASTContext &Ctx) {
aaron.ballman wrote:
> It seems like we're doing an awful lot of the same work as 
> `ASTContext::typesAreCompatible()` and type compatibility rules are pretty 
> complex, so I worry about this implementation being different than the 
> `ASTContext` implementation. Have you explored whether we can reuse more of 
> the logic from `ASTContext` here, or are they doing fundamentally different 
> kinds of type compatibility checks?
No, I didn't know that function even existed. This check must be older than 
that function.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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