whisperity added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+  char DissimilarBelow;
+  char SimilarAbove;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> `signed char` since we're doing `> -1` below? Or better yet, `int8_t` because 
> these aren't really characters?
Oh right, I always forget `char` isn't guaranteed. `int8_t` seems like a better 
idea anyways (until we have `int6_t`...)

Comment at: 
+        {true, 40, 50}, // Substring.
+        {true, 50, 66}, // Levenshtein.
+        {true, 75, 85}, // Jaro-Winkler.
varjujan wrote:
> whisperity wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > We should probably document where all these numbers come from, but `66` 
> > > definitely jumps out at me as being a bit strange. :-D
> > Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea. All these values are percentages 
> > between 0 and 100 (`-1` is just saying that //"This heuristic doesn't 
> > accept percentages"//), and this is written in the documentation now. 
> > However, the answer to //"**why** 66%?"//, unless @varjujan can say 
> > something, I think is lost to history...
> > 
> > I'll read over his thesis once again, maybe I can find anything with 
> > regards to this.
> > 
> > Either way, I've detailed from both the code and the thesis how the 
> > percentages are meant. In some cases, the % is calculated as //"% of the 
> > longer string's length"//. In the Leventhstein's case, it's actually 
> > inverted:
> > 
> > ```
> > Dist = (1 - Dist / LongerLength) * 100;
> > ```
> > 
> > So what this says is that if the current arg1-param1 arg2-param2 pairing 
> > has less than the inverse of 50% (which is more than 50%) of the longer 
> > string's edit distance, but the arg2-param1 and arg1-param2 (the suggested 
> > swapped order) has more than the inverse of 66% (which is less than 33%), 
> > then the swap will be suggested.
> > 
> > Originally these values were called `LowerBound` and `UpperBound`, 
> > respectively, which was saying **even less** about what they mean...
> Sadly, I think there isn't any scientific reason behind these numbers. They 
> just looked ok after a couple of test runs. (Maybe they make sense for 
> shorter arg names, like the 66 for 3 char long names.)
In [Rice2017], the inflexion point of the precision/recall plot is at around 
`0.55`-ish threshold. They express this threshold as the distance of distances, 
i.e. `0` would mean the (a1, p1) - (a2, p2) pair is good as it is, and `1` 
would mean that it should **definitely** be (a2, p1) - (a1, p2) instead. 

Comment at: 
+// Checks whether ArgType converts implicitly to ParamType.
+static bool areTypesCompatible(QualType ArgType, QualType ParamType,
+                               const ASTContext &Ctx) {
whisperity wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > It seems like we're doing an awful lot of the same work as 
> > `ASTContext::typesAreCompatible()` and type compatibility rules are pretty 
> > complex, so I worry about this implementation being different than the 
> > `ASTContext` implementation. Have you explored whether we can reuse more of 
> > the logic from `ASTContext` here, or are they doing fundamentally different 
> > kinds of type compatibility checks?
> No, I didn't know that function even existed. This check must be older than 
> that function.
Actually, no, that function is pretty old... However, that function, and all 
the function it subsequently calls, require a **non-const** `ASTContext`. I 
have changed `ASTContext`:

╰─ git diff --cached --stat
 clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h                                     | 67 
 clang/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp                                             | 72 
 2 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

making related member functions and internal static functions take `const 
ASTContext &`/`*`.

This, by itself, did not break any of the tests of `check-clang 
check-clang-unit check-clang-tools check-clang-extra-unit`!

Comment at: 
+static bool areTypesCompatible(QualType ArgType, QualType ParamType,
+                               const ASTContext &Ctx) {
+  if (ArgType.isNull() || ParamType.isNull())
whisperity wrote:
> whisperity wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > It seems like we're doing an awful lot of the same work as 
> > > `ASTContext::typesAreCompatible()` and type compatibility rules are 
> > > pretty complex, so I worry about this implementation being different than 
> > > the `ASTContext` implementation. Have you explored whether we can reuse 
> > > more of the logic from `ASTContext` here, or are they doing fundamentally 
> > > different kinds of type compatibility checks?
> > No, I didn't know that function even existed. This check must be older than 
> > that function.
> Actually, no, that function is pretty old... However, that function, and all 
> the function it subsequently calls, require a **non-const** `ASTContext`. I 
> have changed `ASTContext`:
> ```
> ╰─ git diff --cached --stat
>  clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h                                     | 
> 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
>  clang/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp                                             | 
> 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
>  2 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
> ```
> making related member functions and internal static functions take `const 
> ASTContext &`/`*`.
> This, by itself, did not break any of the tests of `check-clang 
> check-clang-unit check-clang-tools check-clang-extra-unit`!
@aaron.ballman Changing the function to be 

return Ctx.typesAreCompatible(ArgType, ParamType);

will make the checker miss the test case about `T`/`const T&` mixup.

void value_const_reference(int llllll, const int& kkkkkk);
void const_ref_value_swapped() {
  const int& kkkkkk = 42;
  const int& llllll = 42;
  value_const_reference(kkkkkk, llllll);
  // error: CHECK-MESSAGES: expected string not found in input:
  // warning: 1st argument 'kkkkkk' (passed to 'llllll') looks like it might be 
swapped with the 2nd, 'llllll' (passed to 'kkkkkk')


Setting `bool CompareUnqualified = true` (3rd argument to `typesAreCompatible`) 
doesn't help either.
Which is valid from `typesAreCompatible`'s perspective... that function answer 
the question, applied to the context of the above test: //"Is `llllll = 
kkkkkk;` valid?"//, which is obviously **false** as both are `const T&`s.

Comment at: 
+  enum class Bound {
+    /// The percentage below which the heuristic deems the strings
+    /// dissimilar.
aaron.ballman wrote:
> The comment is somewhat confusing because the enumerators have the values 0 
> and 1, which are valid percentages but not likely what the comment means.
I'll rename it to `BoundKind` and update the comments.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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