christophe-calmejane added a comment.

> If you did The only difference (with this current patch) would be the 
> positioning of the first arguments on `paramBeforeAndAfterLambda` and 
> `doubleLambda` (I'm not sure the reason for why that is)

@MyDeveloperDay The reason is the fix I talked about in the other thread 
( that I proposed for LLVM 7.0.0. But last time 
I checked, my patch couldn't be applied anymore due to massive changes in the 
code. I don't have enough knowledge of clang-format to clearly follow where 
went the code my patch applies to, I originally fixed the issue blindly by 
stepping into the code :)
Nevertheless, I think the issue is still present (since my patch was not 
applied to the base code) and it might still be related to this reason. See my 
comment that fixed the issue back then 

It would be really awesome if this could finally be fixed so we have a 
consistent formatting for lambdas!


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