HazardyKnusperkeks added a comment.

I already said I would like that in `clang-format` and would directly add that 
to my config.

I also think that there should be no problem in having that in `clang-format`, 
include sorting has a bigger chance of breaking code, yeah only with poorly 
designed headers but these exist, something which can not be fixed in 
clang-format itself, but only with `// clang-format off` or a elaborated 
sorting configuration. Breaking `const` moves can be fixed in `clang-format` 
and since it is off by default I really don't see a problem.

For the option: Maybe it should directly be prepared to sort all kinds of 
qualifiers, even if they are not added in this patch.

Comment at: clang/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst:1378
+**ConstStyle** (``ConstAlignmentStyle``)
+  Different ways to arrange const.
davidstone wrote:
> steveire wrote:
> > klimek wrote:
> > > MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > > > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > > > MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > > > > > klimek wrote:
> > > > > > > Personally, I'm somewhat against having 3 different aliases for 
> > > > > > > the options. I'd chose one, even though it doesn't make everybody 
> > > > > > > happy, and move on. I'm fine with East/West as long as the 
> > > > > > > documentation makes it clear what it is.
> > > > > > If I have to drop the other options, I think I'd want to go with 
> > > > > > East/West const as I feel it has more momentum, just letting people 
> > > > > > know before I change the code back (to my original patch ;-) )
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRmI_gsNqcI
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > {F10954065}
> > > > > > 
> > > > > @klimek I requested that we do not go with East/West the options and 
> > > > > I'm still pretty insistent on it. East/West is a kitschy way to 
> > > > > phrase it that I think is somewhat US-centric (where we make a pretty 
> > > > > big distinction between the east and west coasts). I do not want to 
> > > > > have to mentally map left/right to the less-clear east/west in the 
> > > > > config file. Would you be fine if we only had Left/Right instead of 
> > > > > East/West? I would be fine with that option, but figured enough 
> > > > > people like the cute East/West designation that we might as well 
> > > > > support it.
> > > > Just for a reference, I'm not from the US and I think east/west still 
> > > > translates pretty well. I was happy to support the others. 
> > > I'd be fine with only having left/right; my personal feeling is also that 
> > > west-const / east-const has kinda become a term of art, though, so I 
> > > really don't know which one is "right" :)
> > > 
> > > Generally, I think this is one of the cases where, given good docs, we're 
> > > quickly spending more engineering hours discussing the right solution 
> > > than it'll cost aggregated over all future users, under the assumption 
> > > that people do not write new configs very often, and the few who will, 
> > > will quickly remember.
> > > 
> > > I'd be fine with only having left/right; my personal feeling is also that 
> > > west-const / east-const has kinda become a term of art, though, so I 
> > > really don't know which one is "right" :)
> > 
> > This reminds me of the joke that Americans drive on the "Right" side of the 
> > road, and English drive on the "Correct" side. Sort of gives a different 
> > meaning to `ConstStyle : Right` and that the alternative is `Wrong` :). 
> > Maybe that language ambiguity is why `East`/`West` caught on.
> > 
> > > people do not write new configs very often
> > 
> > Agreed. It seems a small number of strong views might influence this enough 
> > to make `East`/`West` not be used. What a pity.
> I'd also add that the original "joke" was `const west` vs `east const` -- the 
> terms put the const where they would apply in the style. This seems to have 
> gotten lost in the retelling and now the const is always on the right.
> I'd favor `Left` and `Right`. `East` and `West` have "caught on" now, but 
> it's caught on among the small group of C++ enthusiasts and still has a sort 
> of ingroup joke feel to it. I instinctively know my preferred style is "east" 
> because the phrase "east const" feels more natural to me because I've said it 
> more. It took me a bit of repetition of thinking "East is right, I put the 
> const on the right" to get there.
> `East` and `West` also sets a precedent for future options to refer to 
> positions as `North` and `South`.
I also think `Left` and `Right` are the better choices, but I would be full in 
favor of also parsing `West` and `East`. :)

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/EastWestConstFixer.cpp:293
+      Tok->Next->Next->Next && Tok->Next->Next->Next->is(tok::kw_const)) {
+    swapFourTokens(SourceMgr, Fixes, Tok, Tok->Next, Tok->Next, 
+                         /*West=*/true);
aaron.ballman wrote:
> curdeius wrote:
> > MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > > rsmith wrote:
> > > > There can be more than four type-specifiers / cv-qualifiers in a row. 
> > > > Eg: `unsigned long long int volatile const` -> `const volatile unsigned 
> > > > long long int`.
> > > you have the volatile moving too? if you had the choice would it become:
> > > 
> > > - `const unsigned long long int volatile`
> > > - `const volatile unsigned long long int`
> > > - `volatile const unsigned long long int`
> > > 
> > > Any reason why? or is that personal taste? what would be the ideal?
> > > 
> > > 
> > Given the size of this revision, it would be probably wiser not to touch 
> > anything else than `const`.
> > Any reason why? or is that personal taste? what would be the ideal?
> It's a bit odd to only handle one qualifier and it's been my experience that 
> people usually want their qualifiers grouped together. While I'm sure there 
> are opinions on the ordering *within* the qualifiers where there are multiple 
> different ones, I would guess that there's not a lot of people who would 
> argue that they want their const qualifiers on the left and their volatile 
> qualifiers on the right.
> Btw, don't forget that attributes also need to be handled properly. e.g.,
> ```
> long static constexpr unsigned __attribute__((address_space(0))) long const 
> int i = 12;
> ```
> Also, we probably need a test case where the qualifiers have been duplicated, 
> like in this lovely `const` fort:
> ```
> const const const
> const  int  const
> const const const i = 12;
> ```
> Do we want that to produce `const const const const const const const const 
> int i = 12;` or `const int i = 12;`?
I would be in favor of just `const int`.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp:1260
     GoogleStyle.CommentPragmas = "(taze:|^/[ \t]*<|tslint:|@see)";
+    GoogleStyle.ConstPlacement = FormatStyle::CS_Leave;
     // TODO: enable once decided, in particular re disabling bin packing.
These are not needed if the LLVM style is already `Leave`.



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