This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rG12da97ea10a9: [OpenMP][AMDGCN] Initial math headers support 
(authored by pdhaliwal).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang/test/Headers/openmp_device_math_isnan.cpp
--- clang/test/Headers/openmp_device_math_isnan.cpp
+++ clang/test/Headers/openmp_device_math_isnan.cpp
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
 double math(float f, double d) {
   double r = 0;
   // INT_RETURN: call i32 @__nv_isnanf(float
-  // AMD_INT_RETURN: call i32 @_{{.*}}isnanf(float
+  // AMD_INT_RETURN: call i32 @__ocml_isnan_f32(float
   // BOOL_RETURN: call i32 @__nv_isnanf(float
-  // AMD_BOOL_RETURN: call zeroext i1 @_{{.*}}isnanf(float
+  // AMD_BOOL_RETURN: call i32 @__ocml_isnan_f32(float
   r += std::isnan(f);
   // INT_RETURN: call i32 @__nv_isnand(double
-  // AMD_INT_RETURN: call i32 @_{{.*}}isnand(double
+  // AMD_INT_RETURN: call i32 @__ocml_isnan_f64(double
   // BOOL_RETURN: call i32 @__nv_isnand(double
-  // AMD_BOOL_RETURN: call zeroext i1 @_{{.*}}isnand(double
+  // AMD_BOOL_RETURN: call i32 @__ocml_isnan_f64(double
   r += std::isnan(d);
   return r;
Index: clang/test/Headers/amdgcn_openmp_device_math.c
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Headers/amdgcn_openmp_device_math.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -internal-isystem %S/Inputs/include -x c -fopenmp -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -emit-llvm-bc %s -o %t-host.bc
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -internal-isystem %S/../../lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers -include __clang_openmp_device_functions.h -internal-isystem %S/../../lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers -internal-isystem %S/Inputs/include -x c -fopenmp -triple amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -aux-triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -emit-llvm %s -fopenmp-is-device -fopenmp-host-ir-file-path %t-host.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK-C,CHECK
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -internal-isystem %S/Inputs/include -x c++ -fopenmp -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -emit-llvm-bc %s -o %t-host.bc
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -internal-isystem %S/../../lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers -include __clang_openmp_device_functions.h -internal-isystem %S/../../lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers -internal-isystem %S/Inputs/include -x c++ -fopenmp -triple amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -aux-triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -emit-llvm %s -fopenmp-is-device -fopenmp-host-ir-file-path %t-host.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK-CPP,CHECK
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <cmath>
+#include <math.h>
+void test_math_f64(double x) {
+// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}test_math_f64
+#pragma omp target
+  {
+    // CHECK: call double @__ocml_sin_f64
+    double l1 = sin(x);
+    // CHECK: call double @__ocml_cos_f64
+    double l2 = cos(x);
+    // CHECK: call double @__ocml_fabs_f64
+    double l3 = fabs(x);
+  }
+void test_math_f32(float x) {
+// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}test_math_f32
+#pragma omp target
+  {
+    // CHECK-C: call double @__ocml_sin_f64
+    // CHECK-CPP: call float @__ocml_sin_f32
+    float l1 = sin(x);
+    // CHECK-C: call double @__ocml_cos_f64
+    // CHECK-CPP: call float @__ocml_cos_f32
+    float l2 = cos(x);
+    // CHECK-C: call double @__ocml_fabs_f64
+    // CHECK-CPP: call float @__ocml_fabs_f32
+    float l3 = fabs(x);
+  }
+void test_math_f32_suffix(float x) {
+// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}test_math_f32_suffix
+#pragma omp target
+  {
+    // CHECK: call float @__ocml_sin_f32
+    float l1 = sinf(x);
+    // CHECK: call float @__ocml_cos_f32
+    float l2 = cosf(x);
+    // CHECK: call float @__ocml_fabs_f32
+    float l3 = fabsf(x);
+  }
Index: clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/utility
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/utility
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#pragma once
Index: clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/cstdlib
--- clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/cstdlib
+++ clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/cstdlib
@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@
 double abs(double __x) { return fabs(__x); }
Index: clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/algorithm
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Headers/Inputs/include/algorithm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace std {
+ template<class T> constexpr const T& min(const T& a, const T& b);
+ template<class T> constexpr const T& max(const T& a, const T& b);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/math.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/math.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/math.h
@@ -48,4 +48,12 @@
 #pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {arch(amdgcn)})
+#define __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#include <__clang_hip_math.h>
+#undef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#pragma omp end declare variant
Index: clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/cmath
--- clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/cmath
+++ clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/cmath
@@ -75,4 +75,58 @@
 #pragma omp end declare variant
+#ifdef __AMDGCN__
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {arch(amdgcn)})
+#pragma push_macro("__constant__")
+#define __constant__ __attribute__((constant))
+#define __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#include <__clang_hip_cmath.h>
+#pragma pop_macro("__constant__")
+#undef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+// Define overloads otherwise which are absent
+#define __DEVICE__ static constexpr __attribute__((always_inline, nothrow))
+__DEVICE__ float acos(float __x) { return ::acosf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float acosh(float __x) { return ::acoshf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float asin(float __x) { return ::asinf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float asinh(float __x) { return ::asinhf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float atan(float __x) { return ::atanf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float atan2(float __x, float __y) { return ::atan2f(__x, __y); }
+__DEVICE__ float atanh(float __x) { return ::atanhf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float cbrt(float __x) { return ::cbrtf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float cosh(float __x) { return ::coshf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float erf(float __x) { return ::erff(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float erfc(float __x) { return ::erfcf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float exp2(float __x) { return ::exp2f(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float expm1(float __x) { return ::expm1f(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float fdim(float __x, float __y) { return ::fdimf(__x, __y); }
+__DEVICE__ float hypot(float __x, float __y) { return ::hypotf(__x, __y); }
+__DEVICE__ int ilogb(float __x) { return ::ilogbf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float ldexp(float __arg, int __exp) {
+  return ::ldexpf(__arg, __exp);
+__DEVICE__ float lgamma(float __x) { return ::lgammaf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float log1p(float __x) { return ::log1pf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float logb(float __x) { return ::logbf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float nextafter(float __x, float __y) {
+  return ::nextafterf(__x, __y);
+__DEVICE__ float remainder(float __x, float __y) {
+  return ::remainderf(__x, __y);
+__DEVICE__ float scalbn(float __x, int __y) { return ::scalbnf(__x, __y); }
+__DEVICE__ float sinh(float __x) { return ::sinhf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float tan(float __x) { return ::tanf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float tanh(float __x) { return ::tanhf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ float tgamma(float __x) { return ::tgammaf(__x); }
+#undef __DEVICE__
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#endif // __AMDGCN__
Index: clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/__clang_openmp_device_functions.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/__clang_openmp_device_functions.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/openmp_wrappers/__clang_openmp_device_functions.h
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 #error "This file is for OpenMP compilation only."
-#pragma omp begin declare variant match(                                       \
-    device = {arch(nvptx, nvptx64)}, implementation = {extension(match_any)})
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(                                       \
+    device = {arch(nvptx, nvptx64)}, implementation = {extension(match_any)})
 #define __CUDA__
 #define __OPENMP_NVPTX__
@@ -33,12 +33,32 @@
 #undef __OPENMP_NVPTX__
 #undef __CUDA__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // extern "C"
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {arch(amdgcn)})
+// Import types which will be used by __clang_hip_libdevice_declares.h
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#pragma push_macro("__device__")
+#define __device__
+/// Include declarations for libdevice functions.
+#include <__clang_hip_libdevice_declares.h>
+#pragma pop_macro("__device__")
+#undef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
 #pragma omp end declare variant
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
 // Ensure we make `_ZdlPv`, aka. `operator delete(void*)` available without the
 // need to `include <new>` in C++ mode.
 #ifdef __cplusplus
Index: clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_math.h
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #ifndef __CLANG_HIP_MATH_H__
 #define __CLANG_HIP_MATH_H__
-#if !defined(__HIP__)
+#if !defined(__HIP__) && !defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
 #error "This file is for HIP and OpenMP AMDGCN device compilation only."
@@ -19,18 +19,27 @@
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
-#endif // __HIPCC_RTC__
+#endif // !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
 #pragma push_macro("__DEVICE__")
+#ifdef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#define __DEVICE__ static inline __attribute__((always_inline, nothrow))
 #define __DEVICE__ static __device__ inline __attribute__((always_inline))
 // A few functions return bool type starting only in C++11.
 #pragma push_macro("__RETURN_TYPE")
+#ifdef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#define __RETURN_TYPE int
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
 #define __RETURN_TYPE bool
 #define __RETURN_TYPE int
+#endif // __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
 #if defined (__cplusplus) && __cplusplus < 201103L
 // emulate static_assert on type sizes
@@ -1262,7 +1271,7 @@
 double min(double __x, double __y) { return fmin(__x, __y); }
-#if !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
+#if !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__) && !defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
 __host__ inline static int min(int __arg1, int __arg2) {
   return std::min(__arg1, __arg2);
@@ -1270,7 +1279,7 @@
 __host__ inline static int max(int __arg1, int __arg2) {
   return std::max(__arg1, __arg2);
-#endif // __HIPCC_RTC__
+#endif // !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__) && !defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
 #pragma pop_macro("__DEVICE__")
Index: clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_cmath.h
--- clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_cmath.h
+++ clang/lib/Headers/__clang_hip_cmath.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #ifndef __CLANG_HIP_CMATH_H__
 #define __CLANG_HIP_CMATH_H__
-#if !defined(__HIP__)
+#if !defined(__HIP__) && !defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
 #error "This file is for HIP and OpenMP AMDGCN device compilation only."
@@ -25,31 +25,43 @@
 #endif // !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
 #pragma push_macro("__DEVICE__")
+#pragma push_macro("__CONSTEXPR__")
+#ifdef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+#define __DEVICE__ static __attribute__((always_inline, nothrow))
+#define __CONSTEXPR__ constexpr
 #define __DEVICE__ static __device__ inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+#define __CONSTEXPR__
+#endif // __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
 // Start with functions that cannot be defined by DEF macros below.
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-__DEVICE__ double abs(double __x) { return ::fabs(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ float abs(float __x) { return ::fabsf(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ long long abs(long long __n) { return ::llabs(__n); }
-__DEVICE__ long abs(long __n) { return ::labs(__n); }
-__DEVICE__ float fma(float __x, float __y, float __z) {
+#if defined __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float fabs(float __x) { return ::fabsf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float sin(float __x) { return ::sinf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float cos(float __x) { return ::cosf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ double abs(double __x) { return ::fabs(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float abs(float __x) { return ::fabsf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ long long abs(long long __n) { return ::llabs(__n); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ long abs(long __n) { return ::labs(__n); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float fma(float __x, float __y, float __z) {
   return ::fmaf(__x, __y, __z);
 #if !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
 // The value returned by fpclassify is platform dependent, therefore it is not
 // supported by hipRTC.
-__DEVICE__ int fpclassify(float __x) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int fpclassify(float __x) {
   return __builtin_fpclassify(FP_NAN, FP_INFINITE, FP_NORMAL, FP_SUBNORMAL,
                               FP_ZERO, __x);
-__DEVICE__ int fpclassify(double __x) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int fpclassify(double __x) {
   return __builtin_fpclassify(FP_NAN, FP_INFINITE, FP_NORMAL, FP_SUBNORMAL,
                               FP_ZERO, __x);
 #endif // !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
-__DEVICE__ float frexp(float __arg, int *__exp) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float frexp(float __arg, int *__exp) {
   return ::frexpf(__arg, __exp);
@@ -71,93 +83,101 @@
 //        of the variants inside the inner region and avoid the clash.
 #pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)})
-__DEVICE__ int isinf(float __x) { return ::__isinff(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ int isinf(double __x) { return ::__isinf(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ int isfinite(float __x) { return ::__finitef(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ int isfinite(double __x) { return ::__finite(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ int isnan(float __x) { return ::__isnanf(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ int isnan(double __x) { return ::__isnan(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int isinf(float __x) { return ::__isinff(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int isinf(double __x) { return ::__isinf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int isfinite(float __x) { return ::__finitef(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int isfinite(double __x) { return ::__finite(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int isnan(float __x) { return ::__isnanf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ int isnan(double __x) { return ::__isnan(__x); }
 #pragma omp end declare variant
 #endif // defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
-__DEVICE__ bool isinf(float __x) { return ::__isinff(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isinf(double __x) { return ::__isinf(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isfinite(float __x) { return ::__finitef(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isfinite(double __x) { return ::__finite(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isnan(float __x) { return ::__isnanf(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isnan(double __x) { return ::__isnan(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isinf(float __x) { return ::__isinff(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isinf(double __x) { return ::__isinf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isfinite(float __x) { return ::__finitef(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isfinite(double __x) { return ::__finite(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isnan(float __x) { return ::__isnanf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isnan(double __x) { return ::__isnan(__x); }
 #if defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
 #pragma omp end declare variant
 #endif // defined(__OPENMP_AMDGCN__)
-__DEVICE__ bool isgreater(float __x, float __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isgreater(float __x, float __y) {
   return __builtin_isgreater(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isgreater(double __x, double __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isgreater(double __x, double __y) {
   return __builtin_isgreater(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isgreaterequal(float __x, float __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isgreaterequal(float __x, float __y) {
   return __builtin_isgreaterequal(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isgreaterequal(double __x, double __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isgreaterequal(double __x, double __y) {
   return __builtin_isgreaterequal(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isless(float __x, float __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isless(float __x, float __y) {
   return __builtin_isless(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isless(double __x, double __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isless(double __x, double __y) {
   return __builtin_isless(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool islessequal(float __x, float __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool islessequal(float __x, float __y) {
   return __builtin_islessequal(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool islessequal(double __x, double __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool islessequal(double __x, double __y) {
   return __builtin_islessequal(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool islessgreater(float __x, float __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool islessgreater(float __x, float __y) {
   return __builtin_islessgreater(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool islessgreater(double __x, double __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool islessgreater(double __x, double __y) {
   return __builtin_islessgreater(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isnormal(float __x) { return __builtin_isnormal(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isnormal(double __x) { return __builtin_isnormal(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool isunordered(float __x, float __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isnormal(float __x) {
+  return __builtin_isnormal(__x);
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isnormal(double __x) {
+  return __builtin_isnormal(__x);
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isunordered(float __x, float __y) {
   return __builtin_isunordered(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ bool isunordered(double __x, double __y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool isunordered(double __x, double __y) {
   return __builtin_isunordered(__x, __y);
-__DEVICE__ float modf(float __x, float *__iptr) { return ::modff(__x, __iptr); }
-__DEVICE__ float pow(float __base, int __iexp) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float modf(float __x, float *__iptr) {
+  return ::modff(__x, __iptr);
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float pow(float __base, int __iexp) {
   return ::powif(__base, __iexp);
-__DEVICE__ double pow(double __base, int __iexp) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ double pow(double __base, int __iexp) {
   return ::powi(__base, __iexp);
-__DEVICE__ float remquo(float __x, float __y, int *__quo) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float remquo(float __x, float __y, int *__quo) {
   return ::remquof(__x, __y, __quo);
-__DEVICE__ float scalbln(float __x, long int __n) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ float scalbln(float __x, long int __n) {
   return ::scalblnf(__x, __n);
-__DEVICE__ bool signbit(float __x) { return ::__signbitf(__x); }
-__DEVICE__ bool signbit(double __x) { return ::__signbit(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool signbit(float __x) { return ::__signbitf(__x); }
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ bool signbit(double __x) { return ::__signbit(__x); }
 // Notably missing above is nexttoward.  We omit it because
 // ocml doesn't provide an implementation, and we don't want to be in the
 // business of implementing tricky libm functions in this header.
 // Other functions.
-__DEVICE__ _Float16 fma(_Float16 __x, _Float16 __y, _Float16 __z) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ _Float16 fma(_Float16 __x, _Float16 __y,
+                                      _Float16 __z) {
   return __ocml_fma_f16(__x, __y, __z);
-__DEVICE__ _Float16 pow(_Float16 __base, int __iexp) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ _Float16 pow(_Float16 __base, int __iexp) {
   return __ocml_pown_f16(__base, __iexp);
+#ifndef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
@@ -168,18 +188,19 @@
 // Define cmath functions with float argument and returns __retty.
 #define __DEF_FUN1(__retty, __func)                                            \
-  __DEVICE__                                                                   \
-  __retty __func(float __x) { return __func##f(__x); }
+  __DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __retty __func(float __x) { return __func##f(__x); }
 // Define cmath functions with two float arguments and returns __retty.
 #define __DEF_FUN2(__retty, __func)                                            \
-  __DEVICE__                                                                   \
-  __retty __func(float __x, float __y) { return __func##f(__x, __y); }
+  __DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __retty __func(float __x, float __y) {              \
+    return __func##f(__x, __y);                                                \
+  }
 // Define cmath functions with a float and an int argument and returns __retty.
 #define __DEF_FUN2_FI(__retty, __func)                                         \
-  __DEVICE__                                                                   \
-  __retty __func(float __x, int __y) { return __func##f(__x, __y); }
+  __DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __retty __func(float __x, int __y) {                \
+    return __func##f(__x, __y);                                                \
+  }
 __DEF_FUN1(float, acos)
 __DEF_FUN1(float, acosh)
@@ -426,7 +447,7 @@
 // floor(double).
 #define __HIP_OVERLOAD1(__retty, __fn)                                         \
   template <typename __T>                                                      \
-  __DEVICE__                                                                   \
+  __DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__                                                     \
       typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_integral<__T>::value, __retty>::type  \
       __fn(__T __x) {                                                          \
     return ::__fn((double)__x);                                                \
@@ -438,7 +459,7 @@
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
 #define __HIP_OVERLOAD2(__retty, __fn)                                         \
   template <typename __T1, typename __T2>                                      \
-  __DEVICE__ typename __hip_enable_if<                                         \
+  __DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ typename __hip_enable_if<                           \
       __hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value && __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value,  \
       typename __hip::__promote<__T1, __T2>::type>::type                       \
   __fn(__T1 __x, __T2 __y) {                                                   \
@@ -448,10 +469,11 @@
 #define __HIP_OVERLOAD2(__retty, __fn)                                         \
   template <typename __T1, typename __T2>                                      \
-  __DEVICE__ typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&     \
-                                          __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value,   \
-                                      __retty>::type                           \
-  __fn(__T1 __x, __T2 __y) {                                                   \
+  __DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__                                                     \
+      typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&            \
+                                   __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value,          \
+                               __retty>::type                                  \
+      __fn(__T1 __x, __T2 __y) {                                               \
     return __fn((double)__x, (double)__y);                                     \
@@ -526,7 +548,7 @@
 // Additional Overloads that don't quite match HIP_OVERLOAD.
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
 template <typename __T1, typename __T2, typename __T3>
-__DEVICE__ typename __hip_enable_if<
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ typename __hip_enable_if<
     __hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value && __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value &&
     typename __hip::__promote<__T1, __T2, __T3>::type>::type
@@ -536,31 +558,32 @@
 template <typename __T1, typename __T2, typename __T3>
-__DEVICE__ typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&
-                                        __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value &&
-                                        __hip::is_arithmetic<__T3>::value,
-                                    double>::type
-fma(__T1 __x, __T2 __y, __T3 __z) {
+    typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&
+                                 __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value &&
+                                 __hip::is_arithmetic<__T3>::value,
+                             double>::type
+    fma(__T1 __x, __T2 __y, __T3 __z) {
   return ::fma((double)__x, (double)__y, (double)__z);
 template <typename __T>
     typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_integral<__T>::value, double>::type
     frexp(__T __x, int *__exp) {
   return ::frexp((double)__x, __exp);
 template <typename __T>
     typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_integral<__T>::value, double>::type
     ldexp(__T __x, int __exp) {
   return ::ldexp((double)__x, __exp);
 template <typename __T>
     typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_integral<__T>::value, double>::type
     modf(__T __x, double *__exp) {
   return ::modf((double)__x, __exp);
@@ -568,7 +591,7 @@
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
 template <typename __T1, typename __T2>
     typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&
                              typename __hip::__promote<__T1, __T2>::type>::type
@@ -578,23 +601,24 @@
 template <typename __T1, typename __T2>
-__DEVICE__ typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&
-                                        __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value,
-                                    double>::type
-remquo(__T1 __x, __T2 __y, int *__quo) {
+    typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_arithmetic<__T1>::value &&
+                                 __hip::is_arithmetic<__T2>::value,
+                             double>::type
+    remquo(__T1 __x, __T2 __y, int *__quo) {
   return ::remquo((double)__x, (double)__y, __quo);
 template <typename __T>
     typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_integral<__T>::value, double>::type
     scalbln(__T __x, long int __exp) {
   return ::scalbln((double)__x, __exp);
 template <typename __T>
     typename __hip_enable_if<__hip::is_integral<__T>::value, double>::type
     scalbn(__T __x, int __exp) {
   return ::scalbn((double)__x, __exp);
@@ -607,8 +631,10 @@
+#endif // ifndef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
 #endif // defined(__cplusplus)
+#ifndef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
 // Define these overloads inside the namespace our standard library uses.
 #if !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
@@ -781,22 +807,26 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
 extern "C" {
 #endif // defined(__cplusplus)
-__DEVICE__ __attribute__((overloadable)) double _Cosh(double x, double y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __attribute__((overloadable)) double _Cosh(double x,
+                                                                    double y) {
   return cosh(x) * y;
-__DEVICE__ __attribute__((overloadable)) float _FCosh(float x, float y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __attribute__((overloadable)) float _FCosh(float x,
+                                                                    float y) {
   return coshf(x) * y;
-__DEVICE__ __attribute__((overloadable)) short _Dtest(double *p) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __attribute__((overloadable)) short _Dtest(double *p) {
   return fpclassify(*p);
-__DEVICE__ __attribute__((overloadable)) short _FDtest(float *p) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __attribute__((overloadable)) short _FDtest(float *p) {
   return fpclassify(*p);
-__DEVICE__ __attribute__((overloadable)) double _Sinh(double x, double y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __attribute__((overloadable)) double _Sinh(double x,
+                                                                    double y) {
   return sinh(x) * y;
-__DEVICE__ __attribute__((overloadable)) float _FSinh(float x, float y) {
+__DEVICE__ __CONSTEXPR__ __attribute__((overloadable)) float _FSinh(float x,
+                                                                    float y) {
   return sinhf(x) * y;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
@@ -804,7 +834,9 @@
 #endif // defined(__cplusplus)
 #endif // defined(_MSC_VER)
 #endif // !defined(__HIPCC_RTC__)
+#endif // ifndef __OPENMP_AMDGCN__
 #pragma pop_macro("__DEVICE__")
+#pragma pop_macro("__CONSTEXPR__")
 #endif // __CLANG_HIP_CMATH_H__
Index: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
--- clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
@@ -1256,7 +1256,8 @@
   // If we are offloading to a target via OpenMP we need to include the
   // openmp_wrappers folder which contains alternative system headers.
   if (JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_OpenMP) &&
-      getToolChain().getTriple().isNVPTX()){
+      (getToolChain().getTriple().isNVPTX() ||
+       getToolChain().getTriple().isAMDGCN())) {
     if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nobuiltininc)) {
       // Add openmp_wrappers/* to our system include path.  This lets us wrap
       // standard library headers.
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