HazardyKnusperkeks added a comment.

In D95168#3102247 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D95168#3102247>, @owenpan wrote:

> In D95168#3100969 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D95168#3100969>, @MyDeveloperDay 
> wrote:
>> In D95168#3099920 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D95168#3099920>, @owenpan wrote:
>>> In D95168#3099739 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D95168#3099739>, 
>>> @MyDeveloperDay wrote:
>>>> - Look further into possible Removal (I have an idea for how this might be 
>>>> possible, and super useful for LLVM where we don't like single if {} ), 
>>>> I'd like to round out on this before introducing the options rather than 
>>>> having to change them later
>>>> - Should we add the possibility of removal should we change the option 
>>>> name to "AutomaticBraces" (thoughts?)
>>> As mentioned in D95168#3039033 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D95168#3039033>, I 
>>> think it would be better to handle the removal separately. The LLVM Coding 
>>> Standards has an entire section 
>>> <https://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#don-t-use-braces-on-simple-single-statement-bodies-of-if-else-loop-statements>
>>>  about this. Some of the listed exceptions/examples there can make things 
>>> more difficult.
>> I'm thinking more about not adding a "InsertBraces" only later to find it 
>> should have been `InsertRemoveBraces` or `AutomaticBraces` i.e. I want to 
>> have some idea as to how this might work, if it might be possible even if we 
>> land separately.
> I think the InsertBraces options can be handled by an `enum`, but the 
> RemoveBraces options most likely will use a `struct`. Does it make sense to 
> have both turned on in the same configuration?

I'm in favor of a struct of enums:

    AfterIf: OnlyIfElse
    AfterElse: Remove #this is obviously only to remove, if the else body is a 
single line
    AfterWhile: ...

And we can gradually add new enumerators to handle the delicate nuances of 
adding or removing the braces.
And we should add them one after another.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Format/Format.h:3696
            IndentRequires == R.IndentRequires && IndentWidth == R.IndentWidth 
-           Language == R.Language &&
+           AutomaticBraces == R.AutomaticBraces && Language == R.Language &&
            IndentWrappedFunctionNames == R.IndentWrappedFunctionNames &&
Resort ;)

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/BraceInserter.cpp:105
+  FormatToken *getNext(int &Line, FormatToken *current) {
+    if (Line == 0 && current == nullptr) {
+      return Lines[0]->First;
Remove the {
Oh the irony. :)

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/BraceInserter.h:1
+//===--- BraceInserter.h - Format C++ code 
Inserter is misleading, if we want it to be able to remove.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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