aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D118804#3304337 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D118804#3304337>, @urnathan wrote:

> In D118804#3304280 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D118804#3304280>, @aaron.ballman 
> wrote:
>> In D118804#3304261 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D118804#3304261>, @urnathan 
>> wrote:
>>> While C2X has blessed such smaller alignments, the x86_64 ABI (in 
>>> particular), has not.  However, using that ABI to justify 'It. Is. 16. 
>>> Bytes.', is really an exercise in reality denial at this point.  just 
>>> thought I'd make it clear we have conflicting standards and practicality to 
>>> attend to.
>> Do we want me to report back to WG14 with information that N2293 might not 
>> suitable for adoption into C2x?
> I think N2293 is fine for C2x.  It is blessing an implementation of lower 
> alignment allocations.  Putting the programmer on notice that they can no 
> longer assume some things.

Okay, that's good to know, thank you! If the consensus changes and we want me 
to take feedback to WG14, please let me know.

> As a compiler I think we need to deal with the reality that there are non-ABI 
> conforming [system-dependent] allocators out there, and not simply say 'But 
> the ABI says ...'
> There is already at least one thing the ABI says that is not valid on some 
> systems [sret return behaviour and Swift], for equally good reasons.  The 
> compiler deals with that.
> FWIW, although gcc's code generation has a similar bug, its C++ library is 
> already cognizant of lower-alignment allocators -- I convinced Mr Wakely a 
> few years ago :)

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