danielmarjamaki added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D21134#508524, @jroelofs wrote:

> I think the replacement is wrong for something like:
>   int *arr; int offs1, offs2;
>   offs1[arr + offs2] = 42;
> which I think would give:
>   int *arr; int offs1, offs2;
>   arr + offs2[offs1] = 42;
> If the precedence of the "indexing" argument is less than that of the 
> subscript operator, then you need to insert parens:
>   int *arr; int offs1, offs2;
>   (arr + offs2)[offs1] = 42;

I don't think so. The matcher says:

            anyOf(stringLiteral(), declRefExpr(hasType(pointsTo(qualType()))),

I think it's hard to know what the replaced code should be. In some cases it 
might be better with:

  arr[offs1 + offs2] = 42;


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