aaron.ballman updated this revision to Diff 520338.
aaron.ballman marked 2 inline comments as done.
aaron.ballman added a comment.

Added a test case for packs based on review feedback.




Index: clang/test/SemaCXX/generic-selection.cpp
--- clang/test/SemaCXX/generic-selection.cpp
+++ clang/test/SemaCXX/generic-selection.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 template <typename T, typename U = void*>
 struct A {
   enum {
-    id = _Generic(T(), // expected-error {{controlling expression type 'char' not compatible with any generic association type}}
+    id = _Generic(T{}, // expected-error {{controlling expression type 'char' not compatible with any generic association type}}
         int: 1, // expected-note {{compatible type 'int' specified here}}
         float: 2,
         U: 3) // expected-error {{type 'int' in generic association compatible with previously specified type 'int'}}
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 template <typename T, typename U>
 struct B {
   enum {
-    id = _Generic(T(),
+    id = _Generic(T{},
         int: 1, // expected-note {{compatible type 'int' specified here}}
         int: 2, // expected-error {{type 'int' in generic association compatible with previously specified type 'int'}}
         U: 3)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 template <class... Args> struct TypeMask {
   enum {
-   result = Or<_Generic(Args(), int: 1, long: 2, short: 4, float: 8)...>::result
+   result = Or<_Generic(Args{}, int: 1, long: 2, short: 4, float: 8)...>::result
Index: clang/test/Sema/generic-selection-type-extension.c
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Sema/generic-selection-type-extension.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c2x -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-unused %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-unused -x c++ %s
+// Test that the semantic behavior of the extension allowing the user to pass a
+// type as the first argument to _Generic.
+// Test that we match on basic types.
+static_assert(_Generic(int, int : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+static_assert(_Generic(_BitInt(12), int : 1, _BitInt(10) : 2, _BitInt(12) : 3) == 3);
+// Test that we correctly fall back to the default association appropriately.
+static_assert(_Generic(int, long : 1, default : 0) == 0);
+// Ensure we correctly match constant arrays by their extent.
+static_assert(_Generic(int[12], int[0] : 0, int * : 0, int[12] : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+// Ensure we correctly match function types by their signature.
+static_assert(_Generic(int(int), void(void) : 0, int(void) : 0, void(int) : 0, int(int) : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+// Test that we still diagnose when no associations match and that the
+// diagnostic includes qualifiers.
+static_assert(_Generic(const int, long : 1)); // expected-error {{controlling expression type 'const int' not compatible with any generic association type}}
+// Test that qualifiers work as expected and do not issue a diagnostic when
+// using the type form.
+static_assert(_Generic(const int, int : 0, const int : 1) == 1);
+static_assert(_Generic(int volatile _Atomic const, int : 0, const int : 0, volatile int : 0, _Atomic int : 0, _Atomic const volatile int : 1) == 1);
+// Test that inferred qualifiers also work as expected.
+const int ci = 0;
+static_assert(_Generic(__typeof__(ci), int : 0, const int : 1) == 1);
+// And that the expression form still complains about qualified associations
+// and matches the correct association.
+static_assert(_Generic(ci, int : 1, const int : 0) == 1); // expected-warning {{due to lvalue conversion of the controlling expression, association of type 'const int' will never be selected because it is qualified}}
+// The type operand form of _Generic allows incomplete and non-object types,
+// but the expression operand form still rejects them.
+static_assert(_Generic(struct incomplete, struct incomplete : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+static_assert(_Generic(struct another_incomplete, struct incomplete : 1, default : 0) == 0);
+static_assert(_Generic(1, struct also_incomplete : 1, default : 0) == 0); // expected-error {{type 'struct also_incomplete' in generic association incomplete}}
+void foo(int);
+static_assert(_Generic(__typeof__(foo), void(int) : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+static_assert(_Generic(foo, void(int) : 1, default : 0) == 0); // expected-error {{type 'void (int)' in generic association not an object type}}
+// Ensure we still get a diagnostic for duplicated associations for the type
+// form, even when using qualified type, and that the diagnostic includes
+// qualifiers.
+static_assert(_Generic(const int,
+                         const int : 1, // expected-note {{compatible type 'const int' specified here}}
+                         int : 2,
+                         const int : 3  // expected-error {{type 'const int' in generic association compatible with previously specified type 'const int'}}
+                      ) == 1);
+// Verify that we are matching using the canonical type of the type operand...
+typedef int Int;
+typedef const Int CInt;
+typedef CInt OtherCInt;
+static_assert(_Generic(volatile CInt, const volatile int : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+static_assert(_Generic(const int, CInt : 1, default : 0) == 1);
+// ...and that duplicate associations are doing so as well.
+static_assert(_Generic(const int,
+                         CInt : 1,     // expected-note {{compatible type 'CInt' (aka 'const int') specified here}}
+                         const volatile int : 2,
+                         OtherCInt : 3 // expected-error {{type 'OtherCInt' (aka 'const int') in generic association compatible with previously specified type 'CInt' (aka 'const int')}}
+                      ) == 1);
+// Also test that duplicate array or function types are caught.
+static_assert(_Generic(const int,
+                         int[12] : 0,  // expected-note {{compatible type 'int[12]' specified here}}
+                         int[12] : 0,  // expected-error {{type 'int[12]' in generic association compatible with previously specified type 'int[12]'}}
+                         int(int) : 0, // expected-note {{compatible type 'int (int)' specified here}}
+                         int(int) : 0, // expected-error {{type 'int (int)' in generic association compatible with previously specified type 'int (int)'}}
+                         default : 1
+                      ) == 1);
+// Tests that only make sense for C++:
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// Ensure that _Generic works within a template argument list.
+template <typename Ty, int N = _Generic(Ty, int : 0, default : 1)>
+constexpr Ty bar() { return N; }
+static_assert(bar<int>() == 0);
+static_assert(bar<float>() == 1);
+// Or that it can be used as a non-type template argument.
+static_assert(bar<int, _Generic(int, int : 1, default : 0)>() == 1);
+// Ensure that a dependent type works as expected.
+template <typename Ty>
+struct Dependent {
+  // If we checked the type early, this would fail to compile without any
+  // instantiation. Instead, it only fails with the bad instantiation.
+  static_assert(_Generic(Ty, int : 1)); // expected-error {{controlling expression type 'double' not compatible with any generic association type}} \
+                                           expected-note@#BadInstantiation {{in instantiation of template class 'Dependent<double>' requested here}}
+template struct Dependent<int>; // Good instantiation
+template struct Dependent<double>; // #BadInstantiation
+// Another template instantiation test, this time for a variable template with
+// a type-dependent initializer.
+template <typename Ty>
+constexpr auto Val = _Generic(Ty, Ty : Ty{});
+static_assert(Val<int> == 0);
+static_assert(__is_same(decltype(Val<Dependent<int>>), const Dependent<int>));
+// Ensure that pack types also work as expected.
+template <unsigned Arg, unsigned... Args> struct Or {
+  enum { result = Arg | Or<Args...>::result };
+template <unsigned Arg> struct Or<Arg> {
+  enum { result = Arg };
+template <class... Args> struct TypeMask {
+  enum {
+   result = Or<_Generic(Args, int: 1, long: 2, short: 4, float: 8)...>::result
+  };
+static_assert(TypeMask<int, long, short>::result == 7, "fail");
+static_assert(TypeMask<float, short>::result == 12, "fail");
+static_assert(TypeMask<int, float, float>::result == 9, "fail");
+template <typename... T>
+void f() {
+  // Because _Generic only accepts a single type argument, it does not make
+  // sense for it to accept a pack, so a pack is rejected while parsing.
+  _Generic(T..., int : 1); // expected-error {{expected ','}}
+#endif // __cplusplus
Index: clang/test/Parser/generic-selection-type-extension.c
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Parser/generic-selection-type-extension.c
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c2x -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-unused %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify=expected,cpp -Wno-unused -x c++ %s
+// Test various parsing situations for the Clang extension to _Generic which
+// accepts a type name instead of an expression as the first operand.
+int foo();
+void test() {
+  // We can parse a simple type name.
+  _Generic(int, int : 0);
+  // We can also parse tag types.
+  struct S { int i; };
+  enum E { A };
+  union U { int i; };
+  _Generic(struct S, default : 0);
+  _Generic(enum E, default : 0);
+  _Generic(union U, default : 0);
+  // We can also parse array types.
+  _Generic(int[12], default : 0);
+  // And pointer to array types, too.
+  _Generic(int(*)[12], default : 0);
+  // We do not accept a parenthesized type name.
+  _Generic((int), int : 0); // expected-error {{expected expression}}
+  // We can parse more complex types as well. Note, this is a valid spelling of
+  // a function  pointer type in C but is not a valid spelling of a function
+  // pointer type in C++. Surprise!
+  _Generic(__typeof__(foo())(*)(__typeof__(&foo)), int (*)(int (*)()) : 0); // cpp-error {{expected expression}} \
+                                                                               cpp-error {{expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction}}
+  // C being the magical language that it is, lets you define a type anywhere
+  // you can spell a type.
+  _Generic(struct T { int a; }, default : 0); // cpp-error {{'T' cannot be defined in a type specifier}}
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+template <typename Ty>
+struct S {
+  template <template <typename> typename Uy>
+  struct T {
+    typedef typename Uy<Ty>::type foo;
+  };
+template <typename Ty>
+struct inst {
+  typedef Ty type;
+void cpp_test() {
+  // Ensure we can parse more complex C++ typenames as well.
+  _Generic(S<int>::T<inst>::foo, int : 1);
+  // And that the type name doesn't confuse us when given an initialization
+  // expression.
+  _Generic(S<int>::T<inst>::foo{}, int : 1);
+template <typename Ty, int N = _Generic(Ty, int : 0, default : 1)>
+constexpr Ty bar() { return N; }
+static_assert(bar<int>() == 0);
+static_assert(bar<float>() == 1);
+#endif // __cplusplus
Index: clang/test/Parser/generic-selection-type-extension-pedantic.c
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Parser/generic-selection-type-extension-pedantic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c2x -fsyntax-only -verify -pedantic %s
+// Test that we get the extension warning when appropriate and that it shows up
+// in the right location.
+void test(void) {
+  (void)_Generic(
+	  int,  // expected-warning {{passing a type argument as the first operand to '_Generic' is a Clang extension}}
+	  int : 0);
+  (void)_Generic(
+	  12,
+	  int : 0);
Index: clang/test/Lexer/has_extension.c
--- clang/test/Lexer/has_extension.c
+++ clang/test/Lexer/has_extension.c
@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
 int no_c_static_assert();
+// CHECK-PED-NONE: has_c_generic_selections_with_controlling_type
+// CHECK-PED-ERR: no_c_generic_selections_with_controlling_type
+#if __has_extension(c_generic_selection_with_controlling_type)
+int has_c_generic_selections_with_controlling_type();
+int no_c_generic_selections_with_controlling_type();
 // CHECK-PED-NONE: has_c_generic_selections
 // CHECK-PED-ERR: no_c_generic_selections
 #if __has_extension(c_generic_selections)
Index: clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
--- clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
@@ -1224,6 +1224,7 @@
+  Record.push_back(E->isExprPredicate());
Index: clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
--- clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
@@ -1357,6 +1357,7 @@
   unsigned NumAssocs = Record.readInt();
   assert(NumAssocs == E->getNumAssocs() && "Wrong NumAssocs!");
+  E->IsExprPredicate = Record.readInt();
   E->ResultIndex = Record.readInt();
   E->GenericSelectionExprBits.GenericLoc = readSourceLocation();
   E->DefaultLoc = readSourceLocation();
Index: clang/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
--- clang/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
+++ clang/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
@@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
-  /// Build a new generic selection expression.
+  /// Build a new generic selection expression with an expression predicate.
   /// By default, performs semantic analysis to build the new expression.
   /// Subclasses may override this routine to provide different behavior.
@@ -3025,9 +3025,25 @@
                                          ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> Types,
                                          ArrayRef<Expr *> Exprs) {
     return getSema().CreateGenericSelectionExpr(KeyLoc, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
+                                                /*PredicateIsExpr=*/true,
                                                 ControllingExpr, Types, Exprs);
+  /// Build a new generic selection expression with a type predicate.
+  ///
+  /// By default, performs semantic analysis to build the new expression.
+  /// Subclasses may override this routine to provide different behavior.
+  ExprResult RebuildGenericSelectionExpr(SourceLocation KeyLoc,
+                                         SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+                                         SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+                                         TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType,
+                                         ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> Types,
+                                         ArrayRef<Expr *> Exprs) {
+    return getSema().CreateGenericSelectionExpr(KeyLoc, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
+                                                /*PredicateIsExpr=*/false,
+                                                ControllingType, Types, Exprs);
+  }
   /// Build a new overloaded operator call expression.
   /// By default, performs semantic analysis to build the new expression.
@@ -10853,9 +10869,14 @@
 template<typename Derived>
 TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformGenericSelectionExpr(GenericSelectionExpr *E) {
-  ExprResult ControllingExpr =
-    getDerived().TransformExpr(E->getControllingExpr());
-  if (ControllingExpr.isInvalid())
+  ExprResult ControllingExpr;
+  TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType = nullptr;
+  if (E->isExprPredicate())
+    ControllingExpr = getDerived().TransformExpr(E->getControllingExpr());
+  else
+    ControllingType = getDerived().TransformType(E->getControllingType());
+  if (ControllingExpr.isInvalid() && !ControllingType)
     return ExprError();
   SmallVector<Expr *, 4> AssocExprs;
@@ -10878,12 +10899,16 @@
+  if (!ControllingType)
   return getDerived().RebuildGenericSelectionExpr(E->getGenericLoc(),
+  return getDerived().RebuildGenericSelectionExpr(
+      E->getGenericLoc(), E->getDefaultLoc(), E->getRParenLoc(),
+      ControllingType, AssocTypes, AssocExprs);
 template<typename Derived>
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaPseudoObject.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaPseudoObject.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaPseudoObject.cpp
@@ -152,8 +152,13 @@
+        if (gse->isExprPredicate())
+          return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+              S.Context, gse->getGenericLoc(), gse->getControllingExpr(),
+              assocTypes, assocExprs, gse->getDefaultLoc(), gse->getRParenLoc(),
+              gse->containsUnexpandedParameterPack(), resultIndex);
         return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
-            S.Context, gse->getGenericLoc(), gse->getControllingExpr(),
+            S.Context, gse->getGenericLoc(), gse->getControllingType(),
             assocTypes, assocExprs, gse->getDefaultLoc(), gse->getRParenLoc(),
             gse->containsUnexpandedParameterPack(), resultIndex);
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -15465,8 +15465,14 @@
       unsigned ResultIdx = GSE->getResultIndex();
       AssocExprs[ResultIdx] = SubExpr;
+      if (GSE->isExprPredicate())
+        return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+            Context, GSE->getGenericLoc(), GSE->getControllingExpr(),
+            GSE->getAssocTypeSourceInfos(), AssocExprs, GSE->getDefaultLoc(),
+            GSE->getRParenLoc(), GSE->containsUnexpandedParameterPack(),
+            ResultIdx);
       return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
-          Context, GSE->getGenericLoc(), GSE->getControllingExpr(),
+          Context, GSE->getGenericLoc(), GSE->getControllingType(),
           GSE->getAssocTypeSourceInfos(), AssocExprs, GSE->getDefaultLoc(),
           GSE->getRParenLoc(), GSE->containsUnexpandedParameterPack(),
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaExprObjC.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaExprObjC.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaExprObjC.cpp
@@ -4551,6 +4551,7 @@
   } else if (GenericSelectionExpr *gse = dyn_cast<GenericSelectionExpr>(e)) {
+    assert(!gse->isTypePredicate());
     unsigned n = gse->getNumAssocs();
     SmallVector<Expr *, 4> subExprs;
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -1613,13 +1613,10 @@
-Sema::ActOnGenericSelectionExpr(SourceLocation KeyLoc,
-                                SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
-                                SourceLocation RParenLoc,
-                                Expr *ControllingExpr,
-                                ArrayRef<ParsedType> ArgTypes,
-                                ArrayRef<Expr *> ArgExprs) {
+ExprResult Sema::ActOnGenericSelectionExpr(
+    SourceLocation KeyLoc, SourceLocation DefaultLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+    bool PredicateIsExpr, void *ControllingExprOrType,
+    ArrayRef<ParsedType> ArgTypes, ArrayRef<Expr *> ArgExprs) {
   unsigned NumAssocs = ArgTypes.size();
   assert(NumAssocs == ArgExprs.size());
@@ -1631,42 +1628,64 @@
       Types[i] = nullptr;
-  ExprResult ER =
-      CreateGenericSelectionExpr(KeyLoc, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc, ControllingExpr,
-                                 llvm::ArrayRef(Types, NumAssocs), ArgExprs);
+  // If we have a controlling type, we need to convert it from a parsed type
+  // into a semantic type and then pass that along.
+  if (!PredicateIsExpr) {
+    TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType;
+    (void)GetTypeFromParser(ParsedType::getFromOpaquePtr(ControllingExprOrType),
+                            &ControllingType);
+    assert(ControllingType && "couldn't get the type out of the parser");
+    ControllingExprOrType = ControllingType;
+  }
+  ExprResult ER = CreateGenericSelectionExpr(
+      KeyLoc, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc, PredicateIsExpr, ControllingExprOrType,
+      llvm::ArrayRef(Types, NumAssocs), ArgExprs);
   delete [] Types;
   return ER;
-Sema::CreateGenericSelectionExpr(SourceLocation KeyLoc,
-                                 SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
-                                 SourceLocation RParenLoc,
-                                 Expr *ControllingExpr,
-                                 ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> Types,
-                                 ArrayRef<Expr *> Exprs) {
+ExprResult Sema::CreateGenericSelectionExpr(
+    SourceLocation KeyLoc, SourceLocation DefaultLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+    bool PredicateIsExpr, void *ControllingExprOrType,
+    ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> Types, ArrayRef<Expr *> Exprs) {
   unsigned NumAssocs = Types.size();
   assert(NumAssocs == Exprs.size());
-  // Decay and strip qualifiers for the controlling expression type, and handle
-  // placeholder type replacement. See committee discussion from WG14 DR423.
-  {
+  assert(ControllingExprOrType &&
+         "Must have either a controlling expression or a controlling type");
+  Expr *ControllingExpr = nullptr;
+  TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType = nullptr;
+  if (PredicateIsExpr) {
+    // Decay and strip qualifiers for the controlling expression type, and
+    // handle placeholder type replacement. See committee discussion from WG14
+    // DR423.
     EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(
         *this, Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContext::Unevaluated);
-    ExprResult R = DefaultFunctionArrayLvalueConversion(ControllingExpr);
+    ExprResult R = DefaultFunctionArrayLvalueConversion(
+        reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(ControllingExprOrType));
     if (R.isInvalid())
       return ExprError();
     ControllingExpr = R.get();
+  } else {
+    // The extension form uses the type directly rather than converting it.
+    ControllingType = reinterpret_cast<TypeSourceInfo *>(ControllingExprOrType);
+    if (!ControllingType)
+      return ExprError();
   bool TypeErrorFound = false,
-       IsResultDependent = ControllingExpr->isTypeDependent(),
-       ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack
-         = ControllingExpr->containsUnexpandedParameterPack();
+       IsResultDependent = ControllingExpr
+                               ? ControllingExpr->isTypeDependent()
+                               : ControllingType->getType()->isDependentType(),
+       ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack =
+           ControllingExpr
+               ? ControllingExpr->containsUnexpandedParameterPack()
+               : ControllingType->getType()->containsUnexpandedParameterPack();
   // The controlling expression is an unevaluated operand, so side effects are
   // likely unintended.
-  if (!inTemplateInstantiation() && !IsResultDependent &&
+  if (!inTemplateInstantiation() && !IsResultDependent && ControllingExpr &&
       ControllingExpr->HasSideEffects(Context, false))
@@ -1682,16 +1701,24 @@
       if (Types[i]->getType()->isDependentType()) {
         IsResultDependent = true;
       } else {
+        // We relax the restriction on use of incomplete types and non-object
+        // types with the type-based extension of _Generic. Allowing incomplete
+        // objects means those can be used as "tags" for a type-safe way to map
+        // to a value. Similarly, matching on function types rather than
+        // function pointer types can be useful. However, the restriction on VM
+        // types makes sense to retain as there are open questions about how
+        // the selection can be made at compile time.
+        //
         // C11 "The type name in a generic association shall specify a
         // complete object type other than a variably modified type."
         unsigned D = 0;
-        if (Types[i]->getType()->isIncompleteType())
+        if (ControllingExpr && Types[i]->getType()->isIncompleteType())
           D = diag::err_assoc_type_incomplete;
-        else if (!Types[i]->getType()->isObjectType())
+        else if (ControllingExpr && !Types[i]->getType()->isObjectType())
           D = diag::err_assoc_type_nonobject;
         else if (Types[i]->getType()->isVariablyModifiedType())
           D = diag::err_assoc_type_variably_modified;
-        else {
+        else if (ControllingExpr) {
           // Because the controlling expression undergoes lvalue conversion,
           // array conversion, and function conversion, an association which is
           // of array type, function type, or is qualified can never be
@@ -1706,6 +1733,10 @@
           // The result of these rules is that all qualified types in an
           // association in C are unreachable, and in C++, only qualified non-
           // class types are unreachable.
+          //
+          // NB: this does not apply when the first operand is a type rather
+          // than an expression, because the type form does not undergo
+          // conversion.
           unsigned Reason = 0;
           QualType QT = Types[i]->getType();
           if (QT->isArrayType())
@@ -1752,10 +1783,15 @@
   // If we determined that the generic selection is result-dependent, don't
   // try to compute the result expression.
-  if (IsResultDependent)
-    return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(Context, KeyLoc, ControllingExpr, Types,
+  if (IsResultDependent) {
+    if (ControllingExpr)
+      return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(Context, KeyLoc, ControllingExpr,
+                                          Types, Exprs, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
+                                          ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
+    return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(Context, KeyLoc, ControllingType, Types,
                                         Exprs, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
+  }
   SmallVector<unsigned, 1> CompatIndices;
   unsigned DefaultIndex = -1U;
@@ -1765,22 +1801,42 @@
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumAssocs; ++i) {
     if (!Types[i])
       DefaultIndex = i;
-    else if (Context.typesAreCompatible(
+    else if (ControllingExpr &&
+             Context.typesAreCompatible(
-                                        Types[i]->getType()))
+                 Types[i]->getType()))
+      CompatIndices.push_back(i);
+    else if (ControllingType &&
+             Context.typesAreCompatible(
+                 ControllingType->getType().getCanonicalType(),
+                 Types[i]->getType()))
+  auto GetControllingRangeAndType = [](Expr *ControllingExpr,
+                                       TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType) {
+    // We strip parens here because the controlling expression is typically
+    // parenthesized in macro definitions.
+    if (ControllingExpr)
+      ControllingExpr = ControllingExpr->IgnoreParens();
+    SourceRange SR = ControllingExpr
+                         ? ControllingExpr->getSourceRange()
+                         : ControllingType->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange();
+    QualType QT = ControllingExpr ? ControllingExpr->getType()
+                                  : ControllingType->getType();
+    return std::make_pair(SR, QT);
+  };
   // C11 "The controlling expression of a generic selection shall have
   // type compatible with at most one of the types named in its generic
   // association list."
   if (CompatIndices.size() > 1) {
-    // We strip parens here because the controlling expression is typically
-    // parenthesized in macro definitions.
-    ControllingExpr = ControllingExpr->IgnoreParens();
-    Diag(ControllingExpr->getBeginLoc(), diag::err_generic_sel_multi_match)
-        << ControllingExpr->getSourceRange() << ControllingExpr->getType()
-        << (unsigned)CompatIndices.size();
+    auto P = GetControllingRangeAndType(ControllingExpr, ControllingType);
+    SourceRange SR = P.first;
+    Diag(SR.getBegin(), diag::err_generic_sel_multi_match)
+        << SR << P.second << (unsigned)CompatIndices.size();
     for (unsigned I : CompatIndices) {
@@ -1794,11 +1850,9 @@
   // its controlling expression shall have type compatible with exactly one of
   // the types named in its generic association list."
   if (DefaultIndex == -1U && CompatIndices.size() == 0) {
-    // We strip parens here because the controlling expression is typically
-    // parenthesized in macro definitions.
-    ControllingExpr = ControllingExpr->IgnoreParens();
-    Diag(ControllingExpr->getBeginLoc(), diag::err_generic_sel_no_match)
-        << ControllingExpr->getSourceRange() << ControllingExpr->getType();
+    auto P = GetControllingRangeAndType(ControllingExpr, ControllingType);
+    SourceRange SR = P.first;
+    Diag(SR.getBegin(), diag::err_generic_sel_no_match) << SR << P.second;
     return ExprError();
@@ -1810,8 +1864,13 @@
   unsigned ResultIndex =
     CompatIndices.size() ? CompatIndices[0] : DefaultIndex;
+  if (ControllingExpr) {
+    return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+        Context, KeyLoc, ControllingExpr, Types, Exprs, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
+        ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack, ResultIndex);
+  }
   return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
-      Context, KeyLoc, ControllingExpr, Types, Exprs, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
+      Context, KeyLoc, ControllingType, Types, Exprs, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc,
       ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack, ResultIndex);
@@ -19787,9 +19846,15 @@
+    void *ExOrTy = nullptr;
+    bool IsExpr = GSE->isExprPredicate();
+    if (IsExpr)
+      ExOrTy = GSE->getControllingExpr();
+    else
+      ExOrTy = GSE->getControllingType();
     return AnyChanged ? S.CreateGenericSelectionExpr(
                             GSE->getGenericLoc(), GSE->getDefaultLoc(),
-                            GSE->getRParenLoc(), GSE->getControllingExpr(),
+                            GSE->getRParenLoc(), IsExpr, ExOrTy,
                             GSE->getAssocTypeSourceInfos(), AssocExprs)
                       : ExprEmpty();
Index: clang/lib/Parse/ParseTentative.cpp
--- clang/lib/Parse/ParseTentative.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Parse/ParseTentative.cpp
@@ -642,7 +642,12 @@
     if (Context == TypeIdInParens && Tok.is(tok::r_paren)) {
       TPR = TPResult::True;
       isAmbiguous = true;
+    // We are supposed to be inside the first operand to a _Generic selection
+    // expression, so if we find a comma after the declarator, we've found a
+    // type and not an expression.
+    } else if (Context == TypeIdAsGenericSelectionArgument && Tok.is(tok::comma)) {
+      TPR = TPResult::True;
+      isAmbiguous = true;
     // We are supposed to be inside a template argument, so if after
     // the abstract declarator we encounter a '>', '>>' (in C++0x), or
     // ','; or, in C++0x, an ellipsis immediately preceding such, this
Index: clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
--- clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
@@ -3280,6 +3280,12 @@
 ///           type-name : assignment-expression
 ///           default : assignment-expression
 /// \endverbatim
+/// As an extension, Clang also accepts:
+/// \verbatim
+///   generic-selection:
+///          _Generic ( type-name, generic-assoc-list )
+/// \endverbatim
 ExprResult Parser::ParseGenericSelectionExpression() {
   assert(Tok.is(tok::kw__Generic) && "_Generic keyword expected");
   if (!getLangOpts().C11)
@@ -3290,8 +3296,20 @@
   if (T.expectAndConsume())
     return ExprError();
+  // We either have a controlling expression or we have a controlling type, and
+  // we need to figure out which it is.
+  TypeResult ControllingType;
   ExprResult ControllingExpr;
-  {
+  if (isTypeIdForGenericSelection()) {
+    ControllingType = ParseTypeName();
+    if (ControllingType.isInvalid()) {
+      SkipUntil(tok::r_paren, StopAtSemi);
+      return ExprError();
+    }
+    const auto *LIT = cast<LocInfoType>(ControllingType.get().get());
+    SourceLocation Loc = LIT->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().getBeginLoc();
+    Diag(Loc, diag::ext_generic_with_type_arg);
+  } else {
     // C11 "The controlling expression of a generic selection is
     // not evaluated."
     EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(
@@ -3356,10 +3374,13 @@
   if (T.getCloseLocation().isInvalid())
     return ExprError();
-  return Actions.ActOnGenericSelectionExpr(KeyLoc, DefaultLoc,
-                                           T.getCloseLocation(),
-                                           ControllingExpr.get(),
-                                           Types, Exprs);
+  void *ExprOrTy = ControllingExpr.isUsable()
+                       ? ControllingExpr.get()
+                       : ControllingType.get().getAsOpaquePtr();
+  return Actions.ActOnGenericSelectionExpr(
+      KeyLoc, DefaultLoc, T.getCloseLocation(), ControllingExpr.isUsable(),
+      ExprOrTy, Types, Exprs);
 /// Parse A C++1z fold-expression after the opening paren and optional
Index: clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
--- clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@
 AST_MATCHER_P(GenericSelectionExpr, hasControllingExpr,
               ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
+  if (Node.isTypePredicate())
+    return false;
   return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getControllingExpr(), Finder, Builder);
Index: clang/lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp
@@ -1458,8 +1458,12 @@
 void StmtPrinter::VisitGenericSelectionExpr(GenericSelectionExpr *Node) {
   OS << "_Generic(";
-  PrintExpr(Node->getControllingExpr());
-  for (const GenericSelectionExpr::Association Assoc : Node->associations()) {
+  if (Node->isExprPredicate())
+    PrintExpr(Node->getControllingExpr());
+  else
+    Node->getControllingType()->getType().print(OS, Policy);
+  for (const GenericSelectionExpr::Association &Assoc : Node->associations()) {
     OS << ", ";
     QualType T = Assoc.getType();
     if (T.isNull())
Index: clang/lib/AST/Expr.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/Expr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/Expr.cpp
@@ -4320,18 +4320,48 @@
       NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultIndex),
-      DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
+      IsExprPredicate(true), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
   assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size() &&
          "Must have the same number of association expressions"
          " and TypeSourceInfo!");
   assert(ResultIndex < NumAssocs && "ResultIndex is out-of-bounds!");
   GenericSelectionExprBits.GenericLoc = GenericLoc;
-  getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[ControllingIndex] = ControllingExpr;
+  getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfControllingExpression()] =
+      ControllingExpr;
   std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(),
-            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() + AssocExprStartIndex);
+            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() + getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs());
   std::copy(AssocTypes.begin(), AssocTypes.end(),
-            getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>());
+            getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes());
+  setDependence(computeDependence(this, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack));
+    const ASTContext &, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+    TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+    ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+    SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
+    unsigned ResultIndex)
+    : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getType(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getValueKind(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getObjectKind()),
+      NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultIndex),
+      IsExprPredicate(false), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
+  assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size() &&
+         "Must have the same number of association expressions"
+         " and TypeSourceInfo!");
+  assert(ResultIndex < NumAssocs && "ResultIndex is out-of-bounds!");
+  GenericSelectionExprBits.GenericLoc = GenericLoc;
+  getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>()[getIndexOfControllingType()] =
+      ControllingType;
+  std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(),
+            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() + getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs());
+  std::copy(AssocTypes.begin(), AssocTypes.end(),
+            getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes());
   setDependence(computeDependence(this, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack));
@@ -4344,17 +4374,44 @@
     : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, Context.DependentTy, VK_PRValue,
       NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultDependentIndex),
-      DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
+      IsExprPredicate(true), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
+  assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size() &&
+         "Must have the same number of association expressions"
+         " and TypeSourceInfo!");
+  GenericSelectionExprBits.GenericLoc = GenericLoc;
+  getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfControllingExpression()] =
+      ControllingExpr;
+  std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(),
+            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() + getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs());
+  std::copy(AssocTypes.begin(), AssocTypes.end(),
+            getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes());
+  setDependence(computeDependence(this, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack));
+    const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+    TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+    ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+    SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack)
+    : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, Context.DependentTy, VK_PRValue,
+           OK_Ordinary),
+      NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultDependentIndex),
+      IsExprPredicate(false), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
   assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size() &&
          "Must have the same number of association expressions"
          " and TypeSourceInfo!");
   GenericSelectionExprBits.GenericLoc = GenericLoc;
-  getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[ControllingIndex] = ControllingExpr;
+  getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>()[getIndexOfControllingType()] =
+      ControllingType;
   std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(),
-            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() + AssocExprStartIndex);
+            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() + getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs());
   std::copy(AssocTypes.begin(), AssocTypes.end(),
-            getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>());
+            getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes());
   setDependence(computeDependence(this, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack));
@@ -4390,6 +4447,35 @@
       RParenLoc, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
+GenericSelectionExpr *GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+    const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+    TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+    ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+    SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
+    unsigned ResultIndex) {
+  unsigned NumAssocs = AssocExprs.size();
+  void *Mem = Context.Allocate(
+      totalSizeToAlloc<Stmt *, TypeSourceInfo *>(1 + NumAssocs, NumAssocs),
+      alignof(GenericSelectionExpr));
+  return new (Mem) GenericSelectionExpr(
+      Context, GenericLoc, ControllingType, AssocTypes, AssocExprs, DefaultLoc,
+      RParenLoc, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack, ResultIndex);
+GenericSelectionExpr *GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+    const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+    TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+    ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+    SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack) {
+  unsigned NumAssocs = AssocExprs.size();
+  void *Mem = Context.Allocate(
+      totalSizeToAlloc<Stmt *, TypeSourceInfo *>(1 + NumAssocs, NumAssocs),
+      alignof(GenericSelectionExpr));
+  return new (Mem) GenericSelectionExpr(
+      Context, GenericLoc, ControllingType, AssocTypes, AssocExprs, DefaultLoc,
+      RParenLoc, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
 GenericSelectionExpr *
 GenericSelectionExpr::CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Context,
                                   unsigned NumAssocs) {
Index: clang/lib/AST/ComputeDependence.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/ComputeDependence.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/ComputeDependence.cpp
@@ -653,7 +653,12 @@
                                   : ExprDependence::None;
   for (auto *AE : E->getAssocExprs())
     D |= AE->getDependence() & ExprDependence::Error;
-  D |= E->getControllingExpr()->getDependence() & ExprDependence::Error;
+  if (E->isExprPredicate())
+    D |= E->getControllingExpr()->getDependence() & ExprDependence::Error;
+  else
+    D |= toExprDependenceAsWritten(
+        E->getControllingType()->getType()->getDependence());
   if (E->isResultDependent())
     return D | ExprDependence::TypeValueInstantiation;
Index: clang/lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
@@ -7028,7 +7028,14 @@
 ASTNodeImporter::VisitGenericSelectionExpr(GenericSelectionExpr *E) {
   Error Err = Error::success();
   auto ToGenericLoc = importChecked(Err, E->getGenericLoc());
-  auto *ToControllingExpr = importChecked(Err, E->getControllingExpr());
+  Expr *ToControllingExpr = nullptr;
+  TypeSourceInfo *ToControllingType = nullptr;
+  if (E->isExprPredicate())
+    ToControllingExpr = importChecked(Err, E->getControllingExpr());
+  else
+    ToControllingType = importChecked(Err, E->getControllingType());
+  assert((ToControllingExpr || ToControllingType) &&
+         "Either the controlling expr or type must be nonnull");
   auto ToDefaultLoc = importChecked(Err, E->getDefaultLoc());
   auto ToRParenLoc = importChecked(Err, E->getRParenLoc());
   if (Err)
@@ -7046,14 +7053,26 @@
   const ASTContext &ToCtx = Importer.getToContext();
   if (E->isResultDependent()) {
+    if (ToControllingExpr) {
+      return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+          ToCtx, ToGenericLoc, ToControllingExpr, llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocTypes),
+          llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocExprs), ToDefaultLoc, ToRParenLoc,
+          E->containsUnexpandedParameterPack());
+    }
     return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
-        ToCtx, ToGenericLoc, ToControllingExpr, llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocTypes),
+        ToCtx, ToGenericLoc, ToControllingType, llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocTypes),
         llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocExprs), ToDefaultLoc, ToRParenLoc,
+  if (ToControllingExpr) {
+    return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
+        ToCtx, ToGenericLoc, ToControllingExpr, llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocTypes),
+        llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocExprs), ToDefaultLoc, ToRParenLoc,
+        E->containsUnexpandedParameterPack(), E->getResultIndex());
+  }
   return GenericSelectionExpr::Create(
-      ToCtx, ToGenericLoc, ToControllingExpr, llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocTypes),
+      ToCtx, ToGenericLoc, ToControllingType, llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocTypes),
       llvm::ArrayRef(ToAssocExprs), ToDefaultLoc, ToRParenLoc,
       E->containsUnexpandedParameterPack(), E->getResultIndex());
Index: clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -5688,16 +5688,27 @@
   ExprResult ActOnStringLiteral(ArrayRef<Token> StringToks,
                                 Scope *UDLScope = nullptr);
+  /// ControllingExprOrType is either an opaque pointer coming out of a
+  /// ParsedType or an Expr *. FIXME: it'd be better to split this interface
+  /// into two so we don't take a void *, but that's awkward because one of
+  /// the operands is either a ParsedType or an Expr *, which doesn't lend
+  /// itself to generic code very well.
   ExprResult ActOnGenericSelectionExpr(SourceLocation KeyLoc,
                                        SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
                                        SourceLocation RParenLoc,
-                                       Expr *ControllingExpr,
+                                       bool PredicateIsExpr,
+                                       void *ControllingExprOrType,
                                        ArrayRef<ParsedType> ArgTypes,
                                        ArrayRef<Expr *> ArgExprs);
+  /// ControllingExprOrType is either a TypeSourceInfo * or an Expr *. FIXME:
+  /// it'd be better to split this interface into two so we don't take a
+  /// void *, but see the FIXME on ActOnGenericSelectionExpr as to why that
+  /// isn't a trivial change.
   ExprResult CreateGenericSelectionExpr(SourceLocation KeyLoc,
                                         SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
                                         SourceLocation RParenLoc,
-                                        Expr *ControllingExpr,
+                                        bool PredicateIsExpr,
+                                        void *ControllingExprOrType,
                                         ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> Types,
                                         ArrayRef<Expr *> Exprs);
Index: clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
--- clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
@@ -2521,7 +2521,8 @@
   enum TentativeCXXTypeIdContext {
-    TypeIdAsTemplateArgument
+    TypeIdAsTemplateArgument,
+    TypeIdAsGenericSelectionArgument,
@@ -2539,13 +2540,29 @@
     return isTypeIdInParens(isAmbiguous);
+  /// Checks whether the current tokens form a type-id or an expression for the
+  /// purposes of use as the initial operand to a generic selection expression.
+  /// This requires special handling in C++ because it accepts either a type or
+  /// an expression, and we need to disambiguate which is which. However, we
+  /// cannot use the same logic as we've used for sizeof expressions, because
+  /// that logic relies on the operator only accepting a single argument,
+  /// whereas _Generic accepts a list of arguments.
+  bool isTypeIdForGenericSelection() {
+    if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
+      bool isAmbiguous;
+      return isCXXTypeId(TypeIdAsGenericSelectionArgument, isAmbiguous);
+    }
+    return isTypeSpecifierQualifier();
+  }
   /// Checks if the current tokens form type-id or expression.
   /// It is similar to isTypeIdInParens but does not suppose that type-id
   /// is in parenthesis.
   bool isTypeIdUnambiguously() {
-    bool IsAmbiguous;
-    if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
-      return isCXXTypeId(TypeIdUnambiguous, IsAmbiguous);
+    if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
+      bool isAmbiguous;
+      return isCXXTypeId(TypeIdUnambiguous, isAmbiguous);
+    }
     return isTypeSpecifierQualifier();
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/Features.def
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/Features.def
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/Features.def
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
 EXTENSION(c_alignof, true)
 EXTENSION(c_atomic, true)
 EXTENSION(c_generic_selections, true)
+EXTENSION(c_generic_selection_with_controlling_type, true)
 EXTENSION(c_static_assert, true)
 EXTENSION(c_thread_local, PP.getTargetInfo().isTLSSupported())
 // C++11 features supported by other languages as extensions.
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
   "duplicate default generic association">;
 def note_previous_default_assoc : Note<
   "previous default generic association is here">;
+def ext_generic_with_type_arg : Extension<
+  "passing a type argument as the first operand to '_Generic' is a Clang "
+  "extension">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"generic-type-extension">>;
 def ext_c99_feature : Extension<
   "'%0' is a C99 extension">, InGroup<C99>;
Index: clang/include/clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h
--- clang/include/clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h
+++ clang/include/clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h
@@ -2553,7 +2553,11 @@
 // are interleaved.  We also need to watch out for null types (default
 // generic associations).
 DEF_TRAVERSE_STMT(GenericSelectionExpr, {
-  TRY_TO(TraverseStmt(S->getControllingExpr()));
+  if (S->isExprPredicate())
+    TRY_TO(TraverseStmt(S->getControllingExpr()));
+  else
+    TRY_TO(TraverseTypeLoc(S->getControllingType()->getTypeLoc()));
   for (const GenericSelectionExpr::Association Assoc : S->associations()) {
     if (TypeSourceInfo *TSI = Assoc.getTypeSourceInfo())
Index: clang/include/clang/AST/Expr.h
--- clang/include/clang/AST/Expr.h
+++ clang/include/clang/AST/Expr.h
@@ -5665,6 +5665,12 @@
 /// which names a dependent type in its association list is result-dependent,
 /// which means that the choice of result expression is dependent.
 /// Result-dependent generic associations are both type- and value-dependent.
+/// We also allow an extended form in both C and C++ where the controlling
+/// predicate for the selection expression is a type rather than an expression.
+/// This type argument form does not perform any conversions for the
+/// controlling type, which makes it suitable for use with qualified type
+/// associations, which is not possible with the expression form.
 class GenericSelectionExpr final
     : public Expr,
       private llvm::TrailingObjects<GenericSelectionExpr, Stmt *,
@@ -5677,31 +5683,67 @@
   /// expression in the case where the generic selection expression is not
   /// result-dependent. The result index is equal to ResultDependentIndex
   /// if and only if the generic selection expression is result-dependent.
-  unsigned NumAssocs, ResultIndex;
+  unsigned NumAssocs : 15;
+  unsigned ResultIndex : 15; // NB: ResultDependentIndex is tied to this width.
+  unsigned IsExprPredicate : 1;
   enum : unsigned {
-    ResultDependentIndex = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
-    ControllingIndex = 0,
-    AssocExprStartIndex = 1
+    ResultDependentIndex = 0x7FFF
+  unsigned getIndexOfControllingExpression() const {
+    // If controlled by an expression, the first offset into the Stmt *
+    // trailing array is the controlling expression, the associated expressions
+    // follow this.
+    assert(isExprPredicate() && "Asking for the controlling expression of a "
+                                "selection expr predicated by a type");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  unsigned getIndexOfControllingType() const {
+    // If controlled by a type, the first offset into the TypeSourceInfo *
+    // trailing array is the controlling type, the associated types follow this.
+    assert(isTypePredicate() && "Asking for the controlling type of a "
+                                 "selection expr predicated by an expression");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  unsigned getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs() const {
+    // If the predicate is a type, then the associated expressions are the only
+    // Stmt * in the trailing array, otherwise we need to offset past the
+    // predicate expression.
+    return (int)isExprPredicate();
+  }
+  unsigned getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes() const {
+    // If the predicate is a type, then the associated types follow it in the
+    // trailing array. Otherwise, the associated types are the only
+    // TypeSourceInfo * in the trailing array.
+    return (int)isTypePredicate();
+  }
   /// The location of the "default" and of the right parenthesis.
   SourceLocation DefaultLoc, RParenLoc;
   // GenericSelectionExpr is followed by several trailing objects.
   // They are (in order):
-  // * A single Stmt * for the controlling expression.
+  // * A single Stmt * for the controlling expression or a TypeSourceInfo * for
+  //   the controlling type, depending on the result of isTypePredicate() or
+  //   isExprPredicate().
   // * An array of getNumAssocs() Stmt * for the association expressions.
   // * An array of getNumAssocs() TypeSourceInfo *, one for each of the
   //   association expressions.
   unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Stmt *>) const {
     // Add one to account for the controlling expression; the remainder
     // are the associated expressions.
-    return 1 + getNumAssocs();
+    return getNumAssocs() + (int)isExprPredicate();
   unsigned numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<TypeSourceInfo *>) const {
-    return getNumAssocs();
+    // Add one to account for the controlling type predicate, the remainder
+    // are the associated types.
+    return getNumAssocs() + (int)isTypePredicate();
   template <bool Const> class AssociationIteratorTy;
@@ -5782,7 +5824,8 @@
     bool operator==(AssociationIteratorTy Other) const { return E == Other.E; }
   }; // class AssociationIterator
-  /// Build a non-result-dependent generic selection expression.
+  /// Build a non-result-dependent generic selection expression accepting an
+  /// expression predicate.
   GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
                        Expr *ControllingExpr,
                        ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
@@ -5791,7 +5834,8 @@
                        bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
                        unsigned ResultIndex);
-  /// Build a result-dependent generic selection expression.
+  /// Build a result-dependent generic selection expression accepting an
+  /// expression predicate.
   GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
                        Expr *ControllingExpr,
                        ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
@@ -5799,11 +5843,31 @@
                        SourceLocation RParenLoc,
                        bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
+  /// Build a non-result-dependent generic selection expression accepting a
+  /// type predicate.
+  GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+                       TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType,
+                       ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+                       ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+                       SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+                       bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
+                       unsigned ResultIndex);
+  /// Build a result-dependent generic selection expression accepting a type
+  /// predicate.
+  GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+                       TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType,
+                       ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+                       ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+                       SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+                       bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
   /// Build an empty generic selection expression for deserialization.
   explicit GenericSelectionExpr(EmptyShell Empty, unsigned NumAssocs);
-  /// Create a non-result-dependent generic selection expression.
+  /// Create a non-result-dependent generic selection expression accepting an
+  /// expression predicate.
   static GenericSelectionExpr *
   Create(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
          Expr *ControllingExpr, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
@@ -5811,13 +5875,31 @@
          SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
          unsigned ResultIndex);
-  /// Create a result-dependent generic selection expression.
+  /// Create a result-dependent generic selection expression accepting an
+  /// expression predicate.
   static GenericSelectionExpr *
   Create(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
          Expr *ControllingExpr, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
          ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
          SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
+  /// Create a non-result-dependent generic selection expression accepting a
+  /// type predicate.
+  static GenericSelectionExpr *
+  Create(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+         TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+         ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+         SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
+         unsigned ResultIndex);
+  /// Create a result-dependent generic selection expression accepting a type
+  /// predicate
+  static GenericSelectionExpr *
+  Create(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+         TypeSourceInfo *ControllingType, ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+         ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+         SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
   /// Create an empty generic selection expression for deserialization.
   static GenericSelectionExpr *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &Context,
                                            unsigned NumAssocs);
@@ -5845,32 +5927,56 @@
   /// Whether this generic selection is result-dependent.
   bool isResultDependent() const { return ResultIndex == ResultDependentIndex; }
+  /// Whether this generic selection uses an expression as its controlling
+  /// argument.
+  bool isExprPredicate() const { return IsExprPredicate; }
+  /// Whether this generic selection uses a type as its controlling argument.
+  bool isTypePredicate() const { return !IsExprPredicate; }
   /// Return the controlling expression of this generic selection expression.
+  /// Only valid to call if the selection expression used an expression as its
+  /// controlling argument.
   Expr *getControllingExpr() {
-    return cast<Expr>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[ControllingIndex]);
+    return cast<Expr>(
+        getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfControllingExpression()]);
   const Expr *getControllingExpr() const {
-    return cast<Expr>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[ControllingIndex]);
+    return cast<Expr>(
+        getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfControllingExpression()]);
+  }
+  /// Return the controlling type of this generic selection expression. Only
+  /// valid to call if the selection expression used a type as its controlling
+  /// argument.
+  TypeSourceInfo *getControllingType() {
+    return getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>()[getIndexOfControllingType()];
+  }
+  const TypeSourceInfo* getControllingType() const {
+    return getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>()[getIndexOfControllingType()];
   /// Return the result expression of this controlling expression. Defined if
   /// and only if the generic selection expression is not result-dependent.
   Expr *getResultExpr() {
     return cast<Expr>(
-        getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[AssocExprStartIndex + getResultIndex()]);
+        getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs() +
+                                     getResultIndex()]);
   const Expr *getResultExpr() const {
     return cast<Expr>(
-        getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[AssocExprStartIndex + getResultIndex()]);
+        getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs() +
+                                     getResultIndex()]);
   ArrayRef<Expr *> getAssocExprs() const {
     return {reinterpret_cast<Expr *const *>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
-                                            AssocExprStartIndex),
+                                            getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs()),
   ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> getAssocTypeSourceInfos() const {
-    return {getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>(), NumAssocs};
+    return {getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes(),
+            NumAssocs};
   /// Return the Ith association expression with its TypeSourceInfo,
@@ -5879,23 +5985,30 @@
     assert(I < getNumAssocs() &&
            "Out-of-range index in GenericSelectionExpr::getAssociation!");
     return Association(
-        cast<Expr>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[AssocExprStartIndex + I]),
-        getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>()[I],
+        cast<Expr>(
+            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs() +
+                                         I]),
+        getTrailingObjects<
+            TypeSourceInfo *>()[getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes() + I],
         !isResultDependent() && (getResultIndex() == I));
   ConstAssociation getAssociation(unsigned I) const {
     assert(I < getNumAssocs() &&
            "Out-of-range index in GenericSelectionExpr::getAssociation!");
     return ConstAssociation(
-        cast<Expr>(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[AssocExprStartIndex + I]),
-        getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>()[I],
+        cast<Expr>(
+            getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>()[getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs() +
+                                         I]),
+        getTrailingObjects<
+            TypeSourceInfo *>()[getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes() + I],
         !isResultDependent() && (getResultIndex() == I));
   association_range associations() {
     AssociationIterator Begin(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
-                                  AssocExprStartIndex,
-                              getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>(),
+                                  getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs(),
+                              getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                                  getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes(),
                               /*Offset=*/0, ResultIndex);
     AssociationIterator End(Begin.E + NumAssocs, Begin.TSI + NumAssocs,
                             /*Offset=*/NumAssocs, ResultIndex);
@@ -5904,8 +6017,9 @@
   const_association_range associations() const {
     ConstAssociationIterator Begin(getTrailingObjects<Stmt *>() +
-                                       AssocExprStartIndex,
-                                   getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>(),
+                                       getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedExprs(),
+                                   getTrailingObjects<TypeSourceInfo *>() +
+                                       getIndexOfStartOfAssociatedTypes(),
                                    /*Offset=*/0, ResultIndex);
     ConstAssociationIterator End(Begin.E + NumAssocs, Begin.TSI + NumAssocs,
                                  /*Offset=*/NumAssocs, ResultIndex);
Index: clang/include/clang/AST/ASTNodeTraverser.h
--- clang/include/clang/AST/ASTNodeTraverser.h
+++ clang/include/clang/AST/ASTNodeTraverser.h
@@ -732,8 +732,11 @@
   void VisitGenericSelectionExpr(const GenericSelectionExpr *E) {
-    Visit(E->getControllingExpr());
-    Visit(E->getControllingExpr()->getType()); // FIXME: remove
+    if (E->isExprPredicate()) {
+      Visit(E->getControllingExpr());
+      Visit(E->getControllingExpr()->getType()); // FIXME: remove
+    } else
+      Visit(E->getControllingType()->getType());
     for (const auto Assoc : E->associations()) {
Index: clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
--- clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -119,6 +119,17 @@
   from a null pointer constant.
 - Fixed a bug that prevented casting to an ``_Atomic``-qualified type.
   (`#39596 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/39596>`_)
+- Added an extension to ``_Generic`` which allows the first operand to be a
+  type rather than an expression. The type does not undergo any conversions,
+  which makes this feature suitable for matching qualified types, incomplete
+  types, and function or array types.
+  .. code-block:: c
+    const int i = 12;
+    _Generic(i, int : 0, const int : 1); // Warns about unreachable code, the
+                                         // result is 0, not 1.
+    _Generic(typeof(i), int : 0, const int : 1); // Result is 1, not 0.
 C2x Feature Support
Index: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
--- clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
+++ clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
@@ -1349,6 +1349,17 @@
 appropriate standard, but in C++, which lacks the type compatibility rules used
 in C, types are considered compatible only if they are equivalent.
+Clang also supports an extended form of ``_Generic`` with a controlling type
+rather than a controlling expression. Unlike with a controlling expression, a
+controlling type argument does not undergo any conversions and thus is suitable
+for use when trying to match qualified types, incomplete types, or function
+types. Variable-length array types lack the necessary compile-time information
+to resolve which association they match with and thus are not allowed as a
+controlling type argument.
+Use ``__has_extension(c_generic_selection_with_controlling_type)`` to determine
+if support for this extension is enabled.
 C11 ``_Static_assert()``
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