mstorsjo wrote:

> > I don't really know more about the issue that requires --long-plt at the 
> > moment and why it's only needed for clang-repl
> clang-repl binary size is ~3.7G in debug mode and this seems to exceed the 
> branch range of default ARM PLT slots. The instruction sequence that's 
> necessary for long-range PLT slots is likely more expensive. I guess this 
> situation is too much of an edge-case to make the effort and detect it 
> upfront, so they just bail out if it happens an ask for the flag.

Right, I see. Though - why is this only an issue for the clang-repl binary and 
not the other clang-based ones? Does it happen to hit some maximum when it uses 
both everything that is in normal clang, plus all the JIT stuff? (Normally I 
would expect LLDB to be the largest one, as it includes much of Clang, but 
that's also always split into a separate
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