Troy-Butler wrote:

> > The pre-commit version of the function declaration listed the parameters in 
> > the order A, C, B, D to indicate the expected grouping of arguments, i.e. 
> > (A & C) | (B & D). Changing the order to A, B, C, D would have required 
> > reworking the function, which seemed outside the scope of this issue - so I 
> > opted to reflect the A, C, B, D order in the function declaration instead. 
> > However, as requested, I have modified the parameter names, listed them in 
> > logically ascending order, and reworked the function to match.
> Thanks for explaining the situation and updating the code!
> I think declaring the variable names in an alphabetical order will make the 
> code less surprising and easier to read. However, now that I know more about 
> the context where these variables are used, I think returning to the 
> single-letter `A`, `B`, `C` and `D` would be better than the `valA`, `valB`, 
> `valC`, `valD` that you introduced for two reasons:
> * Previously I neglected to look at the definition of this function; now that 
> I see that it's dealing with abstract Boolean predicates, I think that it's a 
> good choice to use the single-letter names that are customary as mathematical 
> notation.
> * There is also a [design 
> rule](
>  which says that variables need to be capitalized, so the lowercase `val` 
> prefix should not be introduced. (BTW this rule is not absolute: in existing 
> code that uses a different naming convention, it's permissible/preferred to 
> use that convention for the sake of consistency.)
> I know that you probably introduced the `val` prefix because of my complaint 
> about the "meaningless single letter" variable names; please excuse me for 
> these back-and-forth suggestions.

No worries, I understand. I've reverted the parameter variable names back to 
single letter form.
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