hamzasood added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D28365#639260, @awson wrote:

> It's weird th[[ URL | name ]]at cl.exe command-line compiler reports version 
> 19.10.24629 and lives in the 14.10.24629 directory (only first 2 digits are 
> different).
> Moreover, in their explanation blogpost 
> <https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/10/07/compiler-tools-layout-in-visual-studio-15/>
>  they claim that //There’s a subdirectory in the MSVC directory with a 
> compiler version number. For VS 2017 RC, that version number is 
> 14.10.24629.//, i.e., they name this 14.10.24629 a "compiler version".

I'll admit I'm also slightly confused by the difference and maybe someone more 
familiar with the matter can correct me, but from what I understand: v14 is the 
toolchain version and v19 is the cl.exe version (i.e. specifically the compiler 
version). Wikipedia has a useful table 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_Studio#History> showing cl.exe 
version numbers over the years.  I've got no idea why they're kept separate, 
probably historical reasons.
As for the blog post, I can only assume that it's a typo and they meant to say 
"compiler tools version".


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