pirama added inline comments.

Comment at: test/Driver/arch-specific-libdir-rpath.c:18
-L{{.*}}/Inputs/resource_dir_with_arch_subdir/lib/linux{{.*}} "-rpath" 
+// CHECK-NO-ARCHDIR-NOT: -L{{.*}}Inputs/resource_dir
mgorny wrote:
> pirama wrote:
> > Hahnfeld wrote:
> > > Can you split that into two lines? Then it won't fail if there is some 
> > > argument added in between
> > Splitting into two lines makes FileCheck eagerly match the arch-subdir and 
> > -rpath into the {{.*}} next to the "-L".  This causes the check for -rpath 
> > to fail.
> > 
> > The test accepts intermediate arguments because of the wildcard right after 
> > the -L...Inputs/...
> Please do not rely on implicit assumptions like that. One day someone may 
> decide to 'fix' the wildcard not to match whitespace, and make the wrong 
> assumption about order. If for anything, splitting in two would make this 
> more readable.
Do you have any suggestions?  Right now, if I split it into two lines, the 
second check fails due to the eager regex match.


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