vsk marked 9 inline comments as done.
vsk added a comment.

The plan is to start off with -fsanitize=nullability, and then create a 
nullability-pedantic group later if it's really necessary. I think I've 
addressed all of the inline comments, and will upload a new diff shortly.

Comment at: docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.rst:101
+     ``-fsanitize=nullability-assign``, and the argument check with
+     ``-fsanitize=nullability-arg``. While violating nullability rules does
+     not result in undefined behavior, it is often unintentional, so UBSan
zaks.anna wrote:
> vsk wrote:
> > zaks.anna wrote:
> > > Have you investigated if -fsanitize=nullability-arg is too noisy? I think 
> > > we should somehow "recommend" return and assignment check to most users. 
> > > This is not clear from the help and options provided. The main concern 
> > > here is that someone would try -fsanitize=nullability, see a ton of 
> > > warnings they don't care about and think that the whole check is too 
> > > noisy.
> > > 
> > > I cannot come up with a great solution. Options that come into mind are:
> > >  - Drop "arg" check completely.
> > >  - Remove arg from the nullability group.
> > >  - Have 2 groups for nullability.
> > > 
> > > We can also wait for concrete data before making a decision here and 
> > > address this in subsequent commits.
> > The nullability-arg check was not noisy on a small sample (n=4) of 
> > Apple-internal projects. I only collected 11 diagnostics in total, all of 
> > which seemed actionable. I.e the issues were not isolated to system 
> > headers: the project code actually did violate arg nullability. Based on 
> > what I've seen so far, I'd like to start off with including the arg check 
> > in a "nullability-full" group. If arg check noisiness becomes an issue, 
> > then I'd like to create a new "nullability-partial" group with just the 
> > return/assignment checks.
> > 
> > TL;DR: let's rename -fsanitize=nullability to -fsanitize=nullability-full, 
> > keep the arg check, and introduce a nullability-partial group later if we 
> > need to. Wdyt?
> > 
> > 
> Keeping things as is and introducing a new group if this becomes a problem 
> sounds good to me. You could use "nullability" and "nullability-pedantic". 
> That way you do not need to change the name and get to use "nullability".

Comment at: docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.rst:141
   -  ``-fsanitize=undefined``: All of the checks listed above other than
-     ``unsigned-integer-overflow``.
+     ``unsigned-integer-overflow`` and ``nullability``.
   -  ``-fsanitize=undefined-trap``: Deprecated alias of
filcab wrote:
> ```... and the ``nullability`` group.```
I define the group after the 'undefined' group, so I used a slightly different 

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp:1907
+  // Skip the return value nullability check if the nullability preconditions
+  // are broken.
zaks.anna wrote:
> I would add a comment explaining why this is needed, similar to what you 
> included in the commit message: 
> "One point of note is that the nullability-return check is only allowed
> to kick in if all arguments to the function satisfy their nullability
> preconditions. This makes it necessary to emit some null checks in the
> function body itself."
> Maybe even rename CanCheckRetValNullability into 
> RetValNullabilityPrecondition. I like this more than "CanCheck" because it's 
> just a precondition value. You check if it is satisfied (evaluates to true or 
> false) later when it's used in a branch.
I added the comment and did the rename. I like 'RetValNullabilityPrecondition'.

Comment at: test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nullability.m:114
+  // CHECK: [[NONULL]]:
+  // CHECK: ret i32*
filcab wrote:
I've promoted all the existing 'CHECK' lines to 'CHECK-NEXT's where possible.


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