This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rL297700: [ubsan] Add a nullability sanitizer (authored by 

Changed prior to commit:



Index: cfe/trunk/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.rst
--- cfe/trunk/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.rst
+++ cfe/trunk/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.rst
@@ -92,6 +92,12 @@
      parameter which is declared to never be null.
   -  ``-fsanitize=null``: Use of a null pointer or creation of a null
+  -  ``-fsanitize=nullability-arg``: Passing null as a function parameter
+     which is annotated with ``_Nonnull``.
+  -  ``-fsanitize=nullability-assign``: Assigning null to an lvalue which
+     is annotated with ``_Nonnull``.
+  -  ``-fsanitize=nullability-return``: Returning null from a function with
+     a return type annotated with ``_Nonnull``.
   -  ``-fsanitize=object-size``: An attempt to potentially use bytes which
      the optimizer can determine are not part of the object being accessed.
      This will also detect some types of undefined behavior that may not
@@ -130,11 +136,15 @@
 You can also use the following check groups:
   -  ``-fsanitize=undefined``: All of the checks listed above other than
-     ``unsigned-integer-overflow``.
+     ``unsigned-integer-overflow`` and the ``nullability-*`` checks.
   -  ``-fsanitize=undefined-trap``: Deprecated alias of
   -  ``-fsanitize=integer``: Checks for undefined or suspicious integer
      behavior (e.g. unsigned integer overflow).
+  -  ``-fsanitize=nullability``: Enables ``nullability-arg``,
+     ``nullability-assign``, and ``nullability-return``. While violating
+     nullability does not have undefined behavior, it is often unintentional,
+     so UBSan offers to catch it.
 Stack traces and report symbolization
Index: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Sanitizers.def
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Sanitizers.def
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Sanitizers.def
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@
 SANITIZER("integer-divide-by-zero", IntegerDivideByZero)
 SANITIZER("nonnull-attribute", NonnullAttribute)
 SANITIZER("null", Null)
+SANITIZER("nullability-arg", NullabilityArg)
+SANITIZER("nullability-assign", NullabilityAssign)
+SANITIZER("nullability-return", NullabilityReturn)
+SANITIZER_GROUP("nullability", Nullability,
+                NullabilityArg | NullabilityAssign | NullabilityReturn)
 SANITIZER("object-size", ObjectSize)
 SANITIZER("return", Return)
 SANITIZER("returns-nonnull-attribute", ReturnsNonnullAttribute)
Index: cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nonnull-and-nullability.m
--- cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nonnull-and-nullability.m
+++ cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nonnull-and-nullability.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// REQUIRES: asserts
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c -emit-llvm -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0 -fsanitize=nullability-return,returns-nonnull-attribute,nullability-arg,nonnull-attribute %s -o - -w | FileCheck %s
+// If both the annotation and the attribute are present, prefer the attribute,
+// since it actually affects IRGen.
+// CHECK-LABEL: define nonnull i32* @f1
+__attribute__((returns_nonnull)) int *_Nonnull f1(int *_Nonnull p) {
+  // CHECK: entry:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[ADDR:%.*]] = alloca i32*
+  // CHECK-NEXT: store i32* [[P:%.*]], i32** [[ADDR]]
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[ARG:%.*]] = load i32*, i32** [[ADDR]]
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* [[ARG]], null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], label %[[CONT:.+]], label %[[HANDLE:[^,]+]]
+  // CHECK: [[HANDLE]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_return_abort
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   unreachable, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[CONT]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   ret i32*
+  return p;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @f2
+void f2(int *_Nonnull __attribute__((nonnull)) p) {}
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @call_f2
+void call_f2() {
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg_abort
+  // CHECK-NOT: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg_abort
+  f2((void *)0);
Index: cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nullability.m
--- cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nullability.m
+++ cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenObjC/ubsan-nullability.m
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// REQUIRES: asserts
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c -emit-llvm -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0 -fsanitize=nullability-arg,nullability-assign,nullability-return -w %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_RV_LOC1:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 109, i32 1 {{.*}} i32 100, i32 6
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_ARG_LOC:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 204, i32 15 {{.*}} i32 190, i32 23
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_ASSIGN1_LOC:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 305, i32 9
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_ASSIGN2_LOC:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 405, i32 10
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_ASSIGN3_LOC:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 505, i32 10
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_INIT1_LOC:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 604, i32 25
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_INIT2_LOC1:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 707, i32 26
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_INIT2_LOC2:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 707, i32 29
+// CHECK: [[NONNULL_RV_LOC2:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr global {{.*}} i32 817, i32 1 {{.*}} i32 800, i32 6
+#define NULL ((void *)0)
+// CHECK-LABEL: define i32* @nonnull_retval1
+#line 100
+int *_Nonnull nonnull_retval1(int *p) {
+  // CHECK: br i1 true, label %[[NULL:.*]], label %[[NONULL:.*]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[NULL]]:
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* {{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_return{{.*}}[[NONNULL_RV_LOC1]]
+  return p;
+  // CHECK: [[NONULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: ret i32*
+#line 190
+void nonnull_arg(int *_Nonnull p) {}
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @call_func_with_nonnull_arg
+#line 200
+void call_func_with_nonnull_arg(int *_Nonnull p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* {{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg{{.*}}[[NONNULL_ARG_LOC]]
+  nonnull_arg(p);
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @nonnull_assign1
+#line 300
+void nonnull_assign1(int *p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* {{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch{{.*}}[[NONNULL_ASSIGN1_LOC]]
+  int *_Nonnull local;
+  local = p;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @nonnull_assign2
+#line 400
+void nonnull_assign2(int *p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %{{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch{{.*}}[[NONNULL_ASSIGN2_LOC]]
+  int *_Nonnull arr[1];
+  arr[0] = p;
+struct S1 {
+  int *_Nonnull mptr;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @nonnull_assign3
+#line 500
+void nonnull_assign3(int *p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %{{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch{{.*}}[[NONNULL_ASSIGN3_LOC]]
+  struct S1 s;
+  s.mptr = p;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @nonnull_init1
+#line 600
+void nonnull_init1(int *p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %{{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch{{.*}}[[NONNULL_INIT1_LOC]]
+  int *_Nonnull local = p;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @nonnull_init2
+#line 700
+void nonnull_init2(int *p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %{{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch{{.*}}[[NONNULL_INIT2_LOC1]]
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %{{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch{{.*}}[[NONNULL_INIT2_LOC2]]
+  int *_Nonnull arr[] = {p, p};
+// CHECK-LABEL: define i32* @nonnull_retval2
+#line 800
+int *_Nonnull nonnull_retval2(int *_Nonnull arg1,  //< Test this.
+                              int *_Nonnull arg2,  //< Test this.
+                              int *_Nullable arg3, //< Don't test the rest.
+                              int *arg4,
+                              int arg5, ...) {
+  // CHECK: [[ARG1CMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %arg1, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DO_RV_CHECK_1:%.*]] = and i1 true, [[ARG1CMP]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[ARG2CMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %arg2, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DO_RV_CHECK_2:%.*]] = and i1 [[DO_RV_CHECK_1]], [[ARG2CMP]]
+  // CHECK: br i1 [[DO_RV_CHECK_2]], label %[[NULL:.*]], label %[[NONULL:.*]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[NULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* {{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_return{{.*}}[[NONNULL_RV_LOC2]]
+  return arg1;
+  // CHECK: [[NONULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: ret i32*
+@interface A
++(int *_Nonnull) objc_clsmethod: (int *_Nonnull) arg1;
+-(int *_Nonnull) objc_method: (int *_Nonnull) arg1;
+@implementation A
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal i32* @"\01+[A objc_clsmethod:]"
++(int *_Nonnull) objc_clsmethod: (int *_Nonnull) arg1 {
+  // CHECK: [[ARG1CMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %arg1, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DO_RV_CHECK:%.*]] = and i1 true, [[ARG1CMP]]
+  // CHECK: br i1 [[DO_RV_CHECK]], label %[[NULL:.*]], label %[[NONULL:.*]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[NULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* {{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_return{{.*}}
+  return arg1;
+  // CHECK: [[NONULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: ret i32*
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal i32* @"\01-[A objc_method:]"
+-(int *_Nonnull) objc_method: (int *_Nonnull) arg1 {
+  // CHECK: [[ARG1CMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* %arg1, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[DO_RV_CHECK:%.*]] = and i1 true, [[ARG1CMP]]
+  // CHECK: br i1 [[DO_RV_CHECK]], label %[[NULL:.*]], label %[[NONULL:.*]], !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: [[NULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* {{.*}}, null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_return{{.*}}
+  return arg1;
+  // CHECK: [[NONULL]]:
+  // CHECK-NEXT: ret i32*
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @call_A
+void call_A(A *a, int *p) {
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* [[P1:%.*]], null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg{{.*}} !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call i32* {{.*}} @objc_msgSend to i32* {{.*}}({{.*}}, i32* [[P1]])
+  [a objc_method: p];
+  // CHECK: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp ne i32* [[P2:%.*]], null, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[ICMP]], {{.*}}, !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg{{.*}} !nosanitize
+  // CHECK: call i32* {{.*}} @objc_msgSend to i32* {{.*}}({{.*}}, i32* [[P2]])
+  [A objc_clsmethod: p];
+void dont_crash(int *_Nonnull p, ...) {}
+int main() {
+  nonnull_retval1(NULL);
+  nonnull_retval2(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  call_func_with_nonnull_arg(NULL);
+  nonnull_assign1(NULL);
+  nonnull_assign2(NULL);
+  nonnull_assign3(NULL);
+  nonnull_init1(NULL);
+  nonnull_init2(NULL);
+  call_A(NULL, NULL);
+  dont_crash(NULL, NULL);
+  return 0;
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Driver/SanitizerArgs.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Driver/SanitizerArgs.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Driver/SanitizerArgs.cpp
@@ -26,18 +26,19 @@
 using namespace llvm::opt;
 enum : SanitizerMask {
-  NeedsUbsanRt = Undefined | Integer | CFI,
+  NeedsUbsanRt = Undefined | Integer | Nullability | CFI,
   NeedsUbsanCxxRt = Vptr | CFI,
   NotAllowedWithTrap = Vptr,
   RequiresPIE = DataFlow,
   NeedsUnwindTables = Address | Thread | Memory | DataFlow,
-  SupportsCoverage = Address | Memory | Leak | Undefined | Integer | DataFlow,
-  RecoverableByDefault = Undefined | Integer,
+  SupportsCoverage =
+      Address | Memory | Leak | Undefined | Integer | Nullability | DataFlow,
+  RecoverableByDefault = Undefined | Integer | Nullability,
   Unrecoverable = Unreachable | Return,
   LegacyFsanitizeRecoverMask = Undefined | Integer,
   NeedsLTO = CFI,
-  TrappingSupported =
-      (Undefined & ~Vptr) | UnsignedIntegerOverflow | LocalBounds | CFI,
+  TrappingSupported = (Undefined & ~Vptr) | UnsignedIntegerOverflow |
+                      Nullability | LocalBounds | CFI,
   TrappingDefault = CFI,
   CFIClasses = CFIVCall | CFINVCall | CFIDerivedCast | CFIUnrelatedCast,
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
@@ -697,7 +697,8 @@
   // platform dependent.
   using namespace SanitizerKind;
   SanitizerMask Res = (Undefined & ~Vptr & ~Function) | (CFI & ~CFIICall) |
-                      CFICastStrict | UnsignedIntegerOverflow | LocalBounds;
+                      CFICastStrict | UnsignedIntegerOverflow | Nullability |
+                      LocalBounds;
   if (getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86 ||
       getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86_64 ||
       getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::arm ||
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
@@ -672,13 +672,36 @@
   lvalue.setAddress(CGF.emitBlockByrefAddress(lvalue.getAddress(), var));
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitNullabilityCheck(LValue LHS, llvm::Value *RHS,
+                                           SourceLocation Loc) {
+  if (!SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NullabilityAssign))
+    return;
+  auto Nullability = LHS.getType()->getNullability(getContext());
+  if (!Nullability || *Nullability != NullabilityKind::NonNull)
+    return;
+  // Check if the right hand side of the assignment is nonnull, if the left
+  // hand side must be nonnull.
+  SanitizerScope SanScope(this);
+  llvm::Value *IsNotNull = Builder.CreateIsNotNull(RHS);
+  // FIXME: The runtime shouldn't refer to a 'reference'.
+  llvm::Constant *StaticData[] = {
+      EmitCheckSourceLocation(Loc), EmitCheckTypeDescriptor(LHS.getType()),
+      llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 1),
+      llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, TCK_ReferenceBinding)};
+  EmitCheck({{IsNotNull, SanitizerKind::NullabilityAssign}},
+            SanitizerHandler::TypeMismatch, StaticData, RHS);
 void CodeGenFunction::EmitScalarInit(const Expr *init, const ValueDecl *D,
                                      LValue lvalue, bool capturedByInit) {
   Qualifiers::ObjCLifetime lifetime = lvalue.getObjCLifetime();
   if (!lifetime) {
     llvm::Value *value = EmitScalarExpr(init);
     if (capturedByInit)
       drillIntoBlockVariable(*this, lvalue, cast<VarDecl>(D));
+    EmitNullabilityCheck(lvalue, value, init->getExprLoc());
     EmitStoreThroughLValue(RValue::get(value), lvalue, true);
@@ -767,6 +790,8 @@
   if (capturedByInit) drillIntoBlockVariable(*this, lvalue, cast<VarDecl>(D));
+  EmitNullabilityCheck(lvalue, value, init->getExprLoc());
   // If the variable might have been accessed by its initializer, we
   // might have to initialize with a barrier.  We have to do this for
   // both __weak and __strong, but __weak got filtered out above.
@@ -1880,6 +1905,19 @@
   if (D.hasAttr<AnnotateAttr>())
     EmitVarAnnotations(&D, DeclPtr.getPointer());
+  // We can only check return value nullability if all arguments to the
+  // function satisfy their nullability preconditions. This makes it necessary
+  // to emit null checks for args in the function body itself.
+  if (requiresReturnValueNullabilityCheck()) {
+    auto Nullability = Ty->getNullability(getContext());
+    if (Nullability && *Nullability == NullabilityKind::NonNull) {
+      SanitizerScope SanScope(this);
+      RetValNullabilityPrecondition =
+          Builder.CreateAnd(RetValNullabilityPrecondition,
+                            Builder.CreateIsNotNull(Arg.getAnyValue()));
+    }
+  }
 void CodeGenModule::EmitOMPDeclareReduction(const OMPDeclareReductionDecl *D,
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -1375,6 +1375,16 @@
   /// information about the layout of the variable.
   llvm::DenseMap<const ValueDecl *, BlockByrefInfo> BlockByrefInfos;
+  /// Used by -fsanitize=nullability-return to determine whether the return
+  /// value can be checked.
+  llvm::Value *RetValNullabilityPrecondition = nullptr;
+  /// Check if -fsanitize=nullability-return instrumentation is required for
+  /// this function.
+  bool requiresReturnValueNullabilityCheck() const {
+    return RetValNullabilityPrecondition;
+  }
   llvm::BasicBlock *TerminateLandingPad;
   llvm::BasicBlock *TerminateHandler;
   llvm::BasicBlock *TrapBB;
@@ -1753,6 +1763,9 @@
   void EmitFunctionEpilog(const CGFunctionInfo &FI, bool EmitRetDbgLoc,
                           SourceLocation EndLoc);
+  /// Emit a test that checks if the return value \p RV is nonnull.
+  void EmitReturnValueCheck(llvm::Value *RV, SourceLocation EndLoc);
   /// EmitStartEHSpec - Emit the start of the exception spec.
   void EmitStartEHSpec(const Decl *D);
@@ -3458,6 +3471,10 @@
   void EmitBranchOnBoolExpr(const Expr *Cond, llvm::BasicBlock *TrueBlock,
                             llvm::BasicBlock *FalseBlock, uint64_t TrueCount);
+  /// Given an assignment `*LHS = RHS`, emit a test that checks if \p RHS is
+  /// nonnull, if \p LHS is marked _Nonnull.
+  void EmitNullabilityCheck(LValue LHS, llvm::Value *RHS, SourceLocation Loc);
   /// \brief Emit a description of a type in a format suitable for passing to
   /// a runtime sanitizer handler.
   llvm::Constant *EmitCheckTypeDescriptor(QualType T);
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
@@ -3132,10 +3132,12 @@
     // because the result is altered by the store, i.e., [C99 6.5.16p1]
     // 'An assignment expression has the value of the left operand after
     // the assignment...'.
-    if (LHS.isBitField())
+    if (LHS.isBitField()) {
       CGF.EmitStoreThroughBitfieldLValue(RValue::get(RHS), LHS, &RHS);
-    else
+    } else {
+      CGF.EmitNullabilityCheck(LHS, RHS, E->getExprLoc());
       CGF.EmitStoreThroughLValue(RValue::get(RHS), LHS);
+    }
   // If the result is clearly ignored, return now.
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
@@ -822,6 +822,18 @@
+  // If we're checking nullability, we need to know whether we can check the
+  // return value. Initialize the flag to 'true' and refine it in EmitParmDecl.
+  if (SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NullabilityReturn)) {
+    auto Nullability = FnRetTy->getNullability(getContext());
+    if (Nullability && *Nullability == NullabilityKind::NonNull) {
+      if (!(SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::ReturnsNonnullAttribute) &&
+            CurCodeDecl && CurCodeDecl->getAttr<ReturnsNonNullAttr>()))
+        RetValNullabilityPrecondition =
+            llvm::ConstantInt::getTrue(getLLVMContext());
+    }
+  }
   // If we're in C++ mode and the function name is "main", it is guaranteed
   // to be norecurse by the standard ( "The function main shall not be
   // used within a program").
Index: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -2912,19 +2912,7 @@
   llvm::Instruction *Ret;
   if (RV) {
-    if (CurCodeDecl && SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::ReturnsNonnullAttribute)) {
-      if (auto RetNNAttr = CurCodeDecl->getAttr<ReturnsNonNullAttr>()) {
-        SanitizerScope SanScope(this);
-        llvm::Value *Cond = Builder.CreateICmpNE(
-            RV, llvm::Constant::getNullValue(RV->getType()));
-        llvm::Constant *StaticData[] = {
-            EmitCheckSourceLocation(EndLoc),
-            EmitCheckSourceLocation(RetNNAttr->getLocation()),
-        };
-        EmitCheck(std::make_pair(Cond, SanitizerKind::ReturnsNonnullAttribute),
-                  SanitizerHandler::NonnullReturn, StaticData, None);
-      }
-    }
+    EmitReturnValueCheck(RV, EndLoc);
     Ret = Builder.CreateRet(RV);
   } else {
     Ret = Builder.CreateRetVoid();
@@ -2934,6 +2922,62 @@
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitReturnValueCheck(llvm::Value *RV,
+                                           SourceLocation EndLoc) {
+  // A current decl may not be available when emitting vtable thunks.
+  if (!CurCodeDecl)
+    return;
+  ReturnsNonNullAttr *RetNNAttr = nullptr;
+  if (SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::ReturnsNonnullAttribute))
+    RetNNAttr = CurCodeDecl->getAttr<ReturnsNonNullAttr>();
+  if (!RetNNAttr && !requiresReturnValueNullabilityCheck())
+    return;
+  // Prefer the returns_nonnull attribute if it's present.
+  SourceLocation AttrLoc;
+  SanitizerMask CheckKind;
+  if (RetNNAttr) {
+    assert(!requiresReturnValueNullabilityCheck() &&
+           "Cannot check nullability and the nonnull attribute");
+    AttrLoc = RetNNAttr->getLocation();
+    CheckKind = SanitizerKind::ReturnsNonnullAttribute;
+  } else {
+    // FIXME: The runtime shouldn't refer to the 'returns_nonnull' attribute.
+    if (auto *DD = dyn_cast<DeclaratorDecl>(CurCodeDecl))
+      if (auto *TSI = DD->getTypeSourceInfo())
+        if (auto FTL = TSI->getTypeLoc().castAs<FunctionTypeLoc>())
+          AttrLoc = FTL.getReturnLoc().findNullabilityLoc();
+    CheckKind = SanitizerKind::NullabilityReturn;
+  }
+  SanitizerScope SanScope(this);
+  llvm::BasicBlock *Check = nullptr;
+  llvm::BasicBlock *NoCheck = nullptr;
+  if (requiresReturnValueNullabilityCheck()) {
+    // Before doing the nullability check, make sure that the preconditions for
+    // the check are met.
+    Check = createBasicBlock("nullcheck");
+    NoCheck = createBasicBlock("no.nullcheck");
+    Builder.CreateCondBr(RetValNullabilityPrecondition, Check, NoCheck);
+    EmitBlock(Check);
+  }
+  // Now do the null check. If the returns_nonnull attribute is present, this
+  // is done unconditionally.
+  llvm::Value *Cond = Builder.CreateIsNotNull(RV);
+  llvm::Constant *StaticData[] = {
+      EmitCheckSourceLocation(EndLoc), EmitCheckSourceLocation(AttrLoc),
+  };
+  EmitCheck(std::make_pair(Cond, CheckKind), SanitizerHandler::NonnullReturn,
+            StaticData, None);
+  if (requiresReturnValueNullabilityCheck())
+    EmitBlock(NoCheck);
 static bool isInAllocaArgument(CGCXXABI &ABI, QualType type) {
   const CXXRecordDecl *RD = type->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
   return RD && ABI.getRecordArgABI(RD) == CGCXXABI::RAA_DirectInMemory;
@@ -3244,25 +3288,51 @@
                                           SourceLocation ArgLoc,
                                           AbstractCallee AC,
                                           unsigned ParmNum) {
-  if (!SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NonnullAttribute) || !AC.getDecl())
+  if (!AC.getDecl() || !(SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NonnullAttribute) ||
+                         SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NullabilityArg)))
+  // The param decl may be missing in a variadic function.
   auto PVD = ParmNum < AC.getNumParams() ? AC.getParamDecl(ParmNum) : nullptr;
   unsigned ArgNo = PVD ? PVD->getFunctionScopeIndex() : ParmNum;
-  auto NNAttr = getNonNullAttr(AC.getDecl(), PVD, ArgType, ArgNo);
-  if (!NNAttr)
+  // Prefer the nonnull attribute if it's present. 
+  const NonNullAttr *NNAttr = nullptr;
+  if (SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NonnullAttribute))
+    NNAttr = getNonNullAttr(AC.getDecl(), PVD, ArgType, ArgNo);
+  bool CanCheckNullability = false;
+  if (SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::NullabilityArg) && !NNAttr && PVD) {
+    auto Nullability = PVD->getType()->getNullability(getContext());
+    CanCheckNullability = Nullability &&
+                          *Nullability == NullabilityKind::NonNull &&
+                          PVD->getTypeSourceInfo();
+  }
+  if (!NNAttr && !CanCheckNullability)
+  SourceLocation AttrLoc;
+  SanitizerMask CheckKind;
+  if (NNAttr) {
+    AttrLoc = NNAttr->getLocation();
+    CheckKind = SanitizerKind::NonnullAttribute;
+  } else {
+    AttrLoc = PVD->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().findNullabilityLoc();
+    CheckKind = SanitizerKind::NullabilityArg;
+  }
   SanitizerScope SanScope(this);
   llvm::Value *V = RV.getScalarVal();
   llvm::Value *Cond =
       Builder.CreateICmpNE(V, llvm::Constant::getNullValue(V->getType()));
   llvm::Constant *StaticData[] = {
-      EmitCheckSourceLocation(ArgLoc),
-      EmitCheckSourceLocation(NNAttr->getLocation()),
+      EmitCheckSourceLocation(ArgLoc), EmitCheckSourceLocation(AttrLoc),
       llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, ArgNo + 1),
-  EmitCheck(std::make_pair(Cond, SanitizerKind::NonnullAttribute),
-            SanitizerHandler::NonnullArg, StaticData, None);
+  EmitCheck(std::make_pair(Cond, CheckKind), SanitizerHandler::NonnullArg,
+            StaticData, None);
 void CodeGenFunction::EmitCallArgs(
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