thakis added a comment.

In, @dim wrote:

> In, @thakis wrote:
> > Sorry, I just noticed this weeks later. Why are we adding this to 
> > `--version` instead of adding some new flag for printing this? When I pass 
> > `--version`, I'm usually interested in clang's version and don't need a 
> > screenful of other information below it (which makes the output I do care 
> > about scroll off the screen).
> I added it there, for consistency with other LLVM tools, for example:

I think most of the LLVM tools are kind of internal to LLVM and only used by 
people working on LLVM. clang on the other hand is used primarily by people not 
working on LLVM. We usually try to keep `--version` output for tools that are 
primarily used by non-LLVM devs concise, see e.g.

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