clayborg requested changes to this revision.
clayborg added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

Very close. Thanks for making the changes. Just a few nits.

Comment at: utils/
+def setDiagBreakpoint(frame, bp_loc, dict):
+    id = frame.FindVariable("DiagID").GetValue()
+    if id is None:
Is there only ever one of these? If so this is good. 

Comment at: utils/
+        disable(exe_ctx)
+    else:
+        getDiagtool(exe_ctx.GetTarget(), args.path[0])
should probably verify that this 'diagtool' with:

elif args.subcommands == 'diagtool':
and add an else that creates an error:
    result.SetError("invalid subcommand '%s'" % (args.subcommands))

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