asb created this revision.
Herald added subscribers: jordy.potman.lists, simoncook, johnrusso, rbar, 

I'm marking this as an RFC as I'd initially like to get feedback on the testing 
approach and structure of this patch (is this about the right granularity or 
would you prefer to start with something more minimal?). Follow-up patches will 
add ABI lowering and expand command line option parsing.

I wouldn't want to have the addition of RISC-V clang support gated on improving 
clang cross compilation support (e.g. config files or similar as has been 
discussed on the mailing list). However, if there's a straight-forward way I 
can reduce duplication and extend something already in-tree then of course I'd 
like to do that. One option might be to extend the BareMetal toolchain with 
RISC-V support, though I'd want the flexibility of using libgcc if preferred, 
and using the GNU linker rather than lld. What do you think Jonathan?

Please do add reviewers who may be qualified and willing to help. I'm picking 
on Chandler for kindly offering to help get this reviewed (either personally or 
pointing me to the right person), Petr for your work on the Fuchsia driver and 
Jonathan for your work on the BareMetal driver.

I'm currently reliant on the user setting up riscv32-ld or riscv64-ld symlinks. 
Is there some common code somewhere I'm missing for finding an appropriate 
linker in the GCC installation path?


Index: test/Preprocessor/init.c
--- test/Preprocessor/init.c
+++ test/Preprocessor/init.c
@@ -9987,3 +9987,398 @@
 // ARM-DARWIN-BAREMETAL-64: #define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int
 // ARM-DARWIN-BAREMETAL-64: #define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -ffreestanding -triple=riscv32 < /dev/null \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -match-full-lines -check-prefix=RISCV32 %s
+// RISCV32: #define _ILP32 1
+// RISCV32: #define __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE 2
+// RISCV32: #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4
+// RISCV32: #define __ATOMIC_CONSUME 1
+// RISCV32: #define __ATOMIC_RELAXED 0
+// RISCV32: #define __ATOMIC_RELEASE 3
+// RISCV32: #define __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST 5
+// RISCV32: #define __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ 16
+// RISCV32: #define __CHAR16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV32: #define __CHAR32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __CHAR_BIT__ 8
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 17
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ 4.9406564584124654e-324
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_DIG__ 15
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_EPSILON__ 2.2204460492503131e-16
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MANT_DIG__ 53
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MAX__ 1.7976931348623157e+308
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307)
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021)
+// RISCV32: #define __DBL_MIN__ 2.2250738585072014e-308
+// RISCV32: #define __ELF__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ 0
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ 9
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ 1.40129846e-45F
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_DIG__ 6
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_EPSILON__ 1.19209290e-7F
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ 0
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_HAS_DENORM__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MANT_DIG__ 24
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ 38
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MAX_EXP__ 128
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MAX__ 3.40282347e+38F
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37)
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125)
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_MIN__ 1.17549435e-38F
+// RISCV32: #define __FLT_RADIX__ 2
+// RISCV32: #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE 1
+// RISCV32: #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE 1
+// RISCV32: #define __GNUC_MINOR__ {{.*}}
+// RISCV32: #define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ {{.*}}
+// RISCV32: #define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __GNUC__ {{.*}}
+// RISCV32: #define __GXX_ABI_VERSION {{.*}}
+// RISCV32: #define __ILP32__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV32: #define __INT16_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV32: #define __INT16_TYPE__ short
+// RISCV32: #define __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV32: #define __INT32_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __INT32_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT64_C_SUFFIX__ LL
+// RISCV32: #define __INT64_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV32: #define __INT64_TYPE__ long long int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT8_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV32: #define __INT8_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV32: #define __INT8_TYPE__ signed char
+// RISCV32: #define __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__ LL
+// RISCV32: #define __INTMAX_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV32: #define __INTMAX_TYPE__ long long int
+// RISCV32: #define __INTMAX_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV32: #define __INTPTR_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __INTPTR_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV32: #define __INTPTR_WIDTH__ 32
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines INT_FAST16 as int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST16_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ short
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST32_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST64_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST64_TYPE__ long long int
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines INT_FAST8 as int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST8_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_FAST8_TYPE__ signed char
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST32_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST64_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long long int
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__ signed char
+// RISCV32: #define __INT_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 36
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ 6.47517511943802511092443895822764655e-4966L
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_DIG__ 33
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_EPSILON__ 1.92592994438723585305597794258492732e-34L
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ 113
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 4932
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ 16384
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176508575932662800702e+4932L
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-4931)
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-16381)
+// RISCV32: #define __LDBL_MIN__ 3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L
+// RISCV32: #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __LONG_LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV32: #define __LONG_MAX__ 2147483647L
+// RISCV32: #define __NO_INLINE__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __POINTER_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV32: #define __PTRDIFF_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV32: #define __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV32: #define __SCHAR_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV32: #define __SHRT_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV32: #define __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ 8
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_INT__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ 16
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ 8
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_POINTER__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_SHORT__ 2
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZEOF_WINT_T__ 4
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZE_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __SIZE_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV32: #define __STDC_HOSTED__ 0
+// RISCV32: #define __STDC_UTF_16__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __STDC_UTF_32__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __STDC_VERSION__ 201112L
+// RISCV32: #define __STDC__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT16_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT16_MAX__ 65535
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT32_C_SUFFIX__ U
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT32_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT64_C_SUFFIX__ ULL
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT64_MAX__ 18446744073709551615ULL
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT8_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT8_MAX__ 255
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT8_TYPE__ unsigned char
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__ ULL
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTMAX_MAX__ 18446744073709551615ULL
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTMAX_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTPTR_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTPTR_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINTPTR_WIDTH__ 32
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines UINT_FAST16 to be unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST16_MAX__ 65535
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST64_MAX__ 18446744073709551615ULL
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines UINT_FAST8 to be unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST8_MAX__ 255
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ 65535
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ 18446744073709551615ULL
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ 255
+// RISCV32: #define __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
+// RISCV32: #define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__
+// RISCV32: #define __WCHAR_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV32: #define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV32: #define __WCHAR_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV32: #define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV32: #define __WINT_UNSIGNED__ 1
+// RISCV32: #define __WINT_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV32: #define __riscv 1
+// RISCV32: #define __riscv_cmodel_medlow 1
+// RISCV32: #define __riscv_float_abi_soft 1
+// RISCV32: #define __riscv_xlen 32
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -ffreestanding -triple=riscv64 < /dev/null \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -match-full-lines -check-prefix=RISCV64 %s
+// RISCV64: #define _LP64 1
+// RISCV64: #define __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE 2
+// RISCV64: #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4
+// RISCV64: #define __ATOMIC_CONSUME 1
+// RISCV64: #define __ATOMIC_RELAXED 0
+// RISCV64: #define __ATOMIC_RELEASE 3
+// RISCV64: #define __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST 5
+// RISCV64: #define __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ 16
+// RISCV64: #define __CHAR16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV64: #define __CHAR32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __CHAR_BIT__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 17
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ 4.9406564584124654e-324
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_DIG__ 15
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_EPSILON__ 2.2204460492503131e-16
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MANT_DIG__ 53
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MAX__ 1.7976931348623157e+308
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307)
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021)
+// RISCV64: #define __DBL_MIN__ 2.2250738585072014e-308
+// RISCV64: #define __ELF__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ 0
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ 9
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ 1.40129846e-45F
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_DIG__ 6
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_EPSILON__ 1.19209290e-7F
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ 0
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_HAS_DENORM__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MANT_DIG__ 24
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ 38
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MAX_EXP__ 128
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MAX__ 3.40282347e+38F
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37)
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125)
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_MIN__ 1.17549435e-38F
+// RISCV64: #define __FLT_RADIX__ 2
+// RISCV64: #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE 1
+// RISCV64: #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE 1
+// RISCV64: #define __GNUC_MINOR__ {{.*}}
+// RISCV64: #define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ {{.*}}
+// RISCV64: #define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __GNUC__ {{.*}}
+// RISCV64: #define __GXX_ABI_VERSION {{.*}}
+// RISCV64: #define __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV64: #define __INT16_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV64: #define __INT16_TYPE__ short
+// RISCV64: #define __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV64: #define __INT32_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV64: #define __INT32_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT64_C_SUFFIX__ LL
+// RISCV64: #define __INT64_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV64: #define __INT64_TYPE__ long long int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT8_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV64: #define __INT8_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV64: #define __INT8_TYPE__ signed char
+// RISCV64: #define __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__ L
+// RISCV64: #define __INTMAX_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L
+// RISCV64: #define __INTMAX_TYPE__ long int
+// RISCV64: #define __INTMAX_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV64: #define __INTPTR_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L
+// RISCV64: #define __INTPTR_TYPE__ long int
+// RISCV64: #define __INTPTR_WIDTH__ 64
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines INT_FAST16 as int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST16_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ short
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST32_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST64_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST64_TYPE__ long int
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines INT_FAST8 as int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST8_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_FAST8_TYPE__ signed char
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST32_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST64_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long int
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__ signed char
+// RISCV64: #define __INT_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 36
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ 6.47517511943802511092443895822764655e-4966L
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_DIG__ 33
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_EPSILON__ 1.92592994438723585305597794258492732e-34L
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ 113
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 4932
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ 16384
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176508575932662800702e+4932L
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-4931)
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-16381)
+// RISCV64: #define __LDBL_MIN__ 3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L
+// RISCV64: #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __LONG_LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+// RISCV64: #define __LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L
+// RISCV64: #define __LP64__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __NO_INLINE__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __POINTER_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV64: #define __PTRDIFF_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L
+// RISCV64: #define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int
+// RISCV64: #define __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV64: #define __SCHAR_MAX__ 127
+// RISCV64: #define __SHRT_MAX__ 32767
+// RISCV64: #define __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV64: #define __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ 4
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_INT__ 4
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ 16
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_POINTER__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_SHORT__ 2
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ 8
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ 4
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZEOF_WINT_T__ 4
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZE_MAX__ 18446744073709551615UL
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __SIZE_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV64: #define __STDC_HOSTED__ 0
+// RISCV64: #define __STDC_UTF_16__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __STDC_UTF_32__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __STDC_VERSION__ 201112L
+// RISCV64: #define __STDC__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT16_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT16_MAX__ 65535
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT32_C_SUFFIX__ U
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT32_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT64_C_SUFFIX__ ULL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT64_MAX__ 18446744073709551615ULL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT64_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT8_C_SUFFIX__
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT8_MAX__ 255
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT8_TYPE__ unsigned char
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__ UL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTMAX_MAX__ 18446744073709551615UL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTMAX_WIDTH__ 64
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTPTR_MAX__ 18446744073709551615UL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTPTR_TYPE__ long unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINTPTR_WIDTH__ 64
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines UINT_FAST16 to be unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST16_MAX__ 65535
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST64_MAX__ 18446744073709551615UL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__ long unsigned int
+// TODO: RISC-V GCC defines UINT_FAST8 to be unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST8_MAX__ 255
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ 65535
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ unsigned short
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ 4294967295U
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ 18446744073709551615UL
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ 255
+// RISCV64: #define __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char
+// RISCV64: #define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__
+// RISCV64: #define __WCHAR_MAX__ 2147483647
+// RISCV64: #define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int
+// RISCV64: #define __WCHAR_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV64: #define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
+// RISCV64: #define __WINT_UNSIGNED__ 1
+// RISCV64: #define __WINT_WIDTH__ 32
+// RISCV64: #define __riscv 1
+// RISCV64: #define __riscv_cmodel_medlow 1
+// RISCV64: #define __riscv_float_abi_soft 1
+// RISCV64: #define __riscv_xlen 64
Index: test/Driver/riscv64-toolchain.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Driver/riscv64-toolchain.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// A basic clang -cc1 command-line, and simple environment check.
+// RUN: %clang %s -### -no-canonical-prefixes -target riscv64 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC1 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64 %s -emit-llvm -S -o - | FileCheck %s
+// CC1: clang{{.*}} "-cc1" "-triple" "riscv64"
+typedef __builtin_va_list va_list;
+typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
+typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
+typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
+// CHECK: @align_c = global i32 1
+int align_c = __alignof(char);
+// CHECK: @align_s = global i32 2
+int align_s = __alignof(short);
+// CHECK: @align_i = global i32 4
+int align_i = __alignof(int);
+// CHECK: @align_wc = global i32 4
+int align_wc = __alignof(wchar_t);
+// CHECK: @align_l = global i32 8
+int align_l = __alignof(long);
+// CHECK: @align_ll = global i32 8
+int align_ll = __alignof(long long);
+// CHECK: @align_p = global i32 8
+int align_p = __alignof(void*);
+// CHECK: @align_f = global i32 4
+int align_f = __alignof(float);
+// CHECK: @align_d = global i32 8
+int align_d = __alignof(double);
+// CHECK: @align_ld = global i32 16
+int align_ld = __alignof(long double);
+// CHECK: @align_vl = global i32 8
+int align_vl = __alignof(va_list);
Index: test/Driver/riscv32-toolchain.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Driver/riscv32-toolchain.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// A basic clang -cc1 command-line, and simple environment check.
+// RUN: %clang %s -### -no-canonical-prefixes -target riscv32 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC1 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32 %s -emit-llvm -S -o - | FileCheck %s
+// CC1: clang{{.*}} "-cc1" "-triple" "riscv32"
+typedef __builtin_va_list va_list;
+typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
+typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
+typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
+// CHECK: @align_c = global i32 1
+int align_c = __alignof(char);
+// CHECK: @align_s = global i32 2
+int align_s = __alignof(short);
+// CHECK: @align_i = global i32 4
+int align_i = __alignof(int);
+// CHECK: @align_wc = global i32 4
+int align_wc = __alignof(wchar_t);
+// CHECK: @align_l = global i32 4
+int align_l = __alignof(long);
+// CHECK: @align_ll = global i32 8
+int align_ll = __alignof(long long);
+// CHECK: @align_p = global i32 4
+int align_p = __alignof(void*);
+// CHECK: @align_f = global i32 4
+int align_f = __alignof(float);
+// CHECK: @align_d = global i32 8
+int align_d = __alignof(double);
+// CHECK: @align_ld = global i32 16
+int align_ld = __alignof(long double);
+// CHECK: @align_vl = global i32 4
+int align_vl = __alignof(va_list);
Index: test/Driver/riscv-features.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Driver/riscv-features.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf -### %s -fsyntax-only 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf -### %s -fsyntax-only 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: fno-signed-char
Index: test/Driver/riscv-abi.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Driver/riscv-abi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf %s -### -o %t.o 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ILP32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf %s -### -o %t.o -mabi=ilp32 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ILP32 %s
+// CHECK-ILP32: "-target-abi" "ilp32"
+// TODO: ilp32f support.
+// RUN: not %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf %s -o %t.o -mabi=ilp32f 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ILP32F %s
+// CHECK-ILP32F: error: unknown target ABI 'ilp32f'
+// TODO: ilp32d support.
+// RUN: not %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf %s -o %t.o -mabi=ilp32d 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ILP32D %s
+// CHECK-ILP32D: error: unknown target ABI 'ilp32d'
+// RUN: not %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf %s -o %t.o -mabi=lp64 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-RV32-LP64 %s
+// CHECK-RV32-LP64: error: unknown target ABI 'lp64'
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf %s -### -o %t.o 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LP64 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf %s -### -o %t.o -mabi=lp64 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LP64 %s
+// CHECK-LP64: "-target-abi" "lp64"
+// TODO: lp64f support.
+// RUN: not %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf %s -o %t.o -mabi=lp64f 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LP64F %s
+// CHECK-LP64F: error: unknown target ABI 'lp64f'
+// TODO: lp64d support.
+// RUN: not %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf %s -o %t.o -mabi=lp64d 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LP64D %s
+// CHECK-LP64D: error: unknown target ABI 'lp64d'
+// RUN: not %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf %s -o %t.o -mabi=ilp32 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-RV64-ILP32 %s
+// CHECK-RV64-ILP32: error: unknown target ABI 'ilp32'
Index: test/Driver/frame-pointer.c
--- test/Driver/frame-pointer.c
+++ test/Driver/frame-pointer.c
@@ -33,6 +33,18 @@
 // RUN: %clang -target mips64el-linux-gnu -### -S -O0 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK0-32 %s
 // RUN: %clang -target mips64el-linux-gnu -### -S -O1 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK1-32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf -### -S -O0 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK0-32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf -### -S -O1 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK1-32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf -### -S -O2 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK2-32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf -### -S -O3 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK3-32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv32-unknown-elf -### -S -Os %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECKs-32 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf -### -S -O0 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK0-64 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf -### -S -O1 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK1-64 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf -### -S -O2 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK2-64 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf -### -S -O3 %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK3-64 %s
+// RUN: %clang -target riscv64-unknown-elf -### -S -Os %s -o %t.s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECKs-64 %s
 // CHECK0-32: -mdisable-fp-elim
 // CHECK1-32-NOT: -mdisable-fp-elim
 // CHECK2-32-NOT: -mdisable-fp-elim
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/RISCV.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/RISCV.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+//===--- RISCV.h - RISCV ToolChain Implementations --------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "Gnu.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace driver {
+namespace toolchains {
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY RISCVToolChain : public Generic_ELF {
+  RISCVToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple,
+                 const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args);
+  bool IsIntegratedAssemblerDefault() const override { return true; }
+  void
+  AddClangSystemIncludeArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs,
+                            llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args) const override;
+  Tool *buildLinker() const override;
+} // end namespace toolchains
+namespace tools {
+namespace RISCV {
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY Linker : public GnuTool {
+  Linker(const ToolChain &TC)
+      : GnuTool("RISCV::Linker",
+                TC.getTriple().isArch64Bit() ? "riscv64-ld" : "riscv32-ld",
+                TC) {}
+  bool hasIntegratedCPP() const override { return false; }
+  bool isLinkJob() const override { return true; }
+  void ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                    const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                    const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs,
+                    const char *LinkingOutput) const override;
+} // end namespace RISCV
+} // end namespace tools
+} // end namespace driver
+} // end namespace clang
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/RISCV.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/RISCV.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+//===--- RISCV.cpp - RISCV ToolChain Implementations ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "RISCV.h"
+#include "CommonArgs.h"
+#include "InputInfo.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
+#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+using namespace clang::driver;
+using namespace clang::driver::toolchains;
+using namespace clang::driver::tools;
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace llvm::opt;
+/// RISCV Toolchain
+RISCVToolChain::RISCVToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple,
+                               const ArgList &Args)
+    : Generic_ELF(D, Triple, Args) {
+  GCCInstallation.init(Triple, Args);
+  getFilePaths().push_back(D.SysRoot + "/lib");
+  if (GCCInstallation.isValid())
+    getFilePaths().push_back(GCCInstallation.getInstallPath().str());
+Tool *RISCVToolChain::buildLinker() const {
+  return new tools::RISCV::Linker(*this);
+void RISCVToolChain::AddClangSystemIncludeArgs(const ArgList &DriverArgs,
+                                               ArgStringList &CC1Args) const {
+  if (DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdinc))
+    return;
+  if (!DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlibinc)) {
+    SmallString<128> Dir(getDriver().SysRoot);
+    llvm::sys::path::append(Dir, "include");
+    addSystemInclude(DriverArgs, CC1Args, Dir.str());
+  }
+void RISCV::Linker::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                                 const InputInfo &Output,
+                                 const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                                 const ArgList &Args,
+                                 const char *LinkingOutput) const {
+  const ToolChain &ToolChain = getToolChain();
+  const Driver &D = ToolChain.getDriver();
+  ArgStringList CmdArgs;
+  if (!D.SysRoot.empty())
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString("--sysroot=" + D.SysRoot));
+  std::string Linker = getToolChain().GetProgramPath(getShortName());
+  bool WantCRTs =
+      !Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib, options::OPT_nostartfiles);
+  if (WantCRTs) {
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(ToolChain.GetFilePath("crt0.o")));
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(ToolChain.GetFilePath("crtbegin.o")));
+  }
+  Args.AddAllArgs(CmdArgs, options::OPT_L);
+  ToolChain.AddFilePathLibArgs(Args, CmdArgs);
+  Args.AddAllArgs(CmdArgs,
+                  {options::OPT_T_Group, options::OPT_e, options::OPT_s,
+                   options::OPT_t, options::OPT_Z_Flag, options::OPT_r});
+  AddLinkerInputs(ToolChain, Inputs, Args, CmdArgs, JA);
+  // TODO: add C++ includes and libs if compiling C++.
+  if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib) &&
+      !Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nodefaultlibs)) {
+    CmdArgs.push_back("--start-group");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-lc");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-lgloss");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("--end-group");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-lgcc");
+  }
+  if (WantCRTs)
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(ToolChain.GetFilePath("crtend.o")));
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-o");
+  CmdArgs.push_back(Output.getFilename());
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, Args.MakeArgString(Linker),
+                                          CmdArgs, Inputs));
+// RISCV tools end.
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Gnu.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains/Gnu.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/Gnu.cpp
@@ -1773,6 +1773,9 @@
       "powerpc64le-linux-gnu", "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu",
       "powerpc64le-suse-linux", "ppc64le-redhat-linux"};
+  static const char *const RISCV32LibDirs[] = {"/lib"};
+  static const char *const RISCVTriples[] = {"riscv32-unknown-elf"};
   static const char *const SPARCv8LibDirs[] = {"/lib32", "/lib"};
   static const char *const SPARCv8Triples[] = {"sparc-linux-gnu",
@@ -1918,6 +1921,12 @@
     LibDirs.append(begin(PPC64LELibDirs), end(PPC64LELibDirs));
     TripleAliases.append(begin(PPC64LETriples), end(PPC64LETriples));
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+    LibDirs.append(begin(RISCV32LibDirs), end(RISCV32LibDirs));
+    BiarchLibDirs.append(begin(RISCV32LibDirs), end(RISCV32LibDirs));
+    TripleAliases.append(begin(RISCVTriples), end(RISCVTriples));
+    BiarchTripleAliases.append(begin(RISCVTriples), end(RISCVTriples));
+    break;
   case llvm::Triple::sparc:
   case llvm::Triple::sparcel:
     LibDirs.append(begin(SPARCv8LibDirs), end(SPARCv8LibDirs));
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.h
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.h
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.h
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
                         llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs) const;
   void AddR600TargetArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
                          llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs) const;
+  void AddRISCVTargetArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
+                          llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs) const;
   void AddSparcTargetArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
                           llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs) const;
   void AddSystemZTargetArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
@@ -526,6 +526,14 @@
+  switch (Triple.getArch()) {
+    case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+    case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
+      return !areOptimizationsEnabled(Args);
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
   if (Triple.isOSWindows()) {
     switch (Triple.getArch()) {
     case llvm::Triple::x86:
@@ -1261,6 +1269,8 @@
   case llvm::Triple::hexagon:
   case llvm::Triple::ppc64le:
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
   case llvm::Triple::systemz:
   case llvm::Triple::xcore:
     return false;
@@ -1370,6 +1380,11 @@
     AddPPCTargetArgs(Args, CmdArgs);
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
+    AddRISCVTargetArgs(Args, CmdArgs);
+    break;
   case llvm::Triple::sparc:
   case llvm::Triple::sparcel:
   case llvm::Triple::sparcv9:
@@ -1647,6 +1662,25 @@
+void Clang::AddRISCVTargetArgs(const ArgList &Args,
+                               ArgStringList &CmdArgs) const {
+  // FIXME: currently defaults to the soft-float ABIs. Will need to be
+  // expanded to select ilp32f, ilp32d, lp64f, lp64d when appropiate.
+  const char *ABIName = nullptr;
+  const llvm::Triple &Triple = getToolChain().getTriple();
+  if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_mabi_EQ))
+    ABIName = A->getValue();
+  else if (Triple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::riscv32)
+    ABIName = "ilp32";
+  else if (Triple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::riscv64)
+    ABIName = "lp64";
+  else
+    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected triple!");
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-target-abi");
+  CmdArgs.push_back(ABIName);
 void Clang::AddSparcTargetArgs(const ArgList &Args,
                                ArgStringList &CmdArgs) const {
   sparc::FloatABI FloatABI =
Index: lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 #include "ToolChains/NetBSD.h"
 #include "ToolChains/OpenBSD.h"
 #include "ToolChains/PS4CPU.h"
+#include "ToolChains/RISCV.h"
 #include "ToolChains/Solaris.h"
 #include "ToolChains/TCE.h"
 #include "ToolChains/WebAssembly.h"
@@ -3923,6 +3924,10 @@
       case llvm::Triple::avr:
         TC = llvm::make_unique<toolchains::AVRToolChain>(*this, Target, Args);
+      case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+      case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
+        TC = llvm::make_unique<toolchains::RISCVToolChain>(*this, Target, Args);
+        break;
         if (Target.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::Myriad)
           TC = llvm::make_unique<toolchains::MyriadToolChain>(*this, Target,
Index: lib/Driver/CMakeLists.txt
--- lib/Driver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lib/Driver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
+  ToolChains/RISCV.cpp
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+//===--- RISCV.h - Declare RISCV target feature support ---------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file declares RISCV TargetInfo objects.
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace targets {
+// RISC-V Target
+class RISCVTargetInfo : public TargetInfo {
+  std::string ABI;
+  RISCVTargetInfo(const llvm::Triple &Triple, const TargetOptions &)
+      : TargetInfo(Triple) {
+    TLSSupported = false;
+    LongDoubleWidth = 128;
+    LongDoubleAlign = 128;
+    LongDoubleFormat = &llvm::APFloat::IEEEquad();
+    SuitableAlign = 128;
+    WCharType = SignedInt;
+    WIntType = UnsignedInt;
+  }
+  StringRef getABI() const override { return ABI; }
+  void getTargetDefines(const LangOptions &Opts,
+                        MacroBuilder &Builder) const override;
+  ArrayRef<Builtin::Info> getTargetBuiltins() const override { return None; }
+  BuiltinVaListKind getBuiltinVaListKind() const override {
+    return TargetInfo::VoidPtrBuiltinVaList;
+  }
+  const char *getClobbers() const override { return ""; }
+  ArrayRef<const char *> getGCCRegNames() const override;
+  ArrayRef<TargetInfo::GCCRegAlias> getGCCRegAliases() const override;
+  bool validateAsmConstraint(const char *&Name,
+                             TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo &Info) const override {
+    return false;
+  }
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY RISCV32TargetInfo : public RISCVTargetInfo {
+  RISCV32TargetInfo(const llvm::Triple &Triple, const TargetOptions &Opts)
+      : RISCVTargetInfo(Triple, Opts) {
+    IntPtrType = SignedInt;
+    PtrDiffType = SignedInt;
+    SizeType = UnsignedInt;
+    resetDataLayout("e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32-S128");
+  }
+  bool setABI(const std::string &Name) override {
+    // TODO: support ilp32f and ilp32d ABIs.
+    if (Name == "ilp32") {
+      ABI = Name;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY RISCV64TargetInfo : public RISCVTargetInfo {
+  RISCV64TargetInfo(const llvm::Triple &Triple, const TargetOptions &Opts)
+      : RISCVTargetInfo(Triple, Opts) {
+    LongWidth = LongAlign = PointerWidth = PointerAlign = 64;
+    IntMaxType = SignedLong;
+    resetDataLayout("e-m:e-p:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-n64-S128");
+  }
+  bool setABI(const std::string &Name) override {
+    // TODO: support lp64f and lp64d ABIs.
+    if (Name == "lp64") {
+      ABI = Name;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+} // namespace targets
+} // namespace clang
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//===--- RISCV.cpp - Implement RISCV target feature support ---------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements RISCV TargetInfo objects.
+#include "RISCV.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/MacroBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace clang::targets;
+ArrayRef<const char *> RISCVTargetInfo::getGCCRegNames() const {
+  static const char *const GCCRegNames[] = {
+      "x0",  "x1",  "x2",  "x3",  "x4",  "x5",  "x6",  "x7",
+      "x8",  "x9",  "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x15",
+      "x16", "x17", "x18", "x19", "x20", "x21", "x22", "x23",
+      "x24", "x25", "x26", "x27", "x28", "x29", "x30", "x31"};
+  return llvm::makeArrayRef(GCCRegNames);
+ArrayRef<TargetInfo::GCCRegAlias> RISCVTargetInfo::getGCCRegAliases() const {
+  static const TargetInfo::GCCRegAlias GCCRegAliases[] = {
+      {{"zero"}, "x0"}, {{"ra"}, "x1"},  {{"sp"}, "x2"},   {{"gp"}, "x3"},
+      {{"tp"}, "x4"},   {{"t0"}, "x5"},  {{"t1"}, "x6"},   {{"t2"}, "x7"},
+      {{"s0"}, "x8"},   {{"s1"}, "x9"},  {{"a0"}, "x10"},  {{"a1"}, "x11"},
+      {{"a2"}, "x12"},  {{"a3"}, "x13"}, {{"a4"}, "x15"},  {{"a5"}, "x15"},
+      {{"a6"}, "x16"},  {{"a7"}, "x17"}, {{"s2"}, "x18"},  {{"s3"}, "x19"},
+      {{"s4"}, "x20"},  {{"s5"}, "x21"}, {{"s6"}, "x22"},  {{"s7"}, "x23"},
+      {{"s8"}, "x24"},  {{"s9"}, "x25"}, {{"s10"}, "x26"}, {{"s11"}, "x27"},
+      {{"t3"}, "x28"},  {{"t4"}, "x29"}, {{"t5"}, "x30"},  {{"t6"}, "x31"}};
+  return llvm::makeArrayRef(GCCRegAliases);
+void RISCVTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(const LangOptions &Opts,
+                                       MacroBuilder &Builder) const {
+  Builder.defineMacro("__ELF__");
+  Builder.defineMacro("__riscv");
+  bool Is64Bit = getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::riscv64;
+  Builder.defineMacro("__riscv_xlen", Is64Bit ? "64" : "32");
+  // TODO: modify when more code models and ABIs are supported.
+  Builder.defineMacro("__riscv_cmodel_medlow");
+  Builder.defineMacro("__riscv_float_abi_soft");
Index: lib/Basic/Targets.cpp
--- lib/Basic/Targets.cpp
+++ lib/Basic/Targets.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "Targets/OSTargets.h"
 #include "Targets/PNaCl.h"
 #include "Targets/PPC.h"
+#include "Targets/RISCV.h"
 #include "Targets/SPIR.h"
 #include "Targets/Sparc.h"
 #include "Targets/SystemZ.h"
@@ -363,6 +364,11 @@
   case llvm::Triple::r600:
     return new AMDGPUTargetInfo(Triple, Opts);
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+    return new RISCV32TargetInfo(Triple, Opts);
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
+    return new RISCV64TargetInfo(Triple, Opts);
   case llvm::Triple::sparc:
     switch (os) {
     case llvm::Triple::Linux:
Index: lib/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
--- lib/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lib/Basic/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
+  Targets/RISCV.cpp
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