klimek added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D33589#931802, @Typz wrote:

> Btw, another issue I am having is that reflowing does not respect the 
> alignment. For exemple:
>   enum {
>      Foo,    ///< This is a very long comment
>      Bar,    ///< This is shorter  
>      BarBar, ///< This is shorter
>   } Stuff;
> will be reflown to :
>   enum {
>      Foo, ///< This is a very long
>           ///< comment
>      Bar, ///< This is shorter  
>      BarBar, ///< This is shorter
>   } Stuff;
> when I would expect:
>   enum {
>      Foo,    ///< This is a very
>              ///< long comment
>      Bar,    ///< This is shorter  
>      BarBar, ///< This is shorter
>   } Stuff;
> I see there is no penalty for breaking alignment, which may be accounted for 
> when compressing the whitespace 'before' the comment... Or maybe simply the 
> breaking should be smarter, to try to keep the alignment; but I am not sure 
> it can be done without another kind of 'global' optimization of the comment 
> reflow... Any idea/hint?

I think that's just a bug in comment alignment, which is done at a different 


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