klimek added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D33589#933568, @klimek wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D33589#931723, @Typz wrote:
> > In https://reviews.llvm.org/D33589#925903, @klimek wrote:
> >
> > > I think this patch doesn't handle a couple of cases that I'd like to see 
> > > handled. A counter-proposal with different trade-offs is in 
> > > https://reviews.llvm.org/D40068.
> >
> >
> > Can you provide more info on these cases? Are they all added to the tests 
> > of https://reviews.llvm.org/D40068?
> >
> > It may be simpler (though not to my eyes, I am not knowledgeable enough to 
> > really understand how you go this fixed...), and works fine for "almost 
> > correct" comments: e.g. when there are indeed just a few extra characters 
> > overall. But it still procudes strange result when each line of the (long) 
> > comment is too long, but not enough to trigger a line-wrap by itself.

>> Since that version has landed already, not sure how to improve on this. I 
>> could probably rewrite my patch on master, but it seems a bit redundant. As 
>> a simpler fix, I could imagine adding a "total" overflow counter, to allow 
>> detecting the situation; but when this is detected (e.g. on subsequent 
>> lines) we would need to "backtrack" and revisit the initial decision...
> Yes, I added all tests I was thinking of to the patch. Note that we can 
> always go back on submitted patches / do things differently. As my patch 
> fulfilled all your tests, I (perhaps incorrectly?) assumed it solved your use 
> cases - can you give me a test case of what you would want to happen that 
> doesn't happen with my patch?
> Are you, for example, saying that in the case
>   Limit; 13
>   // foo bar baz foo bar baz foo bar baz
>   you'd not want
>   // foo bar baz
>   // foo bar baz
>   // foo bar baz
>   If the overall penalty of the protruding tokens is - what? More than 1 
> break penalty? If you care about more than 3x break penalty (which I would 
> think is correct), the local algorithm will work, as local decisions will 
> make sure the overall penalty cannot be exceeded.

Ok, sorry, after reading the comment on the other patch I get it :)
In the above example, we add 3 line breaks, and we'd add 1 (or more) additional 
line breaks when reflowing below the column limit.
I agree that that can lead to different overall outcomes, but I don't see how 
the approach of this patch really fixes it - it will only ever reflow below the 
column limit, so it'll also lead to states for long lines where reflowing and 
leaving chars over the line limit might be the overall best choice (unless I'm 
missing something)?


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