alexey.knyshev added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/LabelInsideSwitchChecker.cpp:87
+                                                BugReporter &BR) const {
+  auto LabelStmt = stmt(hasDescendant(switchStmt(
+      eachOf(has(compoundStmt(forEach(labelStmt().bind("label")))),
a.sidorin wrote:
> alexey.knyshev wrote:
> > Looks like I have to use `forEachDescendant` instead of `hasDescendant`. 
> > Please, comment!
> 1. Yes, `hasDescendant()` will give you only single match. 
> `forEachDescendant()` will continue matching after match found and that is 
> what we should do here.
> 2. Maybe we can just use 
> stmt(forEachDescendant(switchStmt(forEachDescendant(labelStmt()))))? We don't 
> distinguish "label" and "label_in_case" anyway. Also, current matcher will 
> ignore deeply-nested switches: 
> ```
> switch (x) }
> case 1: {
>   {{ label: }} // ignored
> }
> }
> ```
> Is that intentional?
1. Thanks, got it.
2. I've used `eachOf` for matching 2 different cases:
  - Label under case stmt such as:
switch (x) {
case 1:
cas: // missprint
... // other cases
    - And label under switch compound stmt:
switch (x) {
cas: blabla; // this label is not a child of any case stmt
case 3: ...
// etc

On the other hand I would like to avoid matching deeply-nested labels inside 
switch compound stmt for reducing false-positives probability. Actually I'm not 
sure in my assumption.

  rC Clang

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