JonasToth added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/AvoidGotoCheck.cpp:21
+AST_MATCHER(GotoStmt, isForwardJumping) {
+  return Node.getLocStart() < Node.getLabel()->getLocStart();
lebedev.ri wrote:
> Hm, on a second thought, i think this will have false-positive if the label 
> and the goto are on the same line, like
> ```
> goto label; ; label: ; 
> ```
> I wonder we could **easily** compare accounting for the position in the line, 
> or it is not worth the extra complexity.
Iam not sure what you mean. Is the concern that the `goto` does not actually 
skip something?
If yes it is still worth it, because its not necessary to have the `goto` then.

The `<` on the locations should always be sensefull because AFAIK its at byte 
level (or something similar).

Your example is diagnosed correctly.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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