djasper added a comment.

That doesn't explain to me how this is error prone. I can't think how you'd 
create an error by this that would not be caught by the compiler. Much less if 
you consistently use clang-format.

It's fundamentally what you get for IndentCaseLabels: false. Even without 
braces you have this issue to some extend. But LLVM has several thousand 
switches, about a thousand with braces formatted this way and I am not aware of 
a single time this has caused a bug or even confusion.

And to me (but this is obviously objective), your suggestions hide the 
structure of the code even more as they lead to a state where the closing brace 
is not aligned with the start of the line/statement that contains the opening 
braces. That looks like a bug to me more than anything else and I don't think 
there is another situation where clang-format would do that.

  rC Clang

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