MaskRay added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/FindSymbols.cpp:31
+  if (supportedSymbolKinds &&
+      std::find(supportedSymbolKinds->begin(), supportedSymbolKinds->end(),
This std::find loop adds some overhead to each candidate... In my experience 
the client usually doesn't care about the returned symbol kinds, they are used 
to give a category name. You can always patch the upstream to add missing 

This is one instance where LSP is over specified. nvm I don't have strong 
opinion here

Comment at: clangd/Protocol.cpp:206
+bool fromJSON(const json::Expr &Params, WorkspaceClientCapabilities &R) {
+  json::ObjectMapper O(Params);
This copy-pasting exposes another problem that the current  `fromJSON` `toJSON` 
approach is too verbose and you may find other space-efficient serialization 
format convenient .... Anyway, they can always be improved in the future.

Comment at: clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp:235
+  clangd::WorkspaceSymbolOptions WorkspaceSymOpts;
+  WorkspaceSymOpts.Limit = LimitResults;
I know command line options are easy for testing purpose but they are clumsy 
for users. You need a "initialization option" <-> "command line option" bridge.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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