ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/ClangTidy.cpp:91
-  ErrorReporter(ClangTidyContext &Context, bool ApplyFixes,
-                llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> BaseFS)
-      : Files(FileSystemOptions(), BaseFS), DiagOpts(new DiagnosticOptions()),
+  ErrorReporter(ClangTidyContext &Context, bool ApplyFixes, ClangTool &Tool)
+      : Files(FileSystemOptions(), Tool.getFiles().getVirtualFileSystem()),
whisperity wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > Why do we need to change the signature of `ErrorReporter` constructor?
> > Broadening the accepted interface does not seem right. It only needs the 
> > vfs and the clients could get vfs from `ClangTool` themselves.
> Is it okay interface-wise if the FS used by the `ErrorReporter` is **not** 
> the same as the one used by the module that produced the errors? It seems 
> like an undocumented consensus/convention that the same VFS should have been 
> passed here.
I find actually documenting that the vfs should be the same to be a better 
option. Or even sharing the `FileManager`, but that might be more involved.

The problem of passing `ClangTool` is that it's a much more powerful than what 
we need (e.g. it allows to rerun clang-tidy, which is certainly not something 
that `ErrorReporter` should do).

Comment at: clang-tidy/tool/CMakeLists.txt:19
+  clangFrontend
whisperity wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > Why do we need an extra dependency?
> In the current state of the patch, `clang-tidy/tool/ClangTidyMain.cpp` 
> constructs the `ClangTool` which constructor requires a 
> `std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations>`. `PCHContainerOperations`'s 
> definition and implementation is part of the `clangFrontend` library, and 
> without this dependency, there would be a symbol resolution error.
Thanks for clarification.
Does it mean that to use `ClangTool` one needs both a dependency on 
`clangTooling` and `clangFrontend`?
That's weird, given that `clangTooling` itself depends on `clangFrontend` and 
it would be nice if the buildsystem actually propagated those.

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