yaxunl updated this revision to Diff 143307.
yaxunl added a comment.

minor bug fix: do not add CUDA specific link options for HIP.



Index: test/Driver/cuda-phases.cu
--- test/Driver/cuda-phases.cu
+++ test/Driver/cuda-phases.cu
@@ -7,195 +7,233 @@
 // REQUIRES: clang-driver
 // REQUIRES: powerpc-registered-target
 // REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
 // Test single gpu architecture with complete compilation.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 %s 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=BIN %s
-// BIN-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P3]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P4]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P5]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P6]]}, object, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P7]]}, object
-// BIN-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P6]]}, assembler
-// BIN-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P8]], [[P9]]}, cuda-fatbin, (device-cuda)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: offload, "host-cuda (powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu)" {[[P2]]}, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda)" {[[P10]]}, ir
-// BIN-DAG: [[P12:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P11]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P13:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P12]]}, object, (host-cuda)
-// BIN-DAG: [[P14:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P13]]}, image, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=BIN,BIN_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=BIN,BIN_AMD %s
+// BIN_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (host-[[T]])
+// BIN_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (host-[[T]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN_NV-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:sm_30]])
+// BIN_AMD-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:gfx803]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P3]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P4]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P5]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P6]]}, object, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// BIN_NV-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P7]]}, object
+// BIN_AMD-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P7]]}, object
+// BIN-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P6]]}, assembler
+// BIN-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P8]], [[P9]]}, cuda-fatbin, (device-[[T]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: offload, "host-[[T]] (powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu)" {[[P2]]}, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]])" {[[P10]]}, ir
+// BIN-DAG: [[P12:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P11]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P13:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P12]]}, object, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN-DAG: [[P14:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P13]]}, image, (host-[[T]])
 // Test single gpu architecture up to the assemble phase.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 %s -S 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=ASM %s
-// ASM-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P3]]}, assembler
-// ASM-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P5]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P6]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// ASM-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P7]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=ASM,ASM_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 %s -S 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=ASM,ASM_AMD %s
+// ASM_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:sm_30]])
+// ASM_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:gfx803]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P3]]}, assembler
+// ASM-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (host-[[T]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P5]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P6]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// ASM-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P7]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
 // Test two gpu architectures with complete compilation.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 %s 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=BIN2 %s
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P3]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P4]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P5]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P6]]}, object, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P7]]}, object
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P6]]}, assembler
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P10]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P12:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P11]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P13:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P12]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P14:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P13]]}, object, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P15:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_35)" {[[P14]]}, object
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P16:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_35)" {[[P13]]}, assembler
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P17:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P8]], [[P9]], [[P15]], [[P16]]}, cuda-fatbin, (device-cuda)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P18:[0-9]+]]: offload, "host-cuda (powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu)" {[[P2]]}, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda)" {[[P17]]}, ir
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P19:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P18]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P20:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P19]]}, object, (host-cuda)
-// BIN2-DAG: [[P21:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P20]]}, image, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=BIN2,BIN2_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=BIN2,BIN2_AMD %s
+// BIN2_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (host-[[T]])
+// BIN2_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (host-[[T]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1:sm_30|gfx803]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P3]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P4]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P5]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P6]]}, object, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH1]])" {[[P7]]}, object
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH1]])" {[[P6]]}, assembler
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2:sm_35|gfx900]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P10]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P12:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P11]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P13:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P12]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P14:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P13]]}, object, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P15:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH2]])" {[[P14]]}, object
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P16:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH2]])" {[[P13]]}, assembler
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P17:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P8]], [[P9]], [[P15]], [[P16]]}, cuda-fatbin, (device-[[T]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P18:[0-9]+]]: offload, "host-[[T]] (powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu)" {[[P2]]}, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]])" {[[P17]]}, ir
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P19:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P18]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P20:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P19]]}, object, (host-[[T]])
+// BIN2-DAG: [[P21:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P20]]}, image, (host-[[T]])
 // Test two gpu architecturess up to the assemble phase.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 %s -S 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=ASM2 %s
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P3]]}, assembler
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P5]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P6]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P7]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_35)" {[[P8]]}, assembler
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P10]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P12:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P11]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// ASM2-DAG: [[P13:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P12]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=ASM2,ASM2_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 %s -S 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=ASM2,ASM2_AMD %s
+// ASM2_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1:sm_30]])
+// ASM2_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1:gfx803]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH1]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH1]])" {[[P3]]}, assembler
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2:sm_35|gfx900]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P5]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P6]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P7]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH2]])" {[[P8]]}, assembler
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (host-[[T]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P10]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P12:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P11]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// ASM2-DAG: [[P13:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P12]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
 // Test single gpu architecture with complete compilation in host-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 %s --cuda-host-only 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=HBIN %s
-// HBIN-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P4]]}, image, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HBIN,HBIN_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 %s --cuda-host-only 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HBIN,HBIN_AMD %s
+// HBIN_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P4]]}, image, (host-[[T]])
 // Test single gpu architecture up to the assemble phase in host-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 %s --cuda-host-only -S 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=HASM %s
-// HASM-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// HASM-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// HASM-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// HASM-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HASM,HASM_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 %s --cuda-host-only -S 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HASM,HASM_AMD %s
+// HASM_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (host-[[T]])
+// HASM_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (host-[[T]])
+// HASM-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// HASM-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// HASM-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
 // Test two gpu architectures with complete compilation in host-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 %s --cuda-host-only 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=HBIN2 %s
-// HBIN2-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (host-cuda)
-// HBIN2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P4]]}, image, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HBIN2,HBIN2_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 %s --cuda-host-only 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HBIN2,HBIN2_AMD %s
+// HBIN2_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN2_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (host-[[T]])
+// HBIN2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: linker, {[[P4]]}, image, (host-[[T]])
 // Test two gpu architectures up to the assemble phase in host-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 %s --cuda-host-only -S 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=HASM2 %s
-// HASM2-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (host-cuda)
-// HASM2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (host-cuda)
-// HASM2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-cuda)
-// HASM2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-cuda)
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HASM2,HASM2_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 %s --cuda-host-only -S 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HASM2,HASM2_AMD %s
+// HASM2_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (host-[[T]])
+// HASM2_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (host-[[T]])
+// HASM2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (host-[[T]])
+// HASM2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (host-[[T]])
+// HASM2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (host-[[T]])
 // Test single gpu architecture with complete compilation in device-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 %s --cuda-device-only 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=DBIN %s
-// DBIN-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P4]]}, object
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DBIN,DBIN_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 %s --cuda-device-only 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DBIN,DBIN_AMD %s
+// DBIN_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:sm_30]])
+// DBIN_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:gfx803]])
+// DBIN-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P4]]}, object
 // Test single gpu architecture up to the assemble phase in device-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 %s --cuda-device-only -S 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=DASM %s
-// DASM-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P3]]}, assembler
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DASM,DASM_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 %s --cuda-device-only -S 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DASM,DASM_AMD %s
+// DASM_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:sm_30]])
+// DASM_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:gfx803]])
+// DASM-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DASM-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DASM-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DASM-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P3]]}, assembler
 // Test two gpu architectures with complete compilation in device-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 %s --cuda-device-only 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=DBIN2 %s
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P4]]}, object
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P6]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P7]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P8]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P9]]}, object, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DBIN2-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_35)" {[[P10]]}, object
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DBIN2,DBIN2_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 %s --cuda-device-only 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DBIN2,DBIN2_AMD %s
+// DBIN2_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:sm_30]])
+// DBIN2_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:gfx803]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P3]]}, object, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P4]]}, object
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2:sm_35|gfx900]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P6]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P7]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P8]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P10:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[P9]]}, object, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DBIN2-DAG: [[P11:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH2]])" {[[P10]]}, object
 // Test two gpu architectures up to the assemble phase in device-only
 // compilation mode.
 // RUN: %clang -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 %s --cuda-device-only -S 2>&1 \
-// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=DASM2 %s
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_30)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_30)" {[[P3]]}, assembler
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", cuda, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P5]]}, cuda-cpp-output, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P6]]}, ir, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P7]]}, assembler, (device-cuda, sm_35)
-// DASM2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-cuda (nvptx64-nvidia-cuda:sm_35)" {[[P8]]}, assembler
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DASM2,DASM2_NV %s
+// RUN: %clang -x hip -target powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -ccc-print-phases --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 %s --cuda-device-only -S 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DASM2,DASM2_AMD %s
+// DASM2_NV-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:cuda]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:sm_30]])
+// DASM2_AMD-DAG: [[P0:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T:hip]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH:gfx803]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P1:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P0]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P1]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P2]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P4:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE:nvptx64-nvidia-cuda|amdgcn-amd-amdhsa]]:[[ARCH]])" {[[P3]]}, assembler
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P5:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}cuda-phases.cu", [[T]], (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2:sm_35|gfx900]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P6:[0-9]+]]: preprocessor, {[[P5]]}, [[T]]-cpp-output, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P7:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[P6]]}, ir, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P8:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[P7]]}, assembler, (device-[[T]], [[ARCH2]])
+// DASM2-DAG: [[P9:[0-9]+]]: offload, "device-[[T]] ([[TRIPLE]]:[[ARCH2]])" {[[P8]]}, assembler
Index: test/Driver/cuda-bad-arch.cu
--- test/Driver/cuda-bad-arch.cu
+++ test/Driver/cuda-bad-arch.cu
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 // REQUIRES: clang-driver
 // REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
 // REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
 // RUN: %clang -### -target x86_64-linux-gnu --cuda-gpu-arch=compute_20 -c %s 2>&1 \
 // RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix BAD %s
@@ -25,9 +26,12 @@
 // RUN: %clang -### -target x86_64-linux-gnu -c %s 2>&1 \
 // RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix OK %s
-// We don't allow using NVPTX for host compilation.
+// We don't allow using NVPTX/AMDGCN for host compilation.
 // RUN: %clang -### --cuda-host-only -target nvptx-nvidia-cuda -c %s 2>&1 \
 // RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix HOST_NVPTX %s
+// RUN: %clang -### --cuda-host-only -target amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -c %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix HOST_AMDGCN %s
 // OK-NOT: error: Unsupported CUDA gpu architecture
-// HOST_NVPTX: error: unsupported use of NVPTX for host compilation.
+// HOST_NVPTX: error: unsupported architecture 'nvptx' for host compilation.
+// HOST_AMDGCN: error: unsupported architecture 'amdgcn' for host compilation.
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.h
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.h
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.h
@@ -127,6 +127,53 @@
 } // end namespace NVPTX
+namespace AMDGCN {
+// Run llc, the AMDGPU assembler.
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY Assembler : public Tool {
+  Assembler(const ToolChain &TC)
+      : Tool("AMDGCN::Assembler", "llc", TC, RF_Full, llvm::sys::WEM_UTF8,
+             "--options-file") {}
+  bool hasIntegratedCPP() const override { return false; }
+  void ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                    const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                    const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs,
+                    const char *LinkingOutput) const override;
+// Runs clang-offload-bundler, which combines AMDGCN object files into a single
+// output file.
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY Linker : public Tool {
+  Linker(const ToolChain &TC)
+      : Tool("AMDGCN::Linker", "clang-offload-bundler", TC, RF_Full,
+             llvm::sys::WEM_UTF8, "--options-file") {}
+  bool hasIntegratedCPP() const override { return false; }
+  void ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                    const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                    const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs,
+                    const char *LinkingOutput) const override;
+// For amdgcn the device library linker is llvm-link + opt.
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY DeviceLibraryLinker : public Tool {
+  DeviceLibraryLinker(const ToolChain &TC)
+      : Tool("AMDGCN::DeviceLibraryLinker", "device-library-linker", TC,
+             RF_Full, llvm::sys::WEM_UTF8, "--options-file") {}
+  virtual bool hasIntegratedCPP() const override { return false; }
+  virtual void ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                            const InputInfo &Output,
+                            const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                            const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs,
+                            const char *LinkingOutput) const override;
+} // end namespace AMDGCN
 } // end namespace tools
 namespace toolchains {
@@ -186,6 +233,7 @@
   CudaInstallationDetector CudaInstallation;
+  Tool *buildDeviceLibraryLinker() const override; // for amdgcn, link and opt
   Tool *buildAssembler() const override;  // ptxas
   Tool *buildLinker() const override;     // fatbinary (ok, not really a linker)
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp
@@ -272,7 +272,6 @@
     OS << "Found CUDA installation: " << InstallPath << ", version "
        << CudaVersionToString(Version) << "\n";
 namespace {
   /// Debug info kind.
 enum DebugInfoKind {
@@ -302,6 +301,201 @@
   return NoDebug;
+static bool addBCLib(Compilation &C, const ArgList &Args,
+                     ArgStringList &CmdArgs, ArgStringList LibraryPaths,
+                     StringRef BCName) {
+  std::string FullName;
+  bool FoundLibDevice = false;
+  for (std::string LibraryPath : LibraryPaths) {
+    SmallString<128> Path(LibraryPath);
+    llvm::sys::path::append(Path, BCName);
+    FullName = Args.MakeArgString(Path);
+    if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(FullName.c_str())) {
+      FoundLibDevice = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!FoundLibDevice)
+    C.getDriver().Diag(diag::err_drv_no_such_file) << BCName;
+  CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(FullName));
+  return FoundLibDevice;
+void AMDGCN::Assembler::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                                     const InputInfo &Output,
+                                     const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                                     const ArgList &Args,
+                                     const char *LinkingOutput) const {
+  const auto &TC =
+      static_cast<const toolchains::CudaToolChain &>(getToolChain());
+  assert(TC.getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::amdgcn && "Wrong platform");
+  ArgStringList CmdArgs;
+  for (InputInfoList::const_iterator it = Inputs.begin(), ie = Inputs.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
+    const InputInfo &II = *it;
+    CmdArgs.push_back(II.getFilename());
+  }
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa");
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-filetype=obj");
+  std::string GFXNAME = JA.getOffloadingArch();
+  CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString("-mcpu=" + GFXNAME));
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-o");
+  std::string TmpName = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath("LLC_OUTPUT", "o");
+  const char *llcOutputFile =
+      C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
+  CmdArgs.push_back(llcOutputFile);
+  SmallString<128> llcPath(C.getDriver().Dir);
+  llvm::sys::path::append(llcPath, "llc");
+  const char *Exec = Args.MakeArgString(llcPath);
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, Exec, CmdArgs, Inputs));
+  ArgStringList CmdArgs2;
+  // The output from ld.lld is an HSA code object file.
+  CmdArgs2.append({"-flavor", "gnu", "--no-undefined", "-shared", "-o"});
+  CmdArgs2.push_back(Output.getFilename());
+  CmdArgs2.push_back(llcOutputFile);
+  SmallString<128> lldPath(C.getDriver().Dir);
+  llvm::sys::path::append(lldPath, "lld");
+  const char *lld = Args.MakeArgString(lldPath);
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, lld, CmdArgs2, Inputs));
+  return;
+void AMDGCN::Linker::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                                  const InputInfo &Output,
+                                  const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                                  const ArgList &Args,
+                                  const char *LinkingOutput) const {
+  const auto &TC =
+      static_cast<const toolchains::CudaToolChain &>(getToolChain());
+  assert(TC.getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::amdgcn && "Wrong platform");
+  ArgStringList CmdArgs;
+  CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString("-type=o"));
+  // ToDo: Remove the dummy host binary entry which is required by
+  // clang-offload-bundler.
+  std::string targets = "-targets=host-x86_64-uknown-linux";
+  std::string inputs = "-inputs=/dev/null";
+  for (const auto &II : Inputs) {
+    if (II.getType() != types::TY_PP_Asm) {
+      // ToDo: Teach clang-offload-bundler to recognize hip.
+      targets = targets + ",openmp-amdgcn--amdhsa-" +
+                StringRef(II.getAction()->getOffloadingArch()).str();
+      inputs = inputs + "," + II.getFilename();
+    }
+  }
+  CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(targets));
+  CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(inputs));
+  auto outputArgString =
+      Args.MakeArgString(std::string("-outputs=").append(Output.getFilename()));
+  CmdArgs.push_back(outputArgString);
+  SmallString<128> ExecPath(C.getDriver().Dir);
+  llvm::sys::path::append(ExecPath, "clang-offload-bundler");
+  const char *Exec = Args.MakeArgString(ExecPath);
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, Exec, CmdArgs, Inputs));
+  return;
+void AMDGCN::DeviceLibraryLinker::ConstructJob(
+    Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA, const InputInfo &Output,
+    const InputInfoList &Inputs, const ArgList &Args,
+    const char *LinkingOutput) const {
+  assert(StringRef(JA.getOffloadingArch()).startswith("gfx") &&
+         " unless gfx processor, backend should be clang");
+  // For amdgcn the DeviceLibraryLinker Job will call llvm-link & opt steps.
+  ArgStringList CmdArgs;
+  // Add the input bc's created by compile step.
+  for (InputInfoList::const_iterator it = Inputs.begin(), ie = Inputs.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
+    const InputInfo &II = *it;
+    CmdArgs.push_back(II.getFilename());
+  }
+  std::string GFXNAME = JA.getOffloadingArch();
+  ArgStringList LibraryPaths;
+  // Find in --hip-device-lib-path and HIP_LIBRARY_PATH.
+  for (auto Arg : Args) {
+    if (Arg->getSpelling() == "--hip-device-lib-path=") {
+      LibraryPaths.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(Arg->getValue()));
+    }
+  }
+  addDirectoryList(Args, LibraryPaths, "-L", "HIP_DEVICE_LIB_PATH");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "libhiprt.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "opencl.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "ockl.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "irif.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "ocml.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "oclc_finite_only_off.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "oclc_daz_opt_off.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths,
+           "oclc_correctly_rounded_sqrt_on.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "oclc_unsafe_math_off.amdgcn.bc");
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths, "hc.amdgcn.bc");
+  // Drop gfx in GFXNAME.
+  addBCLib(C, Args, CmdArgs, LibraryPaths,
+           (Twine("oclc_isa_version_") + StringRef(GFXNAME).drop_front(3) +
+            ".amdgcn.bc")
+               .str());
+  // Add an intermediate output file which is input to opt
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-o");
+  std::string TmpName = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath("OPT_INPUT", "bc");
+  const char *ResultingBitcodeF =
+      C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
+  CmdArgs.push_back(ResultingBitcodeF);
+  SmallString<128> ExecPath(C.getDriver().Dir);
+  llvm::sys::path::append(ExecPath, "llvm-link");
+  const char *Exec = Args.MakeArgString(ExecPath);
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, Exec, CmdArgs, Inputs));
+  ArgStringList OptArgs;
+  // The input to opt is the output from llvm-link.
+  OptArgs.push_back(ResultingBitcodeF);
+  // Pass optimization arg to opt.
+  if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_O_Group)) {
+    StringRef OOpt = "3";
+    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_O4) ||
+        A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Ofast))
+      OOpt = "3";
+    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_O0))
+      OOpt = "0";
+    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_O)) {
+      // -Os, -Oz, and -O(anything else) map to -O2
+      OOpt = llvm::StringSwitch<const char *>(A->getValue())
+                 .Case("1", "1")
+                 .Case("2", "2")
+                 .Case("3", "3")
+                 .Case("s", "2")
+                 .Case("z", "2")
+                 .Default("2");
+    }
+    OptArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(llvm::Twine("-O") + OOpt));
+    OptArgs.push_back("-S");
+    const char *mcpustr = Args.MakeArgString("-mcpu=" + GFXNAME);
+    OptArgs.push_back(mcpustr);
+    OptArgs.push_back("-dce");
+    OptArgs.push_back("-sroa");
+    OptArgs.push_back("-globaldce");
+  }
+  OptArgs.push_back("-o");
+  OptArgs.push_back(Output.getFilename());
+  SmallString<128> OptPath(C.getDriver().Dir);
+  llvm::sys::path::append(OptPath, "opt");
+  const char *OptExec = Args.MakeArgString(OptPath);
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, OptExec, OptArgs, Inputs));
 void NVPTX::Assembler::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
                                     const InputInfo &Output,
                                     const InputInfoList &Inputs,
@@ -393,7 +587,8 @@
     Relocatable = Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_fopenmp_relocatable_target,
-  else if (JA.isOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda))
+  else if (JA.isOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda) ||
+           JA.isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
     Relocatable = Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_fcuda_rdc,
                                options::OPT_fno_cuda_rdc, /*Default=*/false);
@@ -586,10 +781,12 @@
   StringRef GpuArch = DriverArgs.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_march_EQ);
   assert(!GpuArch.empty() && "Must have an explicit GPU arch.");
   assert((DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_OpenMP ||
-          DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_Cuda) &&
-         "Only OpenMP or CUDA offloading kinds are supported for NVIDIA GPUs.");
+          DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_Cuda ||
+          DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_HIP) &&
+         "Only OpenMP, CUDA, or HIP offloading kinds are supported for GPUs.");
-  if (DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_Cuda) {
+  if (DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_Cuda ||
+      DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_HIP) {
     if (DriverArgs.hasFlag(options::OPT_fcuda_flush_denormals_to_zero,
@@ -605,7 +802,8 @@
-  if (DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nocudalib))
+  if (DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nocudalib) ||
+      DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_HIP)
   std::string LibDeviceFile = CudaInstallation.getLibDeviceFile(GpuArch);
@@ -763,13 +961,21 @@
   return DAL;
+Tool *CudaToolChain::buildDeviceLibraryLinker() const {
+  return new tools::AMDGCN::DeviceLibraryLinker(*this);
 Tool *CudaToolChain::buildAssembler() const {
+  if (getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::amdgcn)
+    return new tools::AMDGCN::Assembler(*this);
   return new tools::NVPTX::Assembler(*this);
 Tool *CudaToolChain::buildLinker() const {
   if (OK == Action::OFK_OpenMP)
     return new tools::NVPTX::OpenMPLinker(*this);
+  if (getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::amdgcn)
+    return new tools::AMDGCN::Linker(*this);
   return new tools::NVPTX::Linker(*this);
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@
   else if (JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda))
+  if (JA.isHostOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
+    Work(*C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_HIP>());
+  else if (JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
+    Work(*C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>());
   if (JA.isHostOffloading(Action::OFK_OpenMP)) {
     auto TCs = C.getOffloadToolChains<Action::OFK_OpenMP>();
     for (auto II = TCs.first, IE = TCs.second; II != IE; ++II)
@@ -3091,13 +3096,14 @@
   // Check number of inputs for sanity. We need at least one input.
   assert(Inputs.size() >= 1 && "Must have at least one input.");
   const InputInfo &Input = Inputs[0];
-  // CUDA compilation may have multiple inputs (source file + results of
+  // CUDA/HIP compilation may have multiple inputs (source file + results of
   // device-side compilations). OpenMP device jobs also take the host IR as a
   // second input. All other jobs are expected to have exactly one
   // input.
   bool IsCuda = JA.isOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda);
+  bool IsHIP = JA.isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP);
   bool IsOpenMPDevice = JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_OpenMP);
-  assert((IsCuda || (IsOpenMPDevice && Inputs.size() == 2) ||
+  assert((IsCuda || IsHIP || (IsOpenMPDevice && Inputs.size() == 2) ||
           Inputs.size() == 1) &&
          "Unable to handle multiple inputs.");
@@ -3109,10 +3115,10 @@
   bool IsWindowsMSVC = RawTriple.isWindowsMSVCEnvironment();
   bool IsIAMCU = RawTriple.isOSIAMCU();
-  // Adjust IsWindowsXYZ for CUDA compilations.  Even when compiling in device
-  // mode (i.e., getToolchain().getTriple() is NVPTX, not Windows), we need to
-  // pass Windows-specific flags to cc1.
-  if (IsCuda) {
+  // Adjust IsWindowsXYZ for CUDA/HIP compilations.  Even when compiling in
+  // device mode (i.e., getToolchain().getTriple() is NVPTX/AMDGCN, not
+  // Windows), we need to pass Windows-specific flags to cc1.
+  if (IsCuda || IsHIP) {
     IsWindowsMSVC |= AuxTriple && AuxTriple->isWindowsMSVCEnvironment();
     IsWindowsGNU |= AuxTriple && AuxTriple->isWindowsGNUEnvironment();
     IsWindowsCygnus |= AuxTriple && AuxTriple->isWindowsCygwinEnvironment();
@@ -3136,18 +3142,21 @@
-  if (IsCuda) {
-    // We have to pass the triple of the host if compiling for a CUDA device and
-    // vice-versa.
+  if (IsCuda || IsHIP) {
+    // We have to pass the triple of the host if compiling for a CUDA/HIP device
+    // and vice-versa.
     std::string NormalizedTriple;
-    if (JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda))
+    if (JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda) ||
+        JA.isDeviceOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
       NormalizedTriple = C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>()
-      NormalizedTriple = C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Cuda>()
-                             ->getTriple()
-                             .normalize();
+      NormalizedTriple =
+          (IsCuda ? C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Cuda>()
+                  : C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_HIP>())
+              ->getTriple()
+              .normalize();
@@ -4693,9 +4702,10 @@
-  if (IsCuda) {
-    // Host-side cuda compilation receives all device-side outputs in a single
-    // fatbin as Inputs[1]. Include the binary with -fcuda-include-gpubinary.
+  if (IsCuda || IsHIP) {
+    // Host-side cuda/HIP compilation receives all device-side outputs in a
+    // single fatbin as Inputs[1]. Include the binary with
+    // -fcuda-include-gpubinary.
     if (Inputs.size() > 1) {
       assert(Inputs.size() == 2 && "More than one GPU binary!");
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
@@ -253,6 +253,10 @@
   return Clang.get();
+Tool *ToolChain::buildDeviceLibraryLinker() const {
+  return new tools::Clang(*this);
 Tool *ToolChain::buildAssembler() const {
   return new tools::ClangAs(*this);
@@ -267,6 +271,12 @@
   return Assemble.get();
+Tool *ToolChain::getDeviceLibraryLink() const {
+  if (!DeviceLibraryLink)
+    DeviceLibraryLink.reset(buildDeviceLibraryLinker());
+  return DeviceLibraryLink.get();
 Tool *ToolChain::getClangAs() const {
   if (!Assemble)
     Assemble.reset(new tools::ClangAs(*this));
@@ -307,8 +317,9 @@
   case Action::AnalyzeJobClass:
   case Action::MigrateJobClass:
   case Action::VerifyPCHJobClass:
-  case Action::BackendJobClass:
     return getClang();
+  case Action::BackendJobClass:
+    return getDeviceLibraryLink();
   case Action::OffloadBundlingJobClass:
   case Action::OffloadUnbundlingJobClass:
@@ -406,8 +417,17 @@
 Tool *ToolChain::SelectTool(const JobAction &JA) const {
-  if (getDriver().ShouldUseClangCompiler(JA)) return getClang();
   Action::ActionClass AC = JA.getKind();
+  if (JA.isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP) &&
+      (AC == Action::BackendJobClass)) {
+    if ((Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm)) ||
+        (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm_bc)))
+      return getClang();
+    else
+      return getTool(AC);
+  };
+  if (getDriver().ShouldUseClangCompiler(JA))
+    return getClang();
   if (AC == Action::AssembleJobClass && useIntegratedAs())
     return getClangAs();
   return getTool(AC);
Index: lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -535,24 +535,41 @@
                                               InputList &Inputs) {
-  // CUDA
+  // CUDA/HIP
   // We need to generate a CUDA toolchain if any of the inputs has a CUDA type.
-  if (llvm::any_of(Inputs, [](std::pair<types::ID, const llvm::opt::Arg *> &I) {
-        return types::isCuda(I.first);
-      })) {
+  // ToDo: Handle mixed CUDA/HIP input files and -x hip option. Diagnose
+  //       CUDA on amdgcn and HIP on nvptx.
+  bool IsHIP =
+      C.getInputArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_x) &&
+      StringRef(C.getInputArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_x)->getValue()) ==
+          "hip";
+  if (llvm::any_of(Inputs,
+                   [](std::pair<types::ID, const llvm::opt::Arg *> &I) {
+                     return types::isCuda(I.first);
+                   }) ||
+      IsHIP) {
     const ToolChain *HostTC = C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>();
     const llvm::Triple &HostTriple = HostTC->getTriple();
-    llvm::Triple CudaTriple(HostTriple.isArch64Bit() ? "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda"
-                                                     : "nvptx-nvidia-cuda");
-    // Use the CUDA and host triples as the key into the ToolChains map, because
-    // the device toolchain we create depends on both.
+    StringRef DeviceTripleStr;
+    auto OFK = IsHIP ? Action::OFK_HIP : Action::OFK_Cuda;
+    if (IsHIP) {
+      // HIP is only supported on amdgcn.
+      DeviceTripleStr = "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa";
+    } else {
+      // CUDA is only supported on nvptx.
+      DeviceTripleStr = HostTriple.isArch64Bit() ? "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda"
+                                                 : "nvptx-nvidia-cuda";
+    }
+    llvm::Triple CudaTriple(DeviceTripleStr);
+    // Use the CUDA/HIP and host triples as the key into the ToolChains map,
+    // because the device toolchain we create depends on both.
     auto &CudaTC = ToolChains[CudaTriple.str() + "/" + HostTriple.str()];
     if (!CudaTC) {
       CudaTC = llvm::make_unique<toolchains::CudaToolChain>(
-          *this, CudaTriple, *HostTC, C.getInputArgs(), Action::OFK_Cuda);
+          *this, CudaTriple, *HostTC, C.getInputArgs(), OFK);
-    C.addOffloadDeviceToolChain(CudaTC.get(), Action::OFK_Cuda);
+    C.addOffloadDeviceToolChain(CudaTC.get(), OFK);
@@ -2117,9 +2134,9 @@
-  /// \brief CUDA action builder. It injects device code in the host backend
-  /// action.
-  class CudaActionBuilder final : public DeviceActionBuilder {
+  /// \brief base class for CUDA/HIP action builder. It injects device code in
+  /// the host backend action.
+  class CudaActionBuilderBase : public DeviceActionBuilder {
     /// Flags to signal if the user requested host-only or device-only
     /// compilation.
     bool CompileHostOnly = false;
@@ -2137,10 +2154,14 @@
     /// Flag that is set to true if this builder acted on the current input.
     bool IsActive = false;
+    /// The offload kind for CUDA/HIP.
+    Action::OffloadKind OFK;
-    CudaActionBuilder(Compilation &C, DerivedArgList &Args,
-                      const Driver::InputList &Inputs)
-        : DeviceActionBuilder(C, Args, Inputs, Action::OFK_Cuda) {}
+    CudaActionBuilderBase(Compilation &C, DerivedArgList &Args,
+                          const Driver::InputList &Inputs,
+                          Action::OffloadKind OFKind)
+        : DeviceActionBuilder(C, Args, Inputs, OFKind), OFK(OFKind) {}
     getDeviceDependences(OffloadAction::DeviceDependences &DA,
@@ -2179,7 +2200,7 @@
             CudaDeviceActions[I] = C.getDriver().ConstructPhaseAction(
-                C, Args, Ph, CudaDeviceActions[I], Action::OFK_Cuda);
+                C, Args, Ph, CudaDeviceActions[I], OFK);
             if (Ph == phases::Assemble)
@@ -2202,7 +2223,7 @@
           for (auto &A : {AssembleAction, BackendAction}) {
             OffloadAction::DeviceDependences DDep;
             DDep.add(*A, *ToolChains.front(), CudaArchToString(GpuArchList[I]),
-                     Action::OFK_Cuda);
+                     OFK);
                 C.MakeAction<OffloadAction>(DDep, A->getType()));
@@ -2215,7 +2236,7 @@
           if (!CompileDeviceOnly) {
             DA.add(*CudaFatBinary, *ToolChains.front(), /*BoundArch=*/nullptr,
-                   Action::OFK_Cuda);
+                   OFK);
             // Clear the fat binary, it is already a dependence to an host
             // action.
             CudaFatBinary = nullptr;
@@ -2290,8 +2311,7 @@
       // Utility to append actions to the top level list.
       auto AddTopLevel = [&](Action *A, CudaArch BoundArch) {
         OffloadAction::DeviceDependences Dep;
-        Dep.add(*A, *ToolChains.front(), CudaArchToString(BoundArch),
-                Action::OFK_Cuda);
+        Dep.add(*A, *ToolChains.front(), CudaArchToString(BoundArch), OFK);
         AL.push_back(C.MakeAction<OffloadAction>(Dep, A->getType()));
@@ -2320,21 +2340,32 @@
     bool initialize() override {
+      assert(OFK == Action::OFK_Cuda || OFK == Action::OFK_HIP);
       // We don't need to support CUDA.
-      if (!C.hasOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Cuda>())
+      if (OFK == Action::OFK_Cuda && !C.hasOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Cuda>())
+        return false;
+      // We don't need to support HIP.
+      if (OFK == Action::OFK_HIP && !C.hasOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_HIP>())
         return false;
       const ToolChain *HostTC = C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Host>();
       assert(HostTC && "No toolchain for host compilation.");
-      if (HostTC->getTriple().isNVPTX()) {
-        // We do not support targeting NVPTX for host compilation. Throw
+      if (HostTC->getTriple().isNVPTX() ||
+          HostTC->getTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::amdgcn) {
+        // We do not support targeting NVPTX/AMDGCN for host compilation. Throw
         // an error and abort pipeline construction early so we don't trip
         // asserts that assume device-side compilation.
-        C.getDriver().Diag(diag::err_drv_cuda_nvptx_host);
+        C.getDriver().Diag(diag::err_drv_cuda_host_arch)
+            << HostTC->getTriple().getArchName();
         return true;
-      ToolChains.push_back(C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Cuda>());
+      ToolChains.push_back(
+          OFK == Action::OFK_Cuda
+              ? C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_Cuda>()
+              : C.getSingleOffloadToolChain<Action::OFK_HIP>());
       Arg *PartialCompilationArg = Args.getLastArg(
           options::OPT_cuda_host_only, options::OPT_cuda_device_only,
@@ -2387,6 +2418,24 @@
+  /// \brief CUDA action builder. It injects device code in the host backend
+  /// action.
+  class CudaActionBuilder final : public CudaActionBuilderBase {
+  public:
+    CudaActionBuilder(Compilation &C, DerivedArgList &Args,
+                      const Driver::InputList &Inputs)
+        : CudaActionBuilderBase(C, Args, Inputs, Action::OFK_Cuda) {}
+  };
+  /// \brief HIP action builder. It injects device code in the host backend
+  /// action.
+  class HIPActionBuilder final : public CudaActionBuilderBase {
+  public:
+    HIPActionBuilder(Compilation &C, DerivedArgList &Args,
+                     const Driver::InputList &Inputs)
+        : CudaActionBuilderBase(C, Args, Inputs, Action::OFK_HIP) {}
+  };
   /// OpenMP action builder. The host bitcode is passed to the device frontend
   /// and all the device linked images are passed to the host link phase.
   class OpenMPActionBuilder final : public DeviceActionBuilder {
@@ -2553,6 +2602,9 @@
     // Create a specialized builder for CUDA.
     SpecializedBuilders.push_back(new CudaActionBuilder(C, Args, Inputs));
+    // Create a specialized builder for HIP.
+    SpecializedBuilders.push_back(new HIPActionBuilder(C, Args, Inputs));
     // Create a specialized builder for OpenMP.
     SpecializedBuilders.push_back(new OpenMPActionBuilder(C, Args, Inputs));
@@ -3224,6 +3276,9 @@
   bool SaveTemps;
   bool EmbedBitcode;
+  /// Has LLVM IR input files (either bitcode or LLVM assembly).
+  bool HasIRInputs;
   /// Get previous dependent action or null if that does not exist. If
   /// \a CanBeCollapsed is false, that action must be legal to collapse or
   /// null will be returned.
@@ -3281,7 +3336,7 @@
   bool canCollapsePreprocessorAction() const {
     return !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_no_integrated_cpp) &&
            !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_traditional_cpp) && !SaveTemps &&
-           !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc);
+           !HasIRInputs && !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc);
   /// Struct that relates an action with the offload actions that would be
@@ -3326,6 +3381,9 @@
     if (!AJ || !BJ || !CJ)
       return nullptr;
+    if (AJ->isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
+      return nullptr;
     // Get compiler tool.
     const Tool *T = TC.SelectTool(*CJ);
     if (!T)
@@ -3357,6 +3415,9 @@
     if (!AJ || !BJ)
       return nullptr;
+    if (AJ->isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
+      return nullptr;
     // Retrieve the compile job, backend action must always be preceded by one.
     ActionList CompileJobOffloadActions;
     auto *CJ = getPrevDependentAction(BJ->getInputs(), CompileJobOffloadActions,
@@ -3390,6 +3451,16 @@
     if (!BJ || !CJ)
       return nullptr;
+    // Cannot combine compilation with backend for HIP. However
+    // it is necessary to combine when generating IR for compile-only with
+    // flags "-c -S -emit-llvm".  If only flags "-c -S" DeviceLibraryLink is
+    // needed to generate linked and opt IR for assembler, so do not combine.
+    if (BJ->isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP) &&
+        !(C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_c) &&
+          C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_S) &&
+          C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm)))
+      return nullptr;
     // Check if the initial input (to the compile job or its predessor if one
     // exists) is LLVM bitcode. In that case, no preprocessor step is required
     // and we can still collapse the compile and backend jobs when we have
@@ -3448,6 +3519,18 @@
         EmbedBitcode(EmbedBitcode) {
     assert(BaseAction && "Invalid base action.");
     IsHostSelector = BaseAction->getOffloadingDeviceKind() == Action::OFK_None;
+    // Check whether there are LLVM IR input files.
+    HasIRInputs = false;
+    for (Arg *A : C.getInputArgs()) {
+      if (A->getOption().getKind() == Option::InputClass) {
+        auto Ext = llvm::sys::path::extension(A->getValue());
+        if (!Ext.empty()) {
+          auto InputType = TC.LookupTypeForExtension(Ext.drop_front());
+          HasIRInputs =
+              InputType == types::TY_LLVM_IR || InputType == types::TY_LLVM_BC;
+        }
+      }
+    }
   /// Check if a chain of actions can be combined and return the tool that can
Index: lib/Driver/Compilation.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Compilation.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Compilation.cpp
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@
   if (FailingCommands.empty())
     return false;
-  // CUDA can have the same input source code compiled multiple times so do not
-  // compiled again if there are already failures. It is OK to abort the CUDA
-  // pipeline on errors.
-  if (A->isOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda))
+  // CUDA/HIP can have the same input source code compiled multiple times so do
+  // not compiled again if there are already failures. It is OK to abort the
+  // CUDA pipeline on errors.
+  if (A->isOffloading(Action::OFK_Cuda) || A->isOffloading(Action::OFK_HIP))
     return true;
   for (const auto &CI : FailingCommands)
Index: lib/Driver/Action.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Action.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Action.cpp
@@ -96,16 +96,23 @@
     return "device-cuda";
   case OFK_OpenMP:
     return "device-openmp";
+  case OFK_HIP:
+    return "device-hip";
     // TODO: Add other programming models here.
   if (!ActiveOffloadKindMask)
     return {};
   std::string Res("host");
+  assert(!((ActiveOffloadKindMask & OFK_Cuda) &&
+           (ActiveOffloadKindMask & OFK_HIP)) &&
+         "Cannot offload CUDA and HIP at the same time");
   if (ActiveOffloadKindMask & OFK_Cuda)
     Res += "-cuda";
+  if (ActiveOffloadKindMask & OFK_HIP)
+    Res += "-hip";
   if (ActiveOffloadKindMask & OFK_OpenMP)
     Res += "-openmp";
@@ -142,6 +149,8 @@
     return "cuda";
   case OFK_OpenMP:
     return "openmp";
+  case OFK_HIP:
+    return "hip";
     // TODO: Add other programming models here.
Index: include/clang/Driver/ToolChain.h
--- include/clang/Driver/ToolChain.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/ToolChain.h
@@ -121,11 +121,13 @@
   path_list ProgramPaths;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> Clang;
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> DeviceLibraryLink;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> Assemble;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> Link;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> OffloadBundler;
   Tool *getClang() const;
+  Tool *getDeviceLibraryLink() const;
   Tool *getAssemble() const;
   Tool *getLink() const;
   Tool *getClangAs() const;
@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@
   void setTripleEnvironment(llvm::Triple::EnvironmentType Env);
   virtual Tool *buildAssembler() const;
+  virtual Tool *buildDeviceLibraryLinker() const;
   virtual Tool *buildLinker() const;
   virtual Tool *getTool(Action::ActionClass AC) const;
Index: include/clang/Driver/Options.td
--- include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+++ include/clang/Driver/Options.td
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
 def no_cuda_include_ptx_EQ : Joined<["--"], "no-cuda-include-ptx=">, Flags<[DriverOption]>,
   HelpText<"Do not include PTX for the follwing GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.">;
 def cuda_gpu_arch_EQ : Joined<["--"], "cuda-gpu-arch=">, Flags<[DriverOption]>,
-  HelpText<"CUDA GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35).  May be specified more than once.">;
+  HelpText<"CUDA/HIP GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35).  May be specified more than once.">;
 def no_cuda_gpu_arch_EQ : Joined<["--"], "no-cuda-gpu-arch=">, Flags<[DriverOption]>,
   HelpText<"Remove GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) from the list of GPUs to compile for. "
            "'all' resets the list to its default value.">;
@@ -576,6 +576,8 @@
 def fcuda_rdc : Flag<["-"], "fcuda-rdc">, Flags<[CC1Option, HelpHidden]>,
   HelpText<"Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode.">;
 def fno_cuda_rdc : Flag<["-"], "fno-cuda-rdc">;
+def hip_device_lib_path_EQ : Joined<["--"], "hip-device-lib-path=">, Group<i_Group>,
+  HelpText<"HIP device library path">;
 def dA : Flag<["-"], "dA">, Group<d_Group>;
 def dD : Flag<["-"], "dD">, Group<d_Group>, Flags<[CC1Option]>,
   HelpText<"Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output">;
Index: include/clang/Driver/Action.h
--- include/clang/Driver/Action.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/Action.h
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
     // The device offloading tool chains - one bit for each programming model.
     OFK_Cuda = 0x02,
     OFK_OpenMP = 0x04,
+    OFK_HIP = 0x08,
   static const char *getClassName(ActionClass AC);
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   "but installation at %3 is %4.  Use --cuda-path to specify a different CUDA "
   "install, pass a different GPU arch with --cuda-gpu-arch, or pass "
-def err_drv_cuda_nvptx_host : Error<"unsupported use of NVPTX for host compilation.">;
+def err_drv_cuda_host_arch : Error<"unsupported architecture '%0' for host compilation.">;
 def err_drv_invalid_thread_model_for_target : Error<
   "invalid thread model '%0' in '%1' for this target">;
 def err_drv_invalid_linker_name : Error<
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