pfultz2 added a comment.

> In this sense bug reports against abandoned alpha checkers (which are, 
> unfortunately, the majority) aren't very useful. In most cases it's just too 
> easy to see how broken they are.

Although the majority are like that, not all of them are. Some like the 
Conversion checker doesn't seem to have any issues(because its fairly limited 
at this point). Others like StreamChecker probably just needs some simple 
fixes. Maybe we can move the alpha checks that have lots of issues and no 
contributions for awhile to another category such as abandoned.

> But if you are interested in a particular checker and want to work on it to 
> make sure it's stable, we'd be glad to help, so please contact us on the 
> mailing list.

I am definitely interested in working on getting some of the checkers stable, 
and have already started some work on expanding the ConversionChecker, but 
would like user feedback as I move forward.

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