Cees Hek wrote:
 > I did a talk on AJAX and perl at YAPC Chicago [1] this year.  The
slides for most of the talks are online [2], and I added links to my
slides [3] and source code [4].

Hi Cees, thanks I have downloaded the source code and am working my way through the files. I cannot see any so far that use CGI::Application, CGI::Ajax and TT, which is what I need to finally succeed. But I think I'm pretty close now to getting this combination to work using the following run-mode:

sub display_form {
  my $self   = shift;
  my $msg = shift; # collects results of validate_nhsno()
  use CGI::Ajax;

  my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax(
    validate_nhsno => \&validate_nhsno # NHSNo validation function

  $pjx->JSDEBUG(1); # dumps AJAX server-calls to web-page

  my $ajax_js = $pjx->show_javascript();

  $self->tt_params(ajax_js=>$ajax_js, msg=>$msg);

  my $output = $self->tt_process('nhs_no.tt2');

  return $output;

That produces debug output (into the div with id='pjxdebugrequest') proving that the AJAX part is actually making calls to the server, but there is obviously still a problem as I don't get the expected error message in response to an incorrect entry, but do get a double-backslash appearing on-screen instead: //

It should be possible to click the link produced by JSDEBUG (eg ajax.cgi?fname=validate_nhsno&args=4068655324&nhs_no=4068655324) and see what the server is doing with the AJAX request, and indeed on the non-CGI::Application script the expected string 'invalid NHSNo' is returned. But on the CGA::App equivalent, the whole web-page is returned instead.

There is obviously still something missing here, but I cannot see what. The validation routine does work correctly through the submit button, so I'm pretty sure the non-AJAX code is correct.
Richard Jones
Leeds, UK

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