Andrew Dabrowski is right. If J continues to steer it's current course, it will 
be quickly forgotten. Roger Hui himself seems to have abandonned J (correct me 
if I am mistaken), in favor of Dyalog APL. I can vouch from first hand 
experience how incredibly difficult it is to interest my friends in J and in 
fact have yet to get a single other person from Epitech to learn J, even though I believe they are 
convinced of it's power.

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Since I seem to be by far the youngest person with a serious interest in J, I 
will try to explain my understanding of the current situation, in the hope that 
it may be useful to jsoftware. I also must say that between the time that I 
heard of J and commited to learning it, I was extremely unsure about whether 
the language would have a future and whether it would be suitable to do 
everything. Ultimately, Henry Rich's success story is the reason I am here, 
without it I would probably still be wondering to myself from time to time 
about J, but without the conviction that it is suitable, or worth learning. 
Project Euler also played a big part, and seems to be the main place where 
people first hear about J nowadays. And even with those conditions being met, 
If I learned J, it is only because I am both extremely determined, and was able 
to complete school projects with plenty of spare time. I have shown J to many 
people at Epitech, but I remain the only person who uses it, most of those 
people never made it past the first few steps. The learning curve has to be 
reduced, and it must be done so in the style of this decade. As an aside, on 
proofreading this, some of my statements are harsh, so please keep in mind they 
are not criticisms, more like a plea for help on J's behalf. Also please do not 
think me arrogant because of my convictions. I am well aware that I am not 
affiliated with nor in charge of jsoftware.

My initial statement at the beginning of the long thread in the source forum 
about generators expressed my surprise at J's lack of optimization for such a 
simple case as '>:i.1000x'. I have mentionned multiple times that extended 
precision calculations are simply far too slow, and this has even threatened my 
desire to continue with J by throwing some serious doubts on it's ability to 
satisfy my needs. But the greatest threat to J's existence is it's complete 
failure to keep up with modern trends:

0 The name 'J' is now exposed as being idiotic - it is very difficult to make 
google understand what one means by 'J'. In fact I am forced to preface every 
google search with 'site:jsoftware', which is no doubt sufficiently annoying to 
put off many people. The language must be renamed.

1 The website looks decades old, and it is difficult to find things. Some 
people I have shown J to abandonned the attempt after a bare minute of visiting 

2 Stack Overflow, and more generally Q&A resources are extremely popular 
nowadays, most people are simply too lazy to read documentation and will always 
try to formulate their question to google first. Should this prove 
unsuccessful, they are often much less motivated to continue. J has almost no 
presence on SO.

3 The Foreign's in J and the interface to this are frankly an abherration: 
nobody wants to have to learn or look up all the time how to activate this and 
that foreign, and there is no reason why they shouldn't all have much more 
logical names. In the same vein: the o. family must be given logical names like 
'cos' 'sin' etc.. The concern of polluting the namespace is a miniscule one. I 
also would urge everyone to stop using phrases like '2 o. y', and '6!:2' etc.. 
but for that to happen, these need standard default names, even multiple 
aliases. Noone cares nowadays about the miniscule performance loss associated 
with having multiple equivalent names, the possibility of guessingand have it 
work anyway is far more important.

4 The SC based system has has got to go.. A modern program should certainly not 
depend on strict formulation rules in order to run optimally

5 Information needs to be presented differently, and in a way more in keeping 
with modern trends for webdesign. NuVoc is magnificent, and I very much 
appreciate the significant effort that has gone into explaining J, but the 
website's overall presentation is not good.

6 People nowadays are too lazy to download the qtide and try the labs, (not my 
learning style but for sure they are valuable)

7 Why isn't there an online Jconsole that can be used interactively, on 
jsoftware's frontpage ?? The closest thing I could find is the 3rd party

This comes back to the concept that If Newcomers are not sufficiently hooked in 
within 5 seconds, you lose them forever.

8 There must be bulitin help in the jconsole. Even if it bloats the binary, 
builtin help is obligatory for J. (something like help '/' should print some 
example uses of insert and a brief summary)

9 Error messages are incomprehensible to newcomers (why does 'Rank error' not 
also print the offending verb, it's rank, and the offending nouns + their ranks 
?) - experienced users are happy to use the debug interface, but this shouldn't 
be necessary.

10 The Jsources are written in a magnificent style, but need many more 
explanations (I understand the jdevs are aware of this).

11 Developping J-otherlang communication is a good idea, but given the current 
situation it feels like an admission of defeat.

Maybe there is no solution for J. Perhaps the timing is wrong, and it must lie 
dormant, biding it's time before one day in the future rising up again, in a 
new form. All we can do now is believe J is worth fighting for.

I close this by saying I have the utmost respect for all Jers, but things must 
change, and radically if J is to live.


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