On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 12:40 PM, james faure <james.fa...@epitech.eu> wrote:
>I still am not comfortable recommending J to anyone at this time, there is too 
>much uncertainty about it's future. As a learning experience, J is extremely 
>instructive, but betting on it is far too risky.

J itself is available under the GPL, so I don't think you're
expressing a concern about the availability of the language.

Instead, this feels like the sort of thing people say because saying
this sort of thing is the thing to do (regardless of subject).

On a perhaps related note, there aren't a lot of people who actually
read Issac Newton's books (for example).

Or (for another example) a lot of what people call science is really
not based on reproducible experiments. But we're at least starting to
see some push-back on that issue:

That said, there are problems that need solving.

But usefulness and popularity are often orthgonal.


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