On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Travis Bemann wrote:

> You can portray protesters as both violent people randomly destroying
> stuff and passive sign-wavers and still bias things in favor of the
> capitalists.  I bet they biased things by saying stuff like "the
> protesters *believe* that free trade is bad".  That is a often used
> tactic which subtly but signficantly downplays opposition to things
> like the FTAA.

Yes, they said things like "the protesters are anti-free-trade." How is
such a statement biased?

> Marxists in general oppose the abolition of government control before
> free trade (and capitalism in general) is abolished.  Anarchists just
> view authority and exploitation and intrinsically linked and that you
> can't just fight authority and that you can't just fight
> exploitation.  They must be both fought and defeated together, not
> separately.  Anarchists oppose corporate globalization because
> corporate globalization is the path towards total unrestricted global
> capitalism; total domination and total exploitation.  The elimination
> of trade barriers is freedom for only the corporations; it strengthens
> corporations' domination and corporations' exploitation.

And allowing government to regulate capitalism increases government
domination and exploitation. If you first destroy government, capitalists
will grow too strong. If you first destroy capitalism, governments will
grow too strong. Looks like you're fucked!

> It is likely that the initial reports of genocide were false.  If I am
> correct, Serbs did attack Kosovars in various places in Kosovo after
> the beginning of the NATO intervention.

The genocide either happened or it didn't happen. Which one?

> What happened is a transition from a supposedly socialist autocrat to
> a capitalist elected president.  Not much has really changed except
> that now the US and NATO supports the Serbs instead of opposing the
> Serbs.

Will the quality of life in Serbia improve?

> > In what ways do the Democrats fight off the capitalists? Have they been
> > effective? (I still see Walmart and McDonalds thriving under the
> > democratic regime!)
> The Democrats are capitalists (didn't I say that they are liberal
> capitalists)!

But, under a Libertarian government, you must think that the capitalists
would gain more power than the government would lose. What evidence to you
have in favor of this view?

"...you have mistaken your cowardice for common sense
 and have found comfort in that, deceiving yourselves."
Mark Roberts | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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